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Mask Mandates Are Illogical. So What?

They only need to align with communities’ goals.

By Rachel Gutman

It all feels rather performative and silly. Why have a mandate if it can be so easily ignored? “The public sees right through that, and I think that’s led to a lot of the backlash,” Joseph Allen, the director of Harvard’s Healthy Buildings program, told me. To Allen, mask mandates’ contradictions and compliance failures are signs that the U.S. should stop trying so hard to influence human behavior, and start focusing on improving ventilation and filtration in buildings. Masking, because it’s obviously visible and has become unavoidably politicized, is the pandemic-mitigation strategy that’s easiest for most people to notice—which might explain why it’s received so much attention from the public and the media. But structural improvements can operate in the background, protecting people without making them feel inconvenienced.


One common (though not definitively proven) argument against mask mandates is that they don’t actually change people’s behavior: People who would’ve masked anyway cover up, and people who don’t want to mask wear theirs badly or ignore the rules. “Anyone who has been in any sort of public location at any time during the pandemic recognizes that mask mandates are not followed consistently,” says David Dowdy, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University. But even disregarded mandates could affect people in other, helpful ways. “From my perspective, the main benefit is not so much the masking itself, but the message to society that this wave is not yet over,” Dowdy told me. A mask mandate may not magically swaddle the faces of everyone in its jurisdiction, but it could remind already enthusiastic maskers to avoid large gatherings, or lead non-maskers to give the people around them a little more space.


Edited by a.d._510_n_ok
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7 hours ago, Pacific coast Datsun said:

Biggest sham / purposely created event perpetrated by the marxists & the Chi-Coms that has done untold damage around the world & for what ??


1 hour ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Mask Mandates Are Illogical. So What?

They only need to align with communities’ goals.

By Rachel Gutman

It all feels rather performative and silly. Why have a mandate if it can be so easily ignored? “The public sees right through that, and I think that’s led to a lot of the backlash,” Joseph Allen, the director of Harvard’s Healthy Buildings program, told me. To Allen, mask mandates’ contradictions and compliance failures are signs that the U.S. should stop trying so hard to influence human behavior, and start focusing on improving ventilation and filtration in buildings. Masking, because it’s obviously visible and has become unavoidably politicized, is the pandemic-mitigation strategy that’s easiest for most people to notice—which might explain why it’s received so much attention from the public and the media. But structural improvements can operate in the background, protecting people without making them feel inconvenienced.


One common (though not definitively proven) argument against mask mandates is that they don’t actually change people’s behavior: People who would’ve masked anyway cover up, and people who don’t want to mask wear theirs badly or ignore the rules. “Anyone who has been in any sort of public location at any time during the pandemic recognizes that mask mandates are not followed consistently,” says David Dowdy, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University. But even disregarded mandates could affect people in other, helpful ways. “From my perspective, the main benefit is not so much the masking itself, but the message to society that this wave is not yet over,” Dowdy told me. A mask mandate may not magically swaddle the faces of everyone in its jurisdiction, but it could remind already enthusiastic maskers to avoid large gatherings, or lead non-maskers to give the people around them a little more space.



The reason this was done is CONTROL, how ever deep or shallow we look at the issues more control was added to our lives and more control was given to the government and so on to the Chicomms. Look at what was just achieved by our northerly neighbor Canada, a swift transfer of acceptance to control, at first I was impressed by the protests but when I read the comments to articles and video's the amount of acceptance for pro government control is astonishing . None of the BS we've seen from, the BLM, Antifa, wokeness  etc is straight forward. They and all of the nonsense are a means to an end and the alphabet groups are just usefull idiots to the real puppet masters whom ever they are. The end game is Socialism, Fascism, Communism in what ever form is popular at the moment. Former President Obama and Premier Trudeau both stated they were envious of the control and orderliness of the Chinese government, President Puppet is an extension of Obama so it continues.

 Look at mask mandates as an example, most reasonable people would now admit that after two years of masking and 959,000 deaths they did little to nothing but as the article even states they show obedience and acceptance of rule they are being used as indoctrination as to how to behave properly, it is training. Hence the Superbowl and the endless photographs of mask less elites and the following Monday the kids are masked at school, why? Indoctrination.

Edited by Ooph!
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12 hours ago, bananahamuck said:



"You can follow the action, which gets you good pictures. You can follow your instincts, which'll probably get you in trouble. Or, you can follow the money, which nine times out of ten will get you closer to the truth............................................ JJ 'Jake' Gittes (The Two Jakes)


Who would go if having to wear a mask? Everything is about the money

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16 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Ever since November 3rd 2020 I can't believe the level of idiocy world wide. It absolutely beggars the imagination. Was it always this way? Has the sleeper awakened???

The older I get the more I notice the intellect of the average person. These are the people they allow to vote. 😶

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9 hours ago, datsuntech said:

The older I get the more I notice the intellect of the average person. These are the people they allow to vote. 😶


Didn't Carlin say once, "Imagine how stupid the average person is. Then realize that half the people are stupider than that."

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Tomorrow this thread will be two years old.Are any of you prepared to deal with Covid ? 


1 hour ago, thisismatt said:

Suddenly, covid has left the building


1 hour ago, KELMO said:

Along with Fauci.


It's election season baby.



All spot on

It isn't obvious because the news media seems to be up to the usual shenanigans by hiding the data - Nothing to see here, move along.

The death rate is coming down but is still as high as when we were still in panic mode but its my belief they can see we as a group are fed up and beginning to see through the BS.

So before the elections lets relax and everyone will forget and vote for us because "we" saved them.

I'm somewhat prepared I'm using this as a reference for treatment





Edited by Ooph!
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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:





All spot on

It isn't obvious because the news media seems to be up to the usual shenanigans by hiding the data - Nothing to see here, move along.

The death rate is coming down but is still as high as when we were still in panic mode but its my belief they can see we as a group are fed up and beginning to see through the BS.

So before the elections lets relax and everyone will forget and vote for us because "we" saved them.

I'm somewhat prepared I'm using this as a reference for treatment






Corporate deaths.

Evidence has emerged to confirm that a genomic sequence within the virus was patented by moderna in 2016. They obviously are denying it but thats pretty compelling considering they’d have you believe the shit came from a pangolin who fucked a bat who later ended up in a soup bowl.



Edited by jbirds510
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Told you all 2 years ago to stop watching the news. Do it! and pass it on. The mainstream media are no more expert than a Hollywood actor or famous athlete's opinion. We all have opinions, even George Clooney can be full of shit. 

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Its all FAKE.


Its not NEWS and its preened and filtered to play to emotional empathies. 


The same fucking people who cannot believe a damn thing about C-19 turn around and believe 100% of the LIES about Ukraine. How do people have Gell-Mann's amnesia so fucking easy? 




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