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2 minutes ago, banzai510(hainz) said:

In 3 years the Forrest over grew?????

How many are dumbasses in the woods? We just had a guy relased 2 days ago committing arson and then found again lighting HWY 167 on fire. Found out later he was at a BLM ralley. What should we think???  Put more peole this this in the White House??


10million gun sales since march.  How many will vote republican????



Bottom watcher you can give up your car anytime . Pay 7$  a gal for gas if you want. Im all for elelctric /solar ect but most people cant afford that unless its all subsidized and made in CHINA which mean your out of a job and now on welfare


This guy looks like someone that might live in the woods??!?!!?!???





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1. Most of my paychecks for the last 25 years have come from downstream service companies in the gulf oil patch. I am very familiar with oil production.

2. I live in the woods. So I am familiar with woods life.

3. I believe I am somewhere around average intelligence

4. I have been a Republican my whole life.


Everytime this idiot speaks about a subject he has no clue about He goes on and on becoming an instant expert and spewing misinformation. I have respect for the officials behind him maintaining there composure and not mouthing WTF. I see the responses have been fear of what of will happen if the Democrats get elected.This is sad we don't have anyone with any kind of integrity wanting to stand up and run for president. 

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 No way to stop them so change how they are managed. Better detection, maybe by satellite IR? More access roads around towns for fighting fires. Metal or tile roofs and no plastic gutters. Every new home has a 5,000 gal underground cistern to be filled by rainwater if available. With cheap generator pump and sprinklers. Must be certified every year like extinguisher. Same in the boonies.


Recycle sprinkler water from rain spouts/gutters back to cistern

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3 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have spent a lot of time in Oregon and loved it. I feel sorry for you all on the west coast going through this shit. The smoke has made it Maine. Got some haze around the sun now. I am not a Biden supporter but can any of you Trumpers explain this? 


Why do you post this stuff? I will admit it. I have admitted it. I will admit it again, Trump acts a fool or is a fool, or is a narcissist or a liar and I don't care, and anyone who refuses to live on their knees, shouldn't care. It is the liberal biased media attempting to focus the narrative  on foolish Trump and it is unfortunate, he continues to do foolish things. The Democrats want to keep attention on foolish Trump and off the communist policies, that their party supports and will instigate if elected. I'll make you a deal: Vote a republican ticket and if Trump is elected, I will join you and trash talk Trump all day, but for now, there is too much in the balance to spread shit like this.

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3 hours ago, banzai510(hainz) said:

when Antifa come to the woods I will be waiting, Most fires I see are in Cities anyways. Usual Police cars/cities set on Fire . Must be Global Warming setting them on fire



M14, Scandinavian camouflage, all American  


Edited by frankendat
At first I thought it was an SKS
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I guess it has been working on me! He gets under my skin so bad. This behavior just churns my stomach. We should have much better representing us. I was just listening to the Maine CDC Dr. I don't pay that much attention to subject but the Man runs an amazing meeting. Articulate, sharp, He handles the reporters evenly, the good and the ones trying to put words in his mouth or skewing the data. This is the type of individual I want as a leader. I just wanted some clarity. Thanks. Frankendat

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Liberal city

he must be a Democratic voter and don't believe in guns .

Maybe he was a BLM supporter and it finally backfired on him .

Kinda like the Chop zone.

Defund the Police, more of this will happen as they will feel EMBOLDEN copping a attidude!!!!!!!!!!

Oh by the way BLM never takes on the Samoans, They don't stand a chance. they fear the SAMOANS more than the cops in Seattle


isn't why those 2 cops got shot in the car. They think everybody is on their side. The football player CNN MSNBC  Hollywood.

Keep doing what their doing.


M1A (springfield)with H&R 1961 barrel /gas system ,Zeiss scope.

German Camo

Wellco Vietnam Jungle boots

Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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6 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have spent a lot of time in Oregon and loved it. I feel sorry for you all on the west coast going through this shit. The smoke has made it Maine. Got some haze around the sun now. I am not a Biden supporter but can any of you Trumpers explain this? 


Explain what ? I'm all for keeping the forests natural and untouched to a certain point.But when we've let it grow and it burns too much we might have a problem.Some of these fires are started by humans and that's the biggest problem.If we don't manage the forest and it burns what did we gain ? My local mountains were hit hard years ago.The dead trees are still there waiting for a fire.Why not clear all that dead shit out ? It's already dead and more likely to burn.

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4 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

1. Most of my paychecks for the last 25 years have come from downstream service companies in the gulf oil patch. I am very familiar with oil production.

2. I live in the woods. So I am familiar with woods life.

3. I believe I am somewhere around average intelligence

4. I have been a Republican my whole life.


Everytime this idiot speaks about a subject he has no clue about He goes on and on becoming an instant expert and spewing misinformation. I have respect for the officials behind him maintaining there composure and not mouthing WTF. I see the responses have been fear of what of will happen if the Democrats get elected.This is sad we don't have anyone with any kind of integrity wanting to stand up and run for president. 

