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..... uh, I was there. So it's a first hand opinion not what was written after wards. It may or may not agree with history but in the end history will outlive me. 


Here's an even older quote about history..... 'History is a set of lies agreed upon'



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On 2/15/2022 at 4:32 PM, angliagt said:


             Many times,the people from out of the area will run for public office,

so that they can get areas rezoned,so they can do more building,& make even

more money.

Hasn't happened severely in Boise--yet. Mainly,  because of the insane growth and the insane money, still to be squeezed from Idaho. Developers both internal and out of State are making much on selling out Idaho and finance republican pro-growth local campaigns with national campaign money. 

Before this last Idaho invasion, a (relatively) heavily financed democrat weaseled into the small (no longer small) Idaho town, where I spent my youth, and became mayor. The high school, I attended had an indoor shooting range in the basement (for .22's) that the school provided. Idaho, up until the last couple decades, avoided much of the bullshit of the Nation. I spent many evenings at that shooting range, in the 1980's.

Part of a Californian mayor's agenda was to make schools "safer" and remove/destroy the indoor range and the rifles (I would have loved to purchase one of the dozen, or so, Model 52, bull barrel Winchesters.) Those rifles and that range existed in the basement of that high school, for over 50 years. The coaches were volunteers, the ammo and upkeep was paid by donations and the NRA. Instruction and attendance was also voluntary. In the history of the range, no taxpayer money necessary, no accidental shootings, no "Columbine" moments.

The only benefit from range removal, it woke up my sleepy hometown to the manipulative, backwards and bullshit agenda of  democrats and the importance of local elections

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On 2/16/2022 at 6:32 AM, Skib said:




They can have it. hope is drops into the ocean.


Heres an infographic explanation of CA.





I like the looks of that map, most of the cancer aligns with one of the fault line. An earthquake might save America!

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Little good that did. Kennedy lasted less than 3 years and was assassinated for trying to scale back Viet Nam. With Johnson as president it was back to business as usual.


Considerations of Adding Boat/RV Storage to Your Self-Storage Facility |  Inside Self-Storage



$754 billion in Military Industrial Complex Defense Spending in 2020. That accounts for more than half of the US discretionary spending budget that year. 10X less was spent on transportation/infrastructure. 35% of that budget went to aviation; a privately held corporate industry.


The International Monetary Fund calculated total fossil-fuel subsidies in 2020 at $5.9 trillion, or almost 7% of global gross domestic product (GDP) On paper it appears like the US governments spent $20.5 billion on direct subsidies and that goes into the pocked of the oil and gas industry. At the pump, we pay taxes that offset the indirect cost of oil, but there are few concrete numbers that quantify the the amount of tax break subsidies the oil industry gets. There are estimates as high as nearly a $trillion in hidden taxable  income.


And what are we going to war over???????

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Heavy lies the crown.....



Hey if you're the top dog super power you have to invest in the military complex to keep your trade routes open. You just HAVE to stay current this week and plan ahead for next on the world stage. Conflict keeps your military trained in tactics and innovation. Conflict develops cutting edge technology. If you're going to carry a stick, make it a big one. 


Time to whip those bloody rooskies back into line. That bloated Kim isn't long for this world and no successor is sight. Time to prepare to unite north and south and fuck you China.    

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On 2/16/2022 at 11:39 AM, Cardinal Grammeter said:

I have to laugh.  Baldwin pointed the gun at someone and proceeded to shoot - was that the story or was it the gun accidently went off?


I've seen behind the scenes footage of how the treat guns on sets - they treat them like props, NOT GUNS!


The #1 FIRST THING any child is taught:  NEVER POINT A GUN AT SOMEONE!   I guess the Liberal Upbringing would never risk that lesson for fear their child may turn into a mass murdering gun fiend...


Baldwin should do jail time merely for being so stupid.


Funny Gifs : fail GIF - VSGIF.com

Edited by Jesse C.
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34 minutes ago, thisismatt said:





Must be Trump's fault somehow, but I just don't have the mental capacity to figure it out

Somehow,some way these POS liberal prosecutors need to be held accountable.Their policies have already caused enough damage to where you would think they would figure it out and change them.But no,they double down on stupid.

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10 hours ago, thisismatt said:





Must be Trump's fault somehow, but I just don't have the mental capacity to figure it out

Why don't mother fuckers like this get cancer and die in prison?

Edited by ratpatrol66
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"the fucking policy of letting out violent offenders"


We had a guy here (well, Albuquerque) last week rode his bicycle up Central (route 66 ) for about 5 miles and stabbed 11 (=/-) people. He has been arrested 33 times for various different reasons. The tool they use to determine if someone should be held in jail pointed to letting him out because it was decided that he was not violent.


He stabbed like 11 fucking people, you need a tool to figure out if he is violent?

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Not defending these psychopaths but neither law enforcement, nor the judicial system have crystal balls for seeing the past or telling the future. Pointing fingers and assigning blame after the fact is inevitable, and all too often it ignores the obvious. Political animus aside, our constitution protects a person's freedoms whether they're mentally ill, been arrested multiple times, or arraigned on charges of illegal possession and transfer of firearms. We should feel outrage when something like this happens, but don't lose sight that psycho shit happens no matter what side has the ball. Conjuring rules in an attempt to protect the public from deviant human behavior, it's easy to overlook the cost of enforcing these rules; not to mention the effect it could have on our own freedoms.


All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with anothers, and regardless of how much you blame them, it will not change you for the better. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for... reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration.


