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Covid-19 Prepared?

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44 minutes ago, thisismatt said:


Masks don't work, vaccines don't prevent you from getting & spreading it. How hard is that to understand? Meanwhile, things like alcohol & tobacco kill 100's of thousands/year, including people who don't choose to use them, but nobody gives a crap.  

Dav's a fucking idiot and will never get it.His opinions are what somebody else thinks.He just copies and pastes it here to make himself seem smart.He probably drives alone in his car with a mask on. He can't wait for his third booster shot.Maybe he's just trolling ? 

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50 minutes ago, thisismatt said:


Masks don't work, vaccines don't prevent you from getting & spreading it. How hard is that to understand? Meanwhile, things like alcohol & tobacco kill 100's of thousands/year, including people who don't choose to use them, but nobody gives a crap.  


They might help if someone shouting or sneezing in your face but otherwise it's a soother for others. Far and away they are never approved masks just designer cloth and colors. Barely better than nothing. Vaccines lessen the chance of a more sever case and death but your are right it doesn't make you immune. Government and lobbyists are pimps collecting tax revenue. Alcohol and cigarettes don't kill you until you leave the work force after a lifetime of toil and other taxes. If you die and don't collect social assistance... shrug. 


I was noticing the other day walking down the highway that 30 years ago there would be a drift of cig butts at the edge of the pavement. Only the ignorant and poor smoke. Why would you pay the government for the right to kill yourself in such a gruesome manner?  

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Dav's a fucking idiot and will never get it.His opinions are what somebody else thinks.He just copies and pastes it here to make himself seem smart.He probably drives alone in his car with a mask on. He can't wait for his third booster shot.Maybe he's just trolling ? 

It's funny someone on here gets called Dav and gets all upset. You could call them an asshole, cocksucker, shithead, shitweasel ect. That would roll right off there back but the worst thing you could be called is Dav. I guess we need a ratsun shirt that says don't be a Dav!

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With respect to Jbird, he has a very thin skin and has seemed a bit unstable IMHO. Everything posted on the net and this forum outside of technical specs should be taken very lightly... Two of my favorite thoughts:


1. Everything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

2. Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.




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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


They might help if someone shouting or sneezing in your face but otherwise it's a soother for others. Far and away they are never approved masks just designer cloth and colors. Barely better than nothing. Vaccines lessen the chance of a more sever case and death but your are right it doesn't make you immune. Government and lobbyists are pimps collecting tax revenue. Alcohol and cigarettes don't kill you until you leave the work force after a lifetime of toil and other taxes. If you die and don't collect social assistance... shrug. 


I was noticing the other day walking down the highway that 30 years ago there would be a drift of cig butts at the edge of the pavement. Only the ignorant and poor smoke. Why would you pay the government for the right to kill yourself in such a gruesome manner?  


         I guess you haven't been to Virginia.Lots of smokers here -

it's the home of the major tobacco companies.

          What irritates me is all the cigarette butts I've picked up in

our neighborhood.Almost every one of them was thrown out of a

vehicle passing by.

         Also amazed at how many young people smoke in this state.

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26 minutes ago, Logical1 said:
3 minutes ago, angliagt said:


         I guess you haven't been to Virginia.Lots of smokers here -

it's the home of the major tobacco companies.

          What irritates me is all the cigarette butts I've picked up in

our neighborhood.Almost every one of them was thrown out of a

vehicle passing by.

         Also amazed at how many young people smoke in this state.

With respect to Jbird, he has a very thin skin and has seemed a bit unstable IMHO. Everything posted on the net and this forum outside of technical specs should be taken very lightly... Two of my favorite thoughts:


1. Everything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

2. Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.




The politically correct term is "advance challenged" not retarded.


To the cig butts...The fucking MENSA candidates around here that throw them out the window.....we're in a drought moron, stop it.


If this post looks the way I think it will, I must be adavance challenged.





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I don't think anyone would knowingly call a mentally challenged person retarded. It's just poor form. Retard or retarded is now reserved for distributors and someone that is definitely not mentally challenged but still has managed to do or say something retarded.

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9 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


  Everything someone else takes seriously is worth making fun of.

My statement was an alteration of the original but still a quote, I did not come up with it. 

They both are succinct and both should be made fun of!

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I just figured that if you took something serious you might not make fun of it. Unless it's comedy. It should be something someone else is serious about. Hypocritical and sacred cows like politics, religion and Alec Baldwin deserve to be made fun of. If they were impeccable then there would be little to make fun of.  

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On 1/20/2022 at 1:40 PM, datzenmike said:

No mention of this in the mainstream media. UK statistics on co-vid deaths with no underlying health issues is only 17,000. Incredibly low.


