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iceman510 last won the day on March 2 2023

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    69 510, 73 510, 70 B-sedan vintage 510, 77 620 K/C, 88 Hardbody, 91 Galant VR4

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  1. It is on time...for their latest estimate. Stuff usually gets to its destination, but priority taking 2-3 days now is rare. And I think you are right, in the fine print I'm sure it is not guaranteed.
  2. Nice. I bought some horn buttons from Rev Limiter and I thought their kit was really nice.
  3. Sorry Jeff and Carter. This is your race car thread, so if you don't want this all here perhaps it can be moved. Summary: i have a 4:11 Quaife R180 rear end in my 510 vintage race car. I am looking to also make a 4:38 for the same car, as Jeff noted above, to have both as needed for different tracks. I also have another 4.38 nIssan diff that I started putting a Subaru STi R180 CLSD in. That was going to be for my other street 510 with a 2.2 and 1983 MY 280ZX trans. Before I started all this I also acquired an STi R180 CLSD with 3.90 ratio from a 2005. Not sure of any use for that one yet, it is an alternative for the above car if the 4.38 doesn't fit the needs of the street car. There are Subaru R160 diffs available in 3.9 also, but most of them (at least the newer versions) are VLSD. I Know that guys use the 3.36 or 3.54 with V6 engine swaps, so maybe yours with a 6 speed ( depending on ratios) would be ok with a 3.54. The later subaru STi diffs from 2007 are Torsen. Most are 3.54 but i guess there are random years in there that also use a 3.9 again.
  4. I may be putting a Quaife in one of my recently acquired diffs, and it requires grinding as well. Quaife even supplies a drawing.
  5. This is great Jeff. Earlier this month I scored two of these 4.38 diffs from a local yard here in suburban Detroit. Actually I need to verify that's what ratio they are personally, but that is what they should be by the years. I also have a truck R180 from about 4 years ago I tried to put a Subaru STi CLSD into with the 4.38 gears. Had to modify (grind the case thickness) at the rear opening to get it in. I have to go back to this project as I halted because I was having trouble getting backlash and wipe pattern where I wanted it. I need to try again and maybe get more shims. I will be keenly watching this so please share your progress. Reminder; We've also discussed on the Realm: https://the510realm.com/viewtopic.php?t=31734 https://www.the510realm.com/viewtopic.php?t=38157 But I have been negligent in posting any updates.
  6. And you know this because...oh wait,, in your mind your "opinion" is fact. Forgot that. Your typical unsubstantiated statement makes perfect sense now.
  7. Factory or accessory 620 part. Wonder where these have been all these years?
  8. The classifieds need posting date info and a genuine expiration date. If there are no comments on one, there is no way to tell how old it is.
  9. iceman510

    V91 head

    That's a V912 head based on the font of the word "NISSAN". The style matches that on the two 912 heads I have. Older heads have different lettering. Why it's missing the "2" is a mystery.
  10. SCTV, one of the best comedy shows ever. Great ensemble. Just watched a couple Fishin' Musician shorts on youtube recently. Used to do my college homework during SNL to stay up and watch this afterwards (post-midnight when it was aired where I lived).
  11. Hey, I feel the same way about some of your posts Mike! 😁 Gotta say, Trump proves it's child's play to troll the easily triggered.
  12. Not being a dick at all, so thanks for the name calling. You said it was "not unique". I think if 3500 have been killed over almost 80 years, and now an incident with one-third that many occurs, that is significant. You didn't use exactly that word, but you did downplay it. I stand by my assessment. Happy New Year.
  13. So the largest number of Jews killed (1200+) in an event since the Holocaust is not significant to you? Sometimes your reasoning is just so mindless it baffles me.
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