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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Hmm. You read it but don’t read it (Two different pronunciations there)? Do like many others have done and block my posts, they are meant for true believers, of which you are not. If you don’t, you’ll just become more frustrated that your efforts are all for naught.

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27 minutes ago, Dav said:

Hmm. You read it but don’t read it (Two different pronunciations there)? Do like many others have done and block my posts, they are meant for true believers, of which you are not. If you don’t, you’ll just become more frustrated that your efforts are all for naught.


Such a clever boy.  You seem to have an answer or comment for everything (from watching all your silly posts over the last year or so).............


Oh I'm a true believer alright 🙏..........obviously not the same as you.  Tell Gov Newsom hello!! 🤥



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The Omicron rate of infection seems to be far and away higher than the mere flu. Influenza and SARS co-vid are different viruses.



1 hour ago, Dav said:

It’s just the flu - nothing more. A conclusion based on 11-years o bad summary data and a graph below.


Repost from unreliable source by an uninformed monkey using a mouse and keyboard randomly.




Yes, the 'flu' IS just the flu, if you are talking about influenza. If you are trying to say that the flu is really Omicron then that just wrong. All indications are that the Omicron variant while incredibly infectious compared to the Delta strain, is also much much less lethal. DNA is self replicating so to be successful, you evolve a strategy of good transmission and non lethality. After all if you kill the host too soon there goes your chance to spread. Omicron seems on the surface, to not be lethal and once recovered you have better immunity to co-vid Delta. At present Omicron is already on the decline in South Africa because of this acquired immunity and vaccinations. So it should go in the rest of the world. The sooner we all get this acquired immunity the better for all. Don't believe what you hear or are told for your elected leaders.


I've never heard anything good about Newsom. He's the perfect fit for California mentality.  

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Just getting started being cute. I’ll type slowly as I can see you are having some trouble following.

H e r e ’ s  w h e r e  I  c h a n g e  t h e  s u b j e c t  a n d  a t t a c k  t h e  m e s s e n g e r .


A r e  y o u  a  m a s o c h i s t ?  I ’ m  n o  s a d i s t ,  b u t  y o u  s e e m  t o  e n j o y  t h i s  e x c h a n g e  m o r e  t h a n  y o u  s h o u l d .


I  t h o u g h t  t h i s  C O V I D  d i s c u s s i o n  t o p i c  a n d  a  c o u p l e  o f  o t h e r s  w e r e  n o t  f o r  s e r I o u s  p o s t s,  a s  I  w a s  j u s t  f o l l o w i n g  y o u r  l e a d .

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3 hours ago, yenpit said:


Such a clever boy.  You seem to have an answer or comment for everything (from watching all your silly posts over the last year or so).............


Oh I'm a true believer alright 🙏..........obviously not the same as you.  Tell Gov Newsom hello!! 🤥



Tell Dav that Omicron is very contagious and can be spread through the internet.Or just use the ignore feature like i did.

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1 hour ago, Dav said:



I  t h o u g h t  t h i s  C O V I D  d i s c u s s i o n  t o p i c  a n d  a  c o u p l e  o f  o t h e r s  w e r e  n o t  f o r  s e r I o u s  p o s t s,  a s  I  w a s  j u s t  f o l l o w i n g  y o u r  l e a d .


Some serious but I enjoy the memes

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  I tested positive November 11th,, FAT510 brought it home from work .. 4 others in our home tested positive. We all got over it , I was the “worst case” .. spent more than a week in bed so tired all I could do was sleep..  everyone else including wife ( vaccinated) was tired for about a week..  and if you seen me I’m not exactly the picture of fucking health ..


my neighbor 73 tested positive for it about a week and half ago ,, WAY over weight ..

    She didn’t go to doctor was bedridden sick for about a week… THEN her friend got her some Ivermectin ( we live in horse country)  


I helped her unload her frozen dog food out of her truck about 5 pm tonight 






Edited by bananahamuck
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On 12/22/2021 at 10:17 AM, yenpit said:


Omicron is a politicized joke................once again.  It is a standard cold/flu bug.  Could it too, have been released one way or another?  Who the f**k knows, cuz we are in the midst of an attempted power grab war between the world's gov'ts & we the people of the world.  Like mattndew76, my gf & I are both fighting it now.........but it is simply a cold/flu.  FYI natural immunity is NOT 100%, nothing is....................but it IS better than this drug concoction they claim to be a "vaccine".  All of you that took/continue to take it.............more power to you & I pray that it works for you.  I continue to try to be healthy, I continue to take all of my vitamins & supplements & I continue with MY LIFE 😉

   Id like to throw in here, if you have been following my posts you may recall I spoke of IgG several months ago. That is immunoglobulin response, it’s how our bodies fight viral exposure. The chemical option doesn’t offer this, in fact evidence is mounting that it in fact is suppressing it, this why they want you to get 437 boosters a year..it’s profitable to fake the bodies natural response... Our bodies are well tuned and finely balanced machines. If they weren’t, viruses would have ended our species long ago. In healthy younger folks the last 2 years have been an exercise in why you don’t give gov too much power, they fund the media and the dummies perpetuate fear. When you say this is a cold you are partially right, and partially wrong. Right in that had this thing been natural but wrong in that it has been determined it has been engineered using  corona as a base to build from. Once released into circulation there was little way to know just exactly how it would go, but fortunately for us the engineers didn’t take into account that viruses that come into contact with similar viruses share “knowledge” if you will. In essence they learn. In the case of cv19 it’s a HIGHLY adaptive and when exposed to a very old corona, in laymen’s they chatted it up and the senior CV taught Jr how to be endemic, basically the old told the new to get out of the lungs and focus on the bronchiole region and because of this Mattndew and the rest of us can now potentially catch it over and over..now enter IgG response, that’s your bodies way of managing it when exposed. Doctors and dentists have known how to keep people out of hospitals all along using irