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to many uncounted votes and most are in welfare free lunch liberal cities so Biden still can win and its only right to count all the votes in all the states.


However CNN MSNBC say Trump is not a Fluke ,the country is divided,  The Pollster were wrong, Trump was out spent by a facter of 3 and dealt with the Cornona Virus . All media and Rhino Republicans against him and he is this close????and now we are still counting votes. We will never have this again where a Pres kept the promises he made. I think the Cornona virus was his doom and if Biden wins he better hope Trumps vaccines work soon!!!!


Also since a close race This means the AOC plus 3 and Bernie Sanders and the Left are on the outs with Biden, if  wants to keep the country somewhat together, Iyts not a BLue wave or mandate.

John James the black guy Might win in Michigan as a republican  would be good.

Dade County in Florida was 300K for Clinton and now its 300k for Trump.  Flip the Hispanic vote.


Nancy Pelosi has no power as of right now so Communism will not take over. and we might still keep the tax cuts ect if Republican hold the senate.


But Part of me wants Biden to win so Calif and Newyork have what they want a 67 % tax rate and people leave the city and  Gov Coumo starts crying.

Meaning you have to work till June before you take money home!!!!!!!!

Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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Looks like the "Nightmare" scenario is here. 


WI and MI were required to call tally totals last night. They are getting dragged into court since 150,000 votes appeared out of thin air for both states. 


This will be a court decided President this year.

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39 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Looks like the "Nightmare" scenario is here. 


WI and MI were required to call tally totals last night. They are getting dragged into court since 150,000 votes appeared out of thin air for both states. 


This will be a court decided President this year.

And amazingly all for Biden. Democrats are fuckin scum.

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I'm trying to warm up to the idea Biden will be President,i'm freezing my ass off.If he wins i guess the media and the left pulled off the biggest scam in our history.This voting mess really makes me doubt the system that seemed to work so well until it was fucked with purposely for the benefit of one side.This can't possibly work out well for hard working Americans.Get ready for that tax cut to be a tax hike.Corporate taxes will go back up and the market will stagnate along with growth.Just my opinion.I just rolled over one of my IRA's into a fixed interest account.At 3% it's a safe bet it will grow without risk.Look at the bright side,Covid will be gone sooner rather than later without a vaccine.And get ready for our first female President within a year or so.I have no problem with a female president except for one named Kamala Harris.I'd rather have Hillary Clinton.

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14 minutes ago, john510 said:

I'm trying to warm up to the idea Biden will be President,i'm freezing my ass off.If he wins i guess the media and the left pulled off the biggest scam in our history.This voting mess really makes me doubt the system that seemed to work so well until it was fucked with purposely for the benefit of one side.This can't possibly work out well for hard working Americans.Get ready for that tax cut to be a tax hike.Corporate taxes will go back up and the market will stagnate along with growth.Just my opinion.I just rolled over one of my IRA's into a fixed interest account.At 3% it's a safe bet it will grow without risk.Look at the bright side,Covid will be gone sooner rather than later without a vaccine.And get ready for our first female President within a year or so.I have no problem with a female president except for one named Kamala Harris.I'd rather have Hillary Clinton.

Well I agree with almost everything you said. Not interested in Cumala or a Killary. What gets me is all the support for trump and this old asshat might win. If the GOP holds the senate they can make the dummycrats life hard. Arizona with there so called marsh pen markings of the ballot Nevada now will wait till Thursday to release the winner and Michigan at some point last night got 126,000 ballots in and for some reason all Biden. Hope all these fuckers burn in hell. These coastal states are all fucked and Hawaii were I come from. Oh well electric Datsuns anyone. 

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

I'm trying to warm up to the idea Biden will be President,i'm freezing my ass off.If he wins i guess the media and the left pulled off the biggest scam in our history.This voting mess really makes me doubt the system that seemed to work so well until it was fucked with purposely for the benefit of one side.This can't possibly work out well for hard working Americans.Get ready for that tax cut to be a tax hike.Corporate taxes will go back up and the market will stagnate along with growth.Just my opinion.I just rolled over one of my IRA's into a fixed interest account.At 3% it's a safe bet it will grow without risk.Look at the bright side,Covid will be gone sooner rather than later without a vaccine.And get ready for our first female President within a year or so.I have no problem with a female president except for one named Kamala Harris.I'd rather have Hillary Clinton.


1 hour ago, mrbigtanker said:

Well I agree with almost everything you said. Not interested in Cumala or a Killary. What gets me is all the support for trump and this old asshat might win. If the GOP holds the senate they can make the dummycrats life hard. Arizona with there so called marsh pen markings of the ballot Nevada now will wait till Thursday to release the winner and Michigan at some point last night got 126,000 ballots in and for some reason all Biden. Hope all these fuckers burn in hell. These coastal states are all fucked and Hawaii were I come from. Oh well electric Datsuns anyone. 


I concur with you both. If Biden wins, and Republicans control the Senate and/or House, then most of his bullshit, can be stopped. My biggest concern are Biden Executive orders. I haven't researched the in's and out's of Executive orders. I know, via Biden's website, that one of  his goals is to declare amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens. Seeing how the presidency hinges on about 8000 votes, even if the number of illegal aliens has been exaggerated and there are only 1 million illegal aliens and only 10 percent embrace the Democrats, that is 100,000 Democrat votes, which, in the current political climate,  would be a landslide win for a second Biden(likely Harris) term.

On a positive note, it is refreshing that there is so much red on the voting map. The constant hammering in, movies, talk shows, news outlets, my new rich neighbors, that Trump is a joke and I'm just another cranky old man who supports out dated ideas (like the Constitution) has been getting me down. All that red on the United States voting map, is evidence that the  excessively biased, dishonest media and their polls, are worthless. Another comfort, if Biden attempts too much bullshit, an uprising would have a high probability of success. Although, I don't lose sleep over a potential civil war, because I'm on the side with the guns and the land, and the water.

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8 minutes ago, frankendat said:



I concur with you both. If Biden wins, and Republicans control the Senate and/or House, then most of his bullshit, can be stopped. My biggest concern are Biden Executive orders. I haven't researched the in's and out's of Executive orders. I know, via Biden's website, that one of  his goals is to declare amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens. Seeing how the presidency hinges on about 8000 votes, even if the number of illegal aliens has been exaggerated and there are only 1 million illegal aliens and only 10 percent embrace the Democrats, that is 100,000 Democrat votes, which, in the current political climate,  would be a landslide win for a second Biden(likely Harris) term.

On a positive note, it is refreshing that there is so much red on the voting map. The constant hammering in, movies, talk shows, news outlets, my new rich neighbors, that Trump is a joke and I'm just another cranky old man who supports out dated ideas (like the Constitution) has been getting me down. All that red on the United States voting map, is evidence that the  excessively biased, dishonest media and their polls, are worthless. Another comfort, if Biden attempts too much bullshit, an uprising would have a high probability of success. Although, I don't lose sleep over a potential civil war, because I'm on the side with the guns and the land, and the water.

Well said it’s to bad the ghetto ass cities of the major democrat controlled states are devilcrats. Look at Oregon almost all gop except shitland I mean Portland. Oh well at least if Biden wins Bruce Springsteen won’t have to leave the country. Hate loose a asshat like him. Lol

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