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I often see it as a tax on the poor. I go to the mall years ago and there's this woman furiously scratching 3 dozen scratch and wins on a table top. She has her 'stroller' with groceries, so doesn't own a car isn't well off and lives nearby.


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5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have a question for a Georgia hillbilly so I am glad you chimed in. I was driving the backroads in Georgia in the fall.The people white or black were friendly and polite but let's just say the towns were not very prosporus. Sadly there were "Gaming shacks" it seemed like every few miles down the road. I don't remember these from taking the same route 3 years earlier. Are these relatively new? I hate predators and this is how I see the owners of such businesses selling hope to those folks where there isn't a whole lot of hope around.


Predators.  Good word.  Just like the usurious check cashing/cash advance places are in certain areas of town.  I think some states are just as bad with the lottery.  Bad money decisions seem to cluster. 

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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Who's the clown in Boston?


That video a few posts back, busting on Trump!  It is funny how so many of the moderate lefties say what we conservatives say, but 180deg opposite.  So much of what HE said, is the opposite of what we see, hear & say.  I've told this story before, but had a GOOD conversation with a coworker last year.  He is a liberal.  He asked to chat, of course I agreed.  Good conversation, about 15min in (20min convo), he chuckled & said "Damn TJ, we just don't watch the same news, do we!!??".  I agreed 100%.  I do see it, but my issue is where most liberals get their news from...............CNN, MSNBC, just about any syndicated news etc.  To me, it is all twisted lies, guided by the left.  I do TRY to understand, but I typically just shake my head in disbelief.............likely how liberals react to what I say!! 😏😂

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I doubt I agree with anyone posting anything in a video. Couldn't find anything probably because I don't watch them. Liberal news and not so liberal news. What makes one better than the other?


So where's the outrage over Trumps $5 million verdict? Where's the law suits against the justice system if it was so obviously rigged? The protests in the street? The marches to the governor's house?

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Columbus,Ga. turned down Bidens free 6 school buses.Said they did not want the headaches that come with them.It takes 3 hours to charge them.Also only go 70 miles on a charge.Columbus is a Democratic city,but not stupid to want Bidens trash.As you see alot of car dealers are taking big loses on electric vehicles.Ford thought the F-150 was going to be a money maker,wrong.Tesla cut there prices and lost big time.Keep your 720 and cut the cat off and ride with the wind.We have no government telling us in Georgia what to do with our Rides.Our governor takes care of us.He is Republican and didn't let Trump bully him in the election count.Plus no wel fare hand outs here either.Proud to be a Hillbilly.

Edited by Thomas Perkins
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21 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:


Don't feel bad the Harvard elites thought they could beat the market. Nope! 

I wasn't trying to beat the market. I bought mutual funds with good track records of stability and earnings and held onto them somewhat long term. What I couldn't take anymore was the market losing 10% and my money losing 25 or 30% . Then the market creeps back up to what it was and you get less than 5% back if you're lucky. I'm too close to retirement to let people play with my money. I've been in control of it now for a few years and haven't lost a penny. It only goes up and as time goes by goes up even more. The one thing I like about Biden is the interest rate hikes his people were forced to make to get control of the other mistakes they made.

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4 hours ago, yenpit said:

That video a few posts back, busting on Trump!  It is funny how so many of the moderate lefties say what we conservatives say, but 180deg opposite.  So much of what HE said, is the opposite of what we see, hear & say.  I've told this story before, but had a GOOD conversation with a coworker last year.  He is a liberal.  He asked to chat, of course I agreed.  Good conversation, about 15min in (20min convo), he chuckled & said "Damn TJ, we just don't watch the same news, do we!!??".  I agreed 100%.  I do see it, but my issue is where most liberals get their news from...............CNN, MSNBC, just about any syndicated news etc.  To me, it is all twisted lies, guided by the left.  I do TRY to understand, but I typically just shake my head in disbelief.............likely how liberals react to what I say!! 😏😂

It's not just the traditional news outlets that are fueling this divisive fire. I was on YouTube about 6 months ago when all of a sudden it was like there was a shift in the matrix. All of my video recommendations switched to radical left videos. So for about 30 minutes I was watching videos that are being fed to radical leftist on YouTube. It's a trip! I got to see behind the curtain and I could see why the left and the right despise each other. To me there is one ultimate agenda in motion. Both parties are pushing towards the same ultimate agenda each in their own way. They got us so distracted fighting with each other that nobody is looking at the bigger picture (divide/distract and conquer). As much as I believe it is imperative that we vote a republican into office these next elections. Let's be real. Trump is not going to be the savior of this country in the short 4 years he'sgot left. It will be like putting a bandaid on a severed artery. He might slow down the lefties push for grooming kids and a few other things. But he still reports to whoever is really running the world. Look there's an ultimate world agenda and we are not a crucial piece on the board. What I mean by "we" is the average human being. It's not a priority for us to reach the finish line. If we do we do, if we don't we don't. Look at all the moves governments are making around the world. Covid, food production restrictions, the push to stop fossil fuel usage, etc... Do any of these moves make life easier for the average pawn? No, it makes things harder and in many cases it makes life impossible. Only chance we got is to unite.

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2 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

Columbus,Ga. turned down Bidens free 6 school buses.Said they did not want the headaches that come with them.It takes 3 hours to charge them.Also only go 70 miles on a charge.Columbus is a Democratic city,but not stupid to want Bidens trash.As you see alot of car dealers are taking big loses on electric vehicles.Ford thought the F-150 was going to be a money maker,wrong.Tesla cut there prices and lost big time.Keep your 720 and cut the cat off and ride with the wind.We have no government telling us in Georgia what to do with our Rides.Our governor takes care of us.He is Republican and didn't let Trump bully him in the election count.Plus no wel fare hand outs here either.Proud to be a Hillbilly.

Quick question. When I rolled through urban Georgia in 2020 there was a 50% Trump 2020 signs in peoples yards and 50% Jesus 2020 signs. Same font and colors. I guess I would have voted for Jesus if he was on the ticket but was disappointed at the poll booth he wasn't on the ballot. Any Jesus 2024 signs this year?

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37 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:



Celebs should stick to whatever it is they do and stay the fuck out of politics. I assume she is rich so has zero in common with you. Her opinion is no more valid or informed than you or your next door neighbor. 

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On 1/31/2024 at 5:07 PM, Cardinal Grammeter said:

Every crazy idea ever thought is propagating through the internet, corrupting the minds of gullible people/children, i.e. everyone.


I hope I live long enough to see how fucked Gen Alpha is:





Going to be a bunch of weak bitches. I'm raising my Zoomers to be their local Warlord. 


Edited by Dguy210
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2 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

Going to be a bunch of weak bitches. I raising my Zoomers to be their local Warlord. 

A majority of millennials are weak as fck too. Which is why they're raising panzy ass z'ers. And I guess gen x'ers aren't far behind cause they raised the weak ass Millennials.

Edit: my guess is gen alpha are probably going to require mandatory helmets and knee pads to walk out their front doors. And who decided on naming this generation "alpha". That couldn't be further from reality.

Edited by IZRL
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13 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

It's alpha for the beginning of the end.

Yes, sir.


Although the mission to end America's rein as being the super power has been in motion for some time now. It's not in the best interest of the elites for this country to be at the top, actually for any country to be at the top for that matter. They (US gov and elites) are working together to bring America down a couple notches IMO. 

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

It's already an interesting year.


Did Engoron release his decision today as indicated.

He made his decision months ago. Where have you been ? Guilty of all charges/accusations. Even the charges they haven't created yet, guilty.

Edited by john510
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