You live in the woods,do you keep a clear area around your home ?

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Keep it pretty clear with lawn.  My pine trees are dying from something, won't be many of those left soon. They turn to rot pretty quickly. Mostly oak and maple with a little birch and poplar. Maine is usually kind of wet. Cooling off already.  I could probably do better. I've got some free time and a chainsaw so I might give it some further study. 

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7 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have spent a lot of time in Oregon and loved it. I feel sorry for you all on the west coast going through this shit. The smoke has made it Maine. Got some haze around the sun now. I am not a Biden supporter but can any of you Trumpers explain this? 


Yeah he sounds like an idiot and uses the wrong words but he isn't exactly wrong.  Getting rid of the brush, leaves, and undergrowth is a proven strategy to preventing forest fires.  Lots of places already conduct controlled burns, and yes manually get the leaves and dead limbs out of areas where controlled burning isn't possible like on a hillside to lower the chances of wildfires.  I guarantee you if anyone else were to say this no one would think it was dumb.  Just saying don't let your own personal bias stop you from seeing past the bullshit.  I didn't vote for him but I have enough common sense not to be influenced by a bunch of sock puppets on MSNBC or CNN.

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Yep spend the winter in Florida. All kinds of controlled burning down there. Helps to remove some of the exotics plants also. Don't worry about news sources I bounce around from fox to NPR. Sometimes you gotta wonder if they are even talking about the same story. Unfortunately. Most just seem to want to cause anger. I picked that story because it was just Trump on his own, no prepped speech no telepromter. I just think we could somehow do so much better with our leadership.

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24 minutes ago, G8KeaPoR said:

Yeah he sounds like an idiot and uses the wrong words but he isn't exactly wrong.  Getting rid of the brush, leaves, and undergrowth is a proven strategy to preventing forest fires.  Lots of places already conduct controlled burns, and yes manually get the leaves and dead limbs out of areas where controlled burning isn't possible like on a hillside to lower the chances of wildfires.  I guarantee you if anyone else were to say this no one would think it was dumb.  Just saying don't let your own personal bias stop you from seeing past the bullshit.  I didn't vote for him but I have enough common sense not to be influenced by a bunch of sock puppets on MSNBC or CNN.


Name anyone else where this wouldn't sound dumb and a sack of hammers. It's impossible for him to shut the fuck up and this is the result. Just like saying about global warming... "It'll get cooler real soon".   


A controlled burn is ok if not a managed forest. Good luck with a controlled burn near towns and people. More than a few would get an injunction to prevent the smoke pollution and too much chance of getting out of hand. Then the shit would really hit the fan. Better detection and fuller response. More air tankers and ground crews. Better built homes.

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

Keep it pretty clear with lawn.  My pine trees are dying from something, won't be many of those left soon. They turn to rot pretty quickly. Mostly oak and maple with a little birch and poplar. Maine is usually kind of wet. Cooling off already.  I could probably do better. I've got some free time and a chainsaw so I might give it some further study. 

I see now that you live in Maine.No comparison at all to California.Just one quick example of our regulations created by the left (thanks to the Sierra Club),you can own property full of brush,trees,shrubs etc. and in some areas you're NOT allowed to trim it,remove it or thin it.You might subject a cockroach or fly to become endangered or extinct by removing habitat.That's what we deal with out here.

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29 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Name anyone else where this wouldn't sound dumb and a sack of hammers. It's impossible for him to shut the fuck up and this is the result. Just like saying about global warming... "It'll get cooler real soon".   


A controlled burn is ok if not a managed forest. Good luck with a controlled burn near towns and people. More than a few would get an injunction to prevent the smoke pollution and too much chance of getting out of hand. Then the shit would really hit the fan. Better detection and fuller response. More air tankers and ground crews. Better built homes.

If Joe Biden said it the media would love it.I'm quoting you here "It's impossible for him to shut the fuck up and this is the result" So Trump's babbling caused the fires ???  And it will get cooler real soon,winter is right around the corner.I'm predicting record cold in the Northeast this winter,just like every winter.Climate change is real,it was 110 at my house a couple of weeks ago,three days later it was only 83.Climate change,just like that.Happens every year,every where.

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Who said anything about babbling causing fires. He can't shut up so stupid comments come out. Like raking the forest and about climate change: it'll gt cooler???? You're sort of right about Bidden. It's expected, trump? you guys deserve better.

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1 minute ago, datzenmike said:

Who said anything about babbling causing fires. He can't shut up so stupid comments come out. Like raking the forest and about climate change: it'll gt cooler???? You're sort of right about Bidden. It's expected, trump? you guys deserve better.

We did get "better" We got Trump instead of Hillary Clinton.Hopefully we get better again,better than Biden.What was the result of Trump's babbling then ? 

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