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Covid-19 Prepared?

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On 12/31/2020 at 4:09 AM, KELMO said:

I get to have a phone call today with the state Gub'mint's health office because of contact tracing. (one of my employees tested positive). I had to send the positive guy home last week. Had to send another home this week cuz he works next to the first one I sent home. So now it is down to me and a kid I hired about 3 weeks ago. Joy of all joys.


Very likely I will have 2 weeks of time off without the benefit of a paycheck. The only saving grace is that the Missus is a CNP/RN working hospice care and is tested every week and has been for the past 2 month.

well because you work close to them you should have to be tested and get paid time off too till you make sure your not sick too 



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Paid time off....ppppffftttt, you're funny.


Actually had that phone call yesterday and the gal I talked to seemed to have an IQ somewhere in the 20's. Told me after some questions that they were asking me to self quarantine.

OK, how long? I asked. She tells me until the 6th. Of January? Yes, January. Okie dokie, have a nice day.

My first guy comes back on the 7th. I think we're good.

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26 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:


I was holding back on this post just to see if you would get to it.


The big lies just never end for the Democrats and the left retards who follow them like ducklings. 


Lol, I was in meetings most of the morning. I've been arguing that I thought it might have been a lab leak for a while. I don't have proof but the preponderance of the evidence and the "coincidences" just screamed bullshit to me. Can I prove it? No, but it is what I would call a strong hunch. 

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31 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:


Lol, I was in meetings most of the morning. I've been arguing that I thought it might have been a lab leak for a while. I don't have proof but the preponderance of the evidence and the "coincidences" just screamed bullshit to me. Can I prove it? No, but it is what I would call a strong hunch. 


Tucker brought the woman on his show who had the evidence, but the left retard media ran her into the ground. 

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1/ Breaks out in Wu Han

2/ Wu Han has an experimental virology lab

3/ No way says CCP we are careful.


On 1/ and 2/..... Occam's razor would state that a simple explanation is more likely true than an elaborate one.  


On 3/..... the CCP controls the news media and is second only to the biased news of the States in denying everything.




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2 minutes ago, john510 said:

If China did create this and let it out accidently or purposely that lab should be nuked.Think of the possibilities of what they could do to the rest of the world.


Fauci helped them do this research. 

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4 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:


Not looking good in GA.


Once all three branches go blue. The country turns red.

more corruption from the dnc terrorists/george soros/big tech/ republican traitors/ corrupt assholes in charge of that state and the media. i say it is time for martial law/ lock n load and physically  remove these terrorists an throw them into gitmo or dump them off on a unlivable island and have them fend for themselves

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21 minutes ago, tr8er said:

Judicial is very not blue.  Don’t worry


I am more worried about the two factions pissed off finally having enough resolve to do the war shit. Its not much of stretch logically right now to think or assume people are pissed enough. 


Judiciary doesn't control that. They did have a chance to at least calm people down with a little effort, but politics. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m hoping non of you guys have to deal with  Cal-OSHA and their new rules that took affect 1/1/2021 regarding covid-19, Had a 2 hour webcast yesterday and my head is still spinning. 

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7 hours ago, zrex said:

I’m hoping non of you guys have to deal with  Cal-OSHA and their new rules that took affect 1/1/2021 regarding covid-19, Had a 2 hour webcast yesterday and my head is still spinning. 


Cajon Zone zrex. I work in a psychiatric hospital where there's no shortage of business thanks to CV-19. Every time I turn around there's another F'n rollout of new safety protocols from the Joint Commission requiring one brain numbing Zoom meeting after another. No longer use this procedure for that, new intake patients through this area only if told to do so by the noc supervisor and not the day supervisor !*&*!  F me already, I just want'a take this bitch ass mask off so I can breath. Got my first vacs shot a couple weeks ago though, and going for the second next week... so I can feel like I've been punched in the arm for complaining. 



Edited by paradime
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23 hours ago, zrex said:

I’m hoping non of you guys have to deal with  Cal-OSHA and their new rules that took affect 1/1/2021 regarding covid-19, Had a 2 hour webcast yesterday and my head is still spinning. 

Fuck OSHA.They have some of the dumbest inspectors there are working for them.I had one unplug my extension cord to a miter saw while i was cutting through a 5" Newell post.He wanted to inspect it for the ground prong.He scared the shit out me,bent a $100 dollar saw blade and ruined the post.He got an earful and was called names by a very angry guy (me).He tucked his tale and couldn't get away from me fast enough.My cord passed his inspection.

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