Casey Stengel

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54 minutes ago, paradime said:

Not defending these psychopaths but neither law enforcement, nor the judicial system have crystal balls for seeing the past or telling the future. Pointing fingers and assigning blame after the fact is inevitable, and all too often it ignores the obvious. Political animus aside, our constitution protects a person's freedoms whether they're mentally ill, been arrested multiple times, or arraigned on charges of illegal possession and transfer of firearms. We should feel outrage when something like this happens, but don't lose sight that psycho shit happens no matter what side has the ball. Conjuring rules in an attempt to protect the public from deviant human behavior, it's easy to overlook the cost of enforcing these rules; not to mention the effect it could have on our own freedoms.


All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with anothers, and regardless of how much you blame them, it will not change you for the better. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for... reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration.


Casey Stengel



 Sure sounds like you are defending 'these psychopaths' by blaming everyone else for blaming those responsible for dropping the ball. Blame gets things done. If you fuck up you deserve BLAME. There should be consequences for poor behavior, fuck ups, dereliction of duty, disobedience, law breaking or anything done wrong. This is directly caused by liberal parents bringing up kids in the last couple of generations that can do no wrong, never blamed for anything, never punished and never held accountable. 


Stengle... you are right on only one thing... blame doesn't help you, yourself but it's a damn good motivator in others to not repeat their fuck ups.

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

Not defending these psychopaths but neither law enforcement, nor the judicial system have crystal balls for seeing the past or telling the future. Pointing fingers and assigning blame after the fact is inevitable, and all too often it ignores the obvious. Political animus aside, our constitution protects a person's freedoms whether they're mentally ill, been arrested multiple times, or arraigned on charges of illegal possession and transfer of firearms. We should feel outrage when something like this happens, but don't lose sight that psycho shit happens no matter what side has the ball. Conjuring rules in an attempt to protect the public from deviant human behavior, it's easy to overlook the cost of enforcing these rules; not to mention the effect it could have on our own freedoms.


All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with anothers, and regardless of how much you blame them, it will not change you for the better. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for... reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration.


Casey Stengel

Well here's a simple solution.Keep the fucking criminals in jail until they've served a complete sentence for their crime ! How many times do we have to hear about a criminal getting released early by liberal prosecutors/politicians/no bail  and then committing an act of violence against an innocent person before somebody gets their head out of their ass ? Seriously what's so hard about it ? And it does sound like you're defending these assholes.This might be difficult to understand but a locked up criminal can't harm the public while he's locked up.The cost of keeping a criminal in jail is far less than the cost of a human life.

Edited by john510
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Well I think it depends a lot on where you live also..Youll notice quite often these crimes happen in more liberal states, or at least its news in more liberal states. Perhaps its because its an indirect admission the system isnt working as expected. Alternatively I now live in a state where someone comes at you with a weapon you clip them and thats that, no threat, no court, no supporting a felons existence on tax dollars for a duration while they study to do it better next time. Prison is simply a government subsidized criminal college a HUGE percentage of the time. Bring back public floggings..put that shit on pay per view, and use the money to pay off debt without perpetual increases to taxation. Far too logical, it would never get done. 

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On 2/17/2022 at 5:23 PM, jbirds510 said:

You all feel it..something isnt right..Lots of somethings really. Well here ya go. Fella lays it all out. Its coming. Europe is already lost, Canada likely. Take the time to watch if you really want to know..but DONT if you dont. 

this isn’t conspiracy shit. If you watch youll see.



And more...




Everyone here should read the essays Hillsdale puts out.  Free subscription.  I have been reading it since the 90's.



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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Sure sounds like you are defending 'these psychopaths' by blaming everyone else for blaming those responsible for dropping the ball.


18 hours ago, john510 said:

And it does sound like you're defending these assholes.

How many times do we have to hear about a criminal getting released early by liberal prosecutors/politicians/no bail  and then committing an act of violence against an innocent person before somebody gets their head out of their ass ?This might be difficult to understand but a locked up criminal can't harm the public while he's locked up. The cost of keeping a criminal in jail is far less than the cost of a human life.


So by reading an article, cherry picking similar stories, and distorting facts to support your perception, it appears that's all you need to pass judgement and convict the alleged killer. You project feeling blamed when I point out the futility in holding "POS liberal prosecutors/politicians" responsible for causing Christina Spicuzza's death. And you guys believe my point about the constitution is defending criminals, and not you and yours? Granted, when you guys are venting my propensity for offering an objective perspective has been... let's just say, wildly unpopular. It's not difficult to understand that any law taking freedom from "others" also takes freedom from you and yours.


Here are some things I'm considering; 


Although Crew lost his 2nd amendment rights "due to serious offenses he committed as a juvenile", he was on bail for illegal possession and transfer of firearms back in Sept 2020, not for using them to commit a violent crime as an adult.


We know Crew held Christine at gunpoint (with an unspecified caliber handgun) and demanded to be taken to his destination. When Calvin through the dashcam out in the first 1/10 mile, we have no idea what actually happened; whether Crew acted alone, or if Mullen took Chritina to the wooded area and shot her in the back of the head with a shotgun.


Anecdotal evidence aside, there is zero data to support the theory that prisoners serving their full sentence keeps the public safer. Quite the contrary, data research study has documented that longer sentencing/incarceration actually promotes criminality. 


Without knowing this sward wielding cyclist's mental history, or if there were any charges/convictions of a violent nature, siting 22 or 33 arrests is an arbitrary figure at best.


From my perspective, FUCK short sighted narrow minded politicians for putting the public in harm by underfunding the mental health system. Homeless population, county drug rehab programs, and the criminal system are filled with mentally ill people. 

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