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People who get what they want are often surprised when they also get what they deserve.

-J. Woods


Buckle up boys and girls America about to do 70 in a shitbox down a gravel road in the dark.

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8 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

Instead of the armchair legal analyst's that we are. Viva and Barnes lay the laws out that are to the disposal of both Presidential candidates. 


To remind everyone in this forum and anywhere I can.


The NEWS outlets DO NOT decide the outcome of vote tally or electoral outcomes. Given the irregularities of the election Trump or Biden better take this all the way to a revote in these states to give a transparent good faith effort for the VOTERS and not the shit ass tribe (DNC/GOP) labels. 


Any of you Biden supporters trying to say that it is over are just scared of the possible outcome that doesn't favor your tribe. If you think you won fair and square then an audit or revote shouldn't be challenged because it was "fair' to begin with. 


DNC challenged Trumps election 2016 through 2017. So don't act like its new. 

I think a big issue you’d face would be that Trumps “tribe” might not want mail in votes to be an option.  They’d need to be an option.  And I’m not expecting any amount of assurances of anti fraud measures would satisfy them unless they won the second time.   

if there was extensive fraud, I’m fairly certain it’ll be uncovered in the coming days.  I’m 100% certain it’s being pursued.  

where is Trump anyway.  You can’t buy ratings like this.  

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Pzeizer announced they have a vaccine that's 90% affective. today    stock market up 1500points


if this was out 5 days before the elections those 4 staes would have flipped RED


Trump promise a vaccine and Biden is going to Ride it for all he can , Like he did this himself

Notice China didn't say Hello to Mr Biden cause Trump is going to have a scorched Earth Policly on China with Executive Orders Watch before Jan 20. China is actually scared of Trump. They bought more farm goods in case he won the election.

Trump blames China on loosing the election(virus) and knew years ago China was playing the United States.


China better pay whoever is in office, as they could have another Virus brewing again, Better yet a takeover on Taiwan and Nobody is going to do anything about it.  Let them have it just Don't ever buy Chinese again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Boycott China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Xi in China is 5 times worse than Trump and the Dems don't see it.  Beanie Sanders and Xi want a coommunist utopia

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Wow that is really cool I have never understood fully what the confederate flag stood for I just know that the klan and others stole that image long ago and made it into something it was not. What it means to me is that the people who fought under that flag knew they were outnumbered and wanted to protect their family’s and land from the invaders that wanted to take the inland water route where the Mississippi River started for commerce in the middle of United States , they had the east coast and the west coast but they wanted a way to get to the middle and didn’t want to pay the south so those people where fighting for what they believed in no matter what the cost and I respect that!

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1 hour ago, pipefitter said:

Wow that is really cool I have never understood fully what the confederate flag stood for I just know that the klan and others stole that image long ago and made it into something it was not. What it means to me is that the people who fought under that flag knew they were outnumbered and wanted to protect their family’s and land from the invaders that wanted to take the inland water route where the Mississippi River started for commerce in the middle of United States , they had the east coast and the west coast but they wanted a way to get to the middle and didn’t want to pay the south so those people where fighting for what they believed in no matter what the cost and I respect that!


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Compilation of evidence of fraud.



Sworn affidavits of fraud.





Fraud or incompetence?


Edited by Dguy210
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Anyone who can say this was a "clean and fair" election with a straight face is either a liar or an idiot.




Even the Democrats believe they cheated, otherwise why would they block an investigation into voting irregularities?

Shouldn't the Democrats want a fair election too?

Shouldn't the Democrats worry about voting glitches?

Shouldn't the Democrats worry about the dead voting?

The answer of course is NO, as long as their team wins and they get power they do not care how it happens.

Edited by Dguy210
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3 hours ago, pipefitter said:




Revisionist BS.  Only 11 states seceeded.  The 12th star may, only may, represent  Tennesee which was prevented from seceeding by very large Union troop stationing.  A far out possibility for the 13th star is the admission of Arizona Territory [which included present New Mexico] into the Confederacy later.  Civil War battles were indeed fought in Arizona.

Edited by MikeRL411
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The dumbshits didn't even bother to fake results that pass a Benford analysis!  What retards!


NOTE:  Benford's test for financial numbers is quite simple.  One would think that fake #'s in a quarterly report, etc. would have a uniform random distribution, right?  NO!  The answer is:  The LOG of those #'s has the uniform random distribution.  If you ever used a slide rule you know what that LOG of # looks like.  

Edited by Cardinal Grammeter
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36 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:

Anyone who can say this was a "clean and fair" election with a straight face is either a liar or an idiot.




Even the Democrats believe they cheated, otherwise why would they block an investigation into voting irregularities?

Shouldn't the Democrats want a fair election too?

Shouldn't the Democrats worry about voting glitches?

Shouldn't the Democrats worry about the dead voting?

The answer of course is NO, as long as their team wins and they get power they do not care how it happens.