Deaths from all causes average based on last 5 years is only 137,000 higher than if there was no co-vid. Rather interesting.





.............maybe because the UK reports ACTUAL deaths only, where as it has now been proven (and admitted by the CDC) that here in the USA, they were reporting deaths where the person was carrying/infected with Covid, but did NOT actually die from Covid??  Again, just a big politicized mess here in the USA (and Canada and Australia and ??).  Ugh.

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

China has ZERO co-vid?????



The ones who unleashed co-vid on the world claim this? A pox on their houses!


Dmilke said, "The ones who unleashed co-vid on the world claim this? A pox on their houses!"



I would like to see your proof of this statement, this administration abruptly closed the investigation on this, I expect that those guilty of this told them to close the investigation.

Just like when Killery kept accusing Trump of not paying his taxes in the 2016 debates, he finally sighed and told her he was only using the laws that she helped make so her friends did not have to pay their taxes and he would be stupid not to use them, these people told her to shut up and it was never brought up again, these people and people like them are the ones running this country, they are the ones that started this plandemic, and they will use more biological weapons if things do not go their way, that is my opinion, but it is also my opinion that the boxes on Datsun trucks look stupid without the rockers going all the way back to the rear fender well.

Did you not hear on the news when Trump said China was pointing to Americans running around over there doing who knows what, that never made the news again, they hated he was not on board with their agenda, but they could not shut him up either, I expect that is why they let BLM run amuck in democrat run areas, they wanted him to step in and do what they would call violating the rights of the demonstrators to demonstrate, but he did not fall into that trap and told them if they asked for his help he would help them, they never asked for help and democrat cities burned, but once they claimed to have won the election BLM went away without a complaint, the issue just went away, doesn't anyone have a problem with that, don't you have a problem with vaccines that don't keep you from getting what the vaccine is for, especially since they have had the vaccine since 2015 when they made the law that said no one can sue them for side effects of the vaccine, then even though they had this vaccine since before 2015 it was not distributed till after the democrats took power in 2021, all this info was available to read when this plandemic started, yet some on here don't know how to think for themselves, they just repeat what they hear on the TV or CNN, there are really smart people out there that can actually put real facts together and come to a real conclusion, but people like that do not make the news, you have to find them these days.

Edited by wayno
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Fauci and Gates and whoever were wanting to fuck around with co-vid (insanity!!!!) but they couldn't very well do it on US soil but hey! there's no over site in China right, and they have an experimental virus lab in Wu Han already set up. Little did the realize that China has had 5,000 years to prefect corruption and with the CCP ineptness someone didn't wipe their shoes before going home from work and it got out. Big surprise that the co-vid started in ....... Wu Han.


Proof??? Where there's smoke there's fire. The nose knows.

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It is really smokey in this country, one might call it a white out, and when the smoke clears there might not be anyone left to do an investigation, at least anyone that wants to try to find the truth, as they likely would not live long enough to find the truth.


I have lost my sense of humor on this subject as you can see from my posts lately.



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I refuse to watch the news. I get most from here. Course I right away think it's bullshit too but I add it to my collection. I post Dr. John Campbell videos because they are optimistic. Hell wayno my sense of humor has become even more developed because of co-vid. People driving or walking around alone with masks on just cracks me up. Those most vocal about wearing a mask, wear theirs not covering their noses. When I went in for my vax about 85% of people ahead of me were stopped at the door and told that the 'designer color cloth mask' they were wearing was not anywhere good enough for use in the arena. They were confused or pissed off they hat to take them off and put on a hospital surgical mask.... like mine.  I won't waste a second on conspiracy theories except to mine them for a chuckle or two.  

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I'm reading this thread right now while at work wearing full ppe gear because I work at a mental hospital and a few people may have the virus and if they wake up there is a 100% chance they will either try to touch me or attack me (wish I was exaggerating)...then they must be restrained while they try to bite spit etc... This ppe gear is such a joke tho, nobody wears it totally 100% correctly, taking it off haphazardly etc... Pretty much all of our staff have been out with the virus at this point and this gear is pointless, just appeases the karens. 

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Lets say I don't sit down in front of the 'box'. News is like co-vid you can't  insulate yourself completely from it and no mask is 100%. I don't stick my head in the sand but everything I'm exposed to I take with a grain of salt. Here, it's not what they say but what they don't say. What I would expect to hear is that there is less danger from Omicron, it will pass through and is already in decline in other countries. What little I hear is 'it's coming' 'infection rates reach new heights' 'upward surge' 'school shut downs' etc. I long ago decided I'm not living in fear of this shit. I lost my job and am retired now because of co-vid and my lifestyle has changed only for the good. I'm a disinterested observer of the times. What's left?????? well for one, you could just make fun of everything.

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