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7 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

you failed to mention it funded the national repair and once that was complete it was rescinded in 1872. You know, because politicians and law makers still answered to the people. It wasn't until 1913 did congress ratify it into law. That would be the 63 congress a DEMOCRAT led congress (1912-15). TAX and SPEND liberalism isn't exclusive to our generations, they've always put themselves before the governed.  

It's not just limited to the Democrats. Watch the Republicans vote to raise the debt ceiling alongside the Dems the next time we reach it. Both parties have failed to reign in spending and there is no such thing as a balanced budget. We just slide deeper into debt no matter which clowns are running the circus.

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

This is also the trouble with a two party system. They just take turns fucking you over. You need a third or even a forth party to choose from.


Yea we should be more like Canada where it doesn't matter who you vote for, the power is spread out and your country has no direction just the way the bureaucracy likes it and you have no clue who your leader may be till its Justin Trudeau

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16 hours ago, Cardinal Grammeter said:


I'm 70, live just East of Pittsburgh, PA






We had family in Brentwood & summer property in Ligonier.  After their passing, Mom inherited the estate, I made 5-6 road trips there from SW Michigan, to help Dad with it all.  A buddy owns a converted condo downtown in the "vegetable district"..............was a cool place when I last visited 12+ years ago!  

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3 hours ago, thisismatt said:


What's the 3rd party going to do, film it?


You can show your displeasure by denying the other two fucks your vote. They really notice when there is a shift.


1 hour ago, Ooph! said:


Yea we should be more like Canada where it doesn't matter who you vote for, the power is spread out and your country has no direction just the way the bureaucracy likes it and you have no clue who your leader may be till its Justin Trudeau


Uhhhh how is that any different from the US. Oh I see, you have direction.... it's just the wrong way. Like Biden walking off stage.

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1 minute ago, john510 said:

Most people in this country don't have the guts to vote for a third party.What are they afraid of ? You have nothing to lose.

Yep. They are terrified of the "other" party winning even if there is a better third party choice. Unfortunately I think we are stuck in this loop.

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The midterms, where to start... The cheat was in full force in PA and AZ, where they elected a dead man and a fucking caveman zombie that couldn't audition for The Walking  Dead and pass muster, and voting machine jiggery-pokery so blatent it would even make KIllary blush.  Just as I feared, Betsy managed to siphon off enough votes from Drazen that KateIII will probably skate in by just under 2%, where it's running now.  Oh, and we're about 1% away from abolishing the second amendment here.  They changed the rules so votes only have to be postmarked before tues to count, so they'll keep finding stragglers until they get the results they want.

At least Florida did it right, Ron cleaned up all the voting fraud and had all the early stuff counted so when the polls closed it didn't take long to get results.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Most people in this country don't have the guts to vote for a third party.What are they afraid of ? You have nothing to lose.


37 minutes ago, MikeRL411 said:


Except the time you waste voting for a candidate that has no chance of winning,


True that one vote does not matter much, but as I mentioned earlier...


7 hours ago, datzenmike said:


You can show your displeasure by denying the other two fucks your vote. They really notice when there is a shift.



In addition a third party can align (even briefly) with one party against the other. Knowing this, the 'other' party is more likely to watch it's step against increasing opposition.  


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27 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



True that one vote does not matter much, but as I mentioned earlier...



In addition a third party can align (even briefly) with one party against the other. Knowing this, the 'other' party is more likely to watch it's step against increasing opposition.  



A person voting for a 3rd party is dazed and confused... And their favorite number is zero.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Well, you may be happy with the choice you have, (good for you!) but, some are not. What's the alternative? vote for the lesser of two evils??


My vote for Trump was mostly a non-vote for Hillary.  I was okay with his policies, but he acts way too childish.  I hope conservatives can put up a better nominee this time around. I'm hoping for DeSantis.


Or of course, Maxine Waters would be good, too...





Edited by Duncan
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1992 Bush v Clinton, fellow Texan Ross Perot put a hurt on GW Sr, and  secured nearly 19% of the vote as a 3rd party candidate. That had a HUGE effect on the election. Hell, Perot talked like a methed up dingbat, but voters were sick of the corrupt Washington shit show and wanted change. If someone half way presentable without a party muzzle showed up talking sense, all they'd need to get is 33.4% and it wound be fuck you Washington, no more business as usual. As weak as Biden is and Trumpism dividing the Republican party, who knows, 2024 could be the year. Shit, I'd vote for a 3rd party candidate with armpit farting skills just to send a message.

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