It goes both ways. Trump insured this was going to be a clusterfuck with all of his blustering. Nothing he said could be believed anyways he doesn't have any credibility with normal people. In the end the people were tired of his chaos and want some kind of return to calm. Biden is a POS and I am not a fan but the Chaos needed to end. Now back to our regular schedule of gridlock and lack of accomplishment in our federal government.

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14 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

It goes both ways. Trump insured this was going to be a clusterfuck with all of his blustering. Nothing he said could be believed anyways he doesn't have any credibility with normal people. In the end the people were tired of his chaos and want some kind of return to calm. Biden is a POS and I am not a fan but the Chaos needed to end. Now back to our regular schedule of gridlock and lack of accomplishment in our federal government.


It does NOT GO BOTH WAYS. What a load of fucking bullshit. Time and time again the media has outright lied about what Trump said, so yeah when he gets pissed about it that makes sense, that is not "blustering". Is Trump an egotistical loudmouth, also yes, that doesn't mean he is necessarily wrong either. He has been complaining the election has issues, guess what he is RIGHT. Him complaining about unfair treatment or being lied about is a natural reaction.


"I am not a fan but the Chaos needed to end" THE CHAOS WAS CAUSED BY THE FUCKING DEMS NOT EXCEPTING THE 2016 ELECTION! The rioting was an outgrowth of this push, but now it has gotten away from them.


It was never  the Right burning down cities. Giving into what the Left wants to stop the "CHAOS" is like negotiating with terrorists, wait not even "like" IT IS negotiating with terrorists.


AND GUESS WHAT, just like negotiating with terrorists IT DIDN'T FUCKING STOP THE RIOTS. They are still Rioting.





Edited by Dguy210
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18 minutes ago, Cardinal Grammeter said:

The dumbshits didn't even bother to fake results that pass a Benford analysis!  What retards!


NOTE:  Benford's test for financial numbers is quite simple.  One would think that fake #'s in a quarterly report, etc. would have a uniform random distribution, right?  NO!  The answer is:  The LOG of those #'s has the uniform random distribution.  If you ever used a slide rule you know what that LOG of # looks like.  


Remember your audience, so here is a picture explaining:


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10 hours ago, tr8er said:

I think a big issue you’d face would be that Trumps “tribe” might not want mail in votes to be an option.  They’d need to be an option.  And I’m not expecting any amount of assurances of anti fraud measures would satisfy them unless they won the second time.   

if there was extensive fraud, I’m fairly certain it’ll be uncovered in the coming days.  I’m 100% certain it’s being pursued.  

where is Trump anyway.  You can’t buy ratings like this.  


I think the group is much more reasonable than you are not giving them credit for. I imagine Trump wouldn't be apposed to the mail in Option. GOP did far better than the DNC in new registrations this time within these contested States. 


This needs to be extremely transparent, and fair for participants. Both sides need equal representation on this.


Trump has been vocal but he can only get his voice out through surrogates, because Twitter has his account sequestered most of the time now. He is still tweeting, but the media is also blacking him out since they want to be the ones who decide the outcome. All stuff adding to the Divide. 72,000,000 people wont accept the legal outcome with this type of bad faith from the left. It was also announced that Twitter plans to de-platform Trump in January. Locked out.


Edited by Mattndew76
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5 minutes ago, Draker said:

Benford is a white nationalist, and his tests are raysis!! 



Wikipedia literally changed their explanation of this just a few days ago to make it a weaker argument when people started discussing it with regards to this election. 




Edited by Dguy210
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On 11/6/2020 at 8:02 PM, gene knight said:

i had my mail in ballot with me to turn in but poll workers said it needed to be in the green envelope but since i didnt have it i had to vote in person with valid id check, there was not ball point pens just sharpie markers i asked if there was any pens and the rude poll workers said no and that i need to use sharpie, well guess what the sharpie bleed thru and i turned it in so idk if my vote is counted yet or not. i hear stories that if sharpie is used and not counted yet it probably got thrown away


Yes your vote got counted - using a sharpie pen was perfectly fine to vote. There is no evidence that any ballots marked with sharpies were not counted.

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32 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

It goes both ways. Trump insured this was going to be a clusterfuck with all of his blustering. Nothing he said could be believed anyways he doesn't have any credibility with normal people. In the end the people were tired of his chaos and want some kind of return to calm. Biden is a POS and I am not a fan but the Chaos needed to end. Now back to our regular schedule of gridlock and lack of accomplishment in our federal government.


You do know the Dems changed the rules in the 9th inning right? Trump didn't change the election rules. He challenged it. 


He also didn't change the economic rules for political gain like Blue states did. "Yes I would lock it all down." Biden 2020. 



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4 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:


Wikipedia literally changed their explanation of this just a few days ago to make it a weaker argument when people started discussing it with regards to this election. 





As I stated before. Wiki is an absolute smear show and is less verified than the Myth of Zeus.. 

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