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Covid-19 Prepared?

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4 hours ago, Dguy210 said:



Should be brought up on charges.

That's never gonna happen, because to indict him would mean actually doing something about the bureaucracy in this country where the real power lies.

Doesn't matter if it was intentional or accidental it would show our complicity in creating and releasing a virus that killed millions, WE PAID FOR IT! and we still are because who knows what the fuck we're paying for in the Ukrainian labs.

We are probably still paying for research at the Wuhan lab that's how fucked up we are.


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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, thisismatt said:


Ha!  While I was watching the good doctor (😎), my screen shifted, I looked down to the bottom & your comment "What a psychopath!" showed up, but the https line did not..............so I thought you were talking about the good doctor, thought "What the heck is wrong with Matt?  I thought he was on board with this stuff?" 🤪😆

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I haven't heard the co-vid word in months. Did it go away?


I've wondered the same, cuz this thread has been quiet!  The bug sure ain't gone, but the "plandemic" has run its AGENDA course, at least here in the States.  My roommate just had CV pretty bad (yes, jabbed, but NOT boosted).  My (new) boss just tested positive, had a couple hard days, but didn't miss a day of work (works from home, yes, jabbed & boosted).  I have consistently heard of other positive testing among friends etc over the last few months, but very few bad cases.  Brandon just recently ended the "emergency" (FJB), so again, their agenda seems to have run its course.  I am NOT letting my guard down, continue with all supplements, keep clean, don't touch public door knobs then stick my finger up my nose etc etc..............

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


May not have saved my life but it saved me from having to talk to the next annoying fucker in line.



Honestly ,, if that being 6 foot away from others taught me anything,,,  i realized i NEED to stand right next to that person and shoot the shit in checkout line. and it was like everyone was in an elevator ,, looking straight ahead afraid to interact .   


Strangers in line are the best because you will always get a fresh set of weirdos, and you never have to ever interact with them again.




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        It really irks me when I see people shopping in the grocery store

still wearing masks,yet the still have to get right next to me when I 

working,without saying anything like "Can I get in there to get XXX?

         And I thought a mask was to prevent you (the wearer) from

spreading germs,etc.

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5 hours ago, wayno said:

How do you prepare for a bio weapon that they want to put in you with a needle, and they even tried to make it a mandatory Jab(fake Vaccination).


"If a small
particle of this thing is enough to take over
an entire organism, then everyone should prepare
their own meals. And I suggest we only eat out
of cans."



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3 hours ago, angliagt said:

        It really irks me when I see people shopping in the grocery store

still wearing masks,yet the still have to get right next to me when I 

working,without saying anything like "Can I get in there to get XXX?

         And I thought a mask was to prevent you (the wearer) from

spreading germs,etc.


Masks are social compliance identifiers, emotional support accessories and virtue signaling devices. Virus diameter vs mask pore size.  

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15 hours ago, bananahamuck said:



Strangers in line are the best because you will always get a fresh set of weirdos, and you never have to ever interact with them again.





I guess that works both ways...

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