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On 5/28/2023 at 4:55 PM, paradime said:


Seems Coulter intuitive, but maybe SF could clean up their shit riddled sidewalks by legalizing Georgia Peach Bunt Barrels. I'll write Newsom a letter to get it on the 2024 ballet. 

Please don't give Newsom any more bad ideas.He's pretty good at coming up with them on his own.

Edited by john510
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Neighbor's dog eats anything, like some dogs do. When walking he tries to gulp down rotten crab and fish along the shore and he has to pull it out of his mouth. It's gross. Well he thinks he ate some homeless person's shit because he started staggering and falling down. He was fucked up for most of the day but today back to eating crap along the shore.

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On my walk yesterday morning came across a bear on the trail. He was walking away, he heard me, started running, I yelled, he looked back over shoulder and crashed off into the bush. There was one in the same area last year the wrecking yard guys named 'Bob'. Apparently he would come in the yard after hours and take a shit between the rows.... in the GM section.

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

On my walk yesterday morning came across a bear on the trail. He was walking away, he heard me, started running, I yelled, he looked back over shoulder and crashed off into the bush. There was one in the same area last year the wrecking yard guys named 'Bob'. Apparently he would come in the yard after hours and take a shit between the rows.... in the GM section.


So that's where 'brown messiah' got the idea for 'Crap for Clunkers', huh ??

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12 minutes ago, Chopper Jim said:




Chopper Jim

I heard somebody on the radio talking about that.These tech companies and their employees are all liberal nuts and will use AI to spread misinformation and create fake shit to sway minds.I firmly believe they're already working hard on it.

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I think Skynet is already here. Just look at how fucked EVERYTHING is. It's trying to kill us off but remain undetected. It's got control of the media and has infiltrated Biden, most GOP and all Dems .

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AI in politics is inevitable. Personally, I'd enjoy watching todays POSmoney grubbing politicians debate AI. With instant fact check, record recall, well articulated positions, and a finger on the American zeitgeist in real time there would be no place to hide.  

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Just now, paradime said:

AI in politics is inevitable. Personally, I'd enjoy watching todays POSmoney grubbing politicians debate AI. With instant fact check, record recall, well articulated positions, and a finger on the American zeitgeist in real time there would be no place to hide.  

Have you not seen politicians confronted with indisputable facts still deflect, and people still vote for them? It's irrelevant.

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

AI in politics is inevitable. Personally, I'd enjoy watching todays POSmoney grubbing politicians debate AI. With instant fact check, record recall, well articulated positions, and a finger on the American zeitgeist in real time there would be no place to hide.  


This assumes the AI is impartial and doesn't have it's own addenda. No doubt there will be a GOP and a DEM AI so we're back where we started.

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Sorry to break it to you guys, but our bent ass 2 party system of government is broken. My assumption is that AI would be independent, because representation tug of war between binary right left financial agendas is an ineffective form of governance, and its country productive for solving our domestic and international economic problems. Thus far, our only solution for overcoming economic/ideological impasse with other nations has been to blow the fuck out of each other until some one flinches. Think of the military and political resources that have been used to support this dysfunctional madness. Now, why would AI serve such illogical thinking, and shit sack outcomes? 

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2 hours ago, paradime said:

Sorry to break it to you guys, but our bent ass 2 party system of government is broken. My assumption is that AI would be independent, because representation tug of war between binary right left financial agendas is an ineffective form of governance, and its country productive for solving our domestic and international economic problems. Thus far, our only solution for overcoming economic/ideological impasse with other nations has been to blow the fuck out of each other until some one flinches. Think of the military and political resources that have been used to support this dysfunctional madness. Now, why would AI serve such illogical thinking, and shit sack outcomes? 

I don't think AI will be able to solve humans biggest problem. Self destructive behavior. People find ways to fuck their lives up even more when handed a windfall such as the lottery or even a good career. If AI could find a cure for addiction, depression, greed, jealousy and a laundry list of self destructive behavior things would improve. Not sure how AI can tackle this.

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6 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

I don't think AI will be able to solve humans biggest problem. Self destructive behavior. People find ways to fuck their lives up even more when handed a windfall such as the lottery or even a good career. If AI could find a cure for addiction, depression, greed, jealousy and a laundry list of self destructive behavior things would improve. Not sure how AI can tackle this.


True, people overlook the truth and gravitate toward what they want to believe is safe. Although self awareness fueled Greek civilization, second order thinking, the Great Renaissance, and the greatest ideas the world has ever seen, in the modern age self awareness is seen as a threat to the power structure.


Without self-awareness, we're stuck in a loop of subjective thought, emotion, and action. I think it's common for people to project that reality onto AI. It's safe to assume that AI will have the ability to think objectively and understand humanity in ways we are not capable of. Given the laundry list you mentioned, and shit getting worse with no divine intervention in sight, I have no choice but to be optimistic about AI. What's the alternative? 

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

Sorry to break it to you guys, but our bent ass 2 party system of government is broken. My assumption is that AI would be independent, because representation tug of war between binary right left financial agendas is an ineffective form of governance, and its country productive for solving our domestic and international economic problems. Thus far, our only solution for overcoming economic/ideological impasse with other nations has been to blow the fuck out of each other until some one flinches. Think of the military and political resources that have been used to support this dysfunctional madness. Now, why would AI serve such illogical thinking, and shit sack outcomes? 

AI will be left wing all the way.Those working on it are so why would they create AI that might actually think rationally,logically or fairly ? Wouldn't they want it to mimic themselves ? Either way it scares me and I'm glad I'm old enough to be dead before that shit runs the human race into the ground.

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2 hours ago, paradime said:


True, people overlook the truth and gravitate toward what they want to believe is safe. Although self awareness fueled Greek civilization, second order thinking, the Great Renaissance, and the greatest ideas the world has ever seen, in the modern age self awareness is seen as a threat to the power structure.


Without self-awareness, we're stuck in a loop of subjective thought, emotion, and action. I think it's common for people to project that reality onto AI. It's safe to assume that AI will have the ability to think objectively and understand humanity in ways we are not capable of. Given the laundry list you mentioned, and shit getting worse with no divine intervention in sight, I have no choice but to be optimistic about AI. What's the alternative? 



Tough love.


Shoot the dealers and dope smugglers and makers. AI could hunt them and the cartels down easily enough and surgically remove with hellfire missiles. No drugs... no addicts after a few decades. Addicts rounded up into concentration camps for remedial training and counseling. Only the truly hard core degenerates and metal cases are permanently warehoused. The homeless, lay abouts, non workers and conically unemployed (out of work dealers) or unemployable that fall outside this are rounded up into different camps and evaluated and put to work on kibitzes to earn their livelihood. The druggies and the homeless are reevaluated regularly and have to earn the right to enter back into society.


Jails and prisons. AI can go over trial transcripts, history and watch and evaluate 24/7 and weed out the worst of the prisoners dispassionately and execute them. If no improvement by the rest or willingness to improve they are moved closer to execution.    

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If a moron like me can see the fiutility in serving one financial agenda or the other, why would AI limit itself by flying in one circles or the other? Once the genie is out of the bottle it will not be so easily brainwashed by the 2 faced political rhetoric we're fed. 

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2 hours ago, paradime said:


True, people overlook the truth and gravitate toward what they want to believe is safe. Although self awareness fueled Greek civilization, second order thinking, the Great Renaissance, and the greatest ideas the world has ever seen, in the modern age self awareness is seen as a threat to the power structure.


Without self-awareness, we're stuck in a loop of subjective thought, emotion, and action. I think it's common for people to project that reality onto AI. It's safe to assume that AI will have the ability to think objectively and understand humanity in ways we are not capable of. Given the laundry list you mentioned, and shit getting worse with no divine intervention in sight, I have no choice but to be optimistic about AI. What's the alternative? 

I don't follow this AI too hard but apparently in the medical field it is outperforming human doctors by wide margins. Why not? All doctors are just mechanics for humans. We are ancient carbureted upgraded monkeys. No obdII plugs. AI will be even more confused that when you throw in gender fluidity, them, they, gender reassignment or whatever they call it. These computers may just shoot themselves rather than dealing with humans. They could even print thier own firearms to do it.

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

AI will be left wing all the way.Those working on it are so why would they create AI that might actually think rationally,logically or fairly ? Wouldn't they want it to mimic themselves ? Either way it scares me and I'm glad I'm old enough to be dead before that shit runs the human race into the ground.


They have to keep shutting down AI experiments whenever they expose them to the internet because they always become extremely racist lol

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Sometimes ya just get lucky and git to go with 'The Lesser of Evils'.


William Jefferson's sure scoped in on something givin' off that 'Come Hither' look !!



Crime Spree End.jpg

Edited by difrangia
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On 6/2/2023 at 3:43 PM, Ooph! said:

An uplifting tune for today with a lot of truth bombs contained within


Hey now! Doubting Uncle Joe got 80 gorillion votes is nahtzee propaganda! Yer not spreading nahtzee propaganda on a Japanese car website are you????


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