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john510 last won the day on February 8

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About john510

  • Birthday 03/16/1964

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    san diego,ca
  • Cars
    71,510 2000 toyota truck
  • Interests
    fishing,working on my 510 whether it needs it or not
  • Occupation
    finish carpenter

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  1. I was wondering what that firing was about. It makes sense now.
  2. What was your point ? I wasn't trying to sidestep anything. What am I missing ?
  3. I don't care if rich people and corporations get a tax break. It trickles down to us peasants at some point. When Trump lowered corporate tax rates Home Depot gave millions to its employees as bonuses. My wife got 1600 bucks. "Last year saw a 2.3 trillion increase" ? If it was last year we can't blame it on DOGE or Trump. Why are you complaining about DOGE and the exposure of Government waste ? Who does that ? If Biden were exposing waste would you be ok with it ? Or is this just a "I hate Trump" thing. I'd be all in supporting a Democrat exposing wasteful spending and putting a stop to it. Its waste and unnecessary, why any taxpayer has a problem with that is mind boggling. You know they're pissing away money to useless causes and studies. Its been three weeks. Just think about how bad you're going to be screwed in three months. LOL.
  4. I wouldn't believe much from 4chan. It's the internet. I say that not ever even seeing it or visiting the site. There isn't much about Bernie's net worth most likely because left wing media and left wing Wikipedia don't want it advertised. I Googled it and found hardly anything about his worth. I looked at roughly 15 sources and they were all over the place. One claimed his net worth was less than 500,000 grand. Owning three homes i find that impossible to believe. The 3 to 5 million from a few sources was probably more accurate. Bernie is nowhere close to the average American. He's just blowing smoke up our asses because that's his job. And I don't want him making decisions for me regarding healthcare. Obama screwed things up bad enough. We don't need it to get any worse. I don't even want Trump touching it unless he just takes the government out of it completely.
  5. He didn't send anybody anywhere. What he said was recorded. It's on record and if you pay attention to the UNEDITED part you might understand but I doubt it. Nowhere in that message does he ask anybody to riot and destroy property. If he did say that post a link or the actual recording. Unedited of course. You can't because it doesn't exist. Trespassing ??? They were invited in by Capitol police ! That's on video also. Try to keep up with what happened that day. You don't sound you're whining at all. LOL.
  6. Please explain the information thing you speak of. You weren't seeing it delivered or excluded for the last 8 years or so ?
  7. Are you admitting that Trump is the lesser douchebag than the other two ? Sounds like you're opening up to him a little bit. LOL. You forgot about Hillary Clinton.
  8. Anymore it's all I got. So tired of the same old Trump hater BS. The people elected him. A majority of them. Enjoy the fact he'll stop the damage.
  9. Never trust anything a Yahoo article says. One of the worst biased news sources we have.
  10. She left the Democratic party in 2022. She had enough of their whacked agenda. Can you blame her ? She was independent until 2024 and went Republican. What is it she did to lose your trust (as if she needs it) ? She's actually a very centered up politician with no abnormal agenda.
  11. It's for federal workers only. Leave it the way it is so they can see and feel what the average person would deal with when needing government assistance.
  12. The link doesn't get anywhere but "this page cannot be found" after I disable Adblocker. I think Trump needs to ignore these radical Judges and just proceed with exposing the waste. What are they going to do impeach him ? LMAO. Maybe prosecute him for illegal business practices or rape ? The Democrats are digging the hole even deeper by fighting this DOGE thing. I'm thinking they'll lose even more fans as the wasteful spending gets made public. Of course there will be some holdouts that will never like it until the Democrats starts doing it. But that will never happen.
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