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45 minutes ago, bastardo said:

So you support, or denounce, the attack on the Capitol?


Attack? I denounce the use of the word attack.


  1. take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war.

I thought more of a take over, a 'push their way in', overwhelming or overrunning of the guards. Did not see any arms or weapons or enemy forces. Some damage but that's repairable, no fires set, unlike antifa and BLM riots and I do mean riots. You should practice using the word attack when referring to them or antifa at least. Also note that the Capitol is public space not private unlike the businesses burned and looted by BLM and antifa. It may have restricted areas for security but held in trust for the very people that invaded it. It belongs to all the people. It was wrong but so was throwing tea into Boston harbor. People are pissed off and this could have all been avoided by being transparent.   

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3 hours ago, Ratwagon1600 said:

BTW ladies, as the "worlds greatest democracy" , stands, on the brink of Civil War, and, lunatic fringe groups like "the proud boys", "boogaloo", and, whatever your fucked up (insert coughing noise here) collective democracy either, continue to ignore, or support, and/or encourage, fester, and grow, like a pus filled sore, continue to thrive, how are things going in "Murica"????????


Shitpot third world countries, like, North Korea, Prima Facie, don't deploy their National Guard to "protect their democracy", unlike the situation "Murica" currently finds itself in!


p.s. Canuck puppet, I note, not surprisingly, you, have, once again, buried your insipid head in the sand.


God bless "real democracy's"!!!!

Holy shit mate, I hope you are not in charge of any heavy machinery😳

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10 hours ago, Ratwagon1600 said:

BTW ladies, as the "worlds greatest democracy" , stands, on the brink of Civil War, and, lunatic fringe groups like "the proud boys", "boogaloo", and, whatever your fucked up (insert coughing noise here) collective democracy either, continue to ignore, or support, and/or encourage, fester, and grow, like a pus filled sore, continue to thrive, how are things going in "Murica"????????


Shitpot third world countries, like, North Korea, Prima Facie, don't deploy their National Guard to "protect their democracy", unlike the situation "Murica" currently finds itself in!


p.s. Canuck puppet, I note, not surprisingly, you, have, once again, buried your insipid head in the sand.


God bless "real democracy's"!!!!

Is this guy trolling ? 

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Sounds like the pommy and the cartel caravan guy might be more at home over at Pricksucker McFuckface and his sloven band of fucktards All Trump Hate All The Time forum, was formed when the politics section of the tractor forum went pear shaped.  Quickly overtaken by shitbags like that unfunny cunt jerrybob who thinks it's his personal blog.  It was worth it for the memes until Ron gave up.


Saw this on facebook the other day, how it survived I don't know.  It makes a lot of sense and pretty much validated a lot of things I though given how things transpired.  If it was posted previously please forgive as I tend to skip vids as I run the radio all day.




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What I don't quite understand is the guy with the podium.  They're charging him with theft, yet they found the podium in the building in a different location.  Are they just trying to throw a bunch of charges and hoping to see what sticks?  I suspect a good lawyer will have a field day with some of these charges.  Maybe they can charge him with felony furniture relocation..


And BTW, if the situation was reversed and if Antifa were the accused "insurrectionists",  I would still have the same view. 



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4 minutes ago, Duncan said:

What I don't quite understand is the guy with the podium.  They're charging him with theft, yet they found the podium in the building in a different location.  Are they just trying to throw a bunch of charges and hoping to see what sticks?  I suspect a good lawyer will have a field day with some of these charges.  Maybe they can charge him with felony furniture relocation..


And BTW, if the situation was reversed and if Antifa were the accused "insurrectionists",  I would still have the same view. 



I’m thinking, as this wasn’t a “store” or private property, then the building bounds were not relevant to the charge.  As the entry to the building, legally was in the same possession as the inside, and the outside areas.  The theft case would not be stealing from the building.   Perhaps because he did in fact take it without permission within a building he was not permitted to enter?  

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Pretty sure it was a guard/police who shot someone. Even IF it will be damned hard to prove it wasn't an accident. You would have to have a motive for one. Saying murdering one of their own is ignorant.


He didn't hit himself with a fire extinguisher and they don't fly on their own.

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1 hour ago, Duncan said:

What I don't quite understand is the guy with the podium. 

It is a Lectern not a podium...


Fully just having fun as I work in event production and people ask all the time for a podium and when we bring an actual podium, they argue with us that isn't what they asked for on the tech rider they submitted!

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1 hour ago, Duncan said:

What I don't quite understand is the guy with the podium.  They're charging him with theft, yet they found the podium in the building in a different location.  Are they just trying to throw a bunch of charges and hoping to see what sticks?  I suspect a good lawyer will have a field day with some of these charges.  Maybe they can charge him with felony furniture relocation..






Hell he's a part 'owner' FFS

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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I wonder if they would have opened the gates if the knew the mostly peaceful protestors would end up murdering one of their own.


Ahhh, apologize. It's all in how you read this statement. Murdering one of their own..... could mean the protesters, could mean the police. Either death is regrettable. 


Murder is the wrong word. Killed in the line of duty. Manslaughter at worst. Not premeditated and no motive or weapon taken there with the intent. 

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