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DaBlist last won the day on June 28 2017

DaBlist had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Bend Wa
  • Cars
    Had 521 & 1200, Now 65 Chevy C20, 72 BMW, 1997 Cherokee
  • Interests
    Jesus, Family, Cars, Dirt Bikes

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  1. To many times what I have seen with unions is people are taught to hate their employer for overpaying them for doing a simple job slowly. Many are able to buy a house, have a retirement and pay for some collage if they don't spend it on big trucks, toy haulers and side x sides while cursing the company that paid for all.
  2. What is the driving experience you are after? Do you need to start with a 510 to achieve the end goal? You are in a community that loves the way small light cars drive. We love swaps but for a classic import V8 swap I would be thinking something more substantial like a Volvo 200 series, BMW E30 & E36. Best
  3. Really Ratty Rusty Ruby's ugly little sister
  4. The world is run by greed and pride. There is lots of ignorance too but those are just the worker bees. At the top and behind the scenes it always greed and pride.
  5. DG Machine = Dale Green, Great guy and engine builder.
  6. I wish Biden and the media would tell everybody to get a dildo attached to their forehead
  7. I've watched a lot of these third world how-to videos and have always been amazed by how little they use a work bench
  8. This build really needs to get started! If I come get the Chichenhawk would that help?
  9. What, You can swap motors other than an LS? Is that allowed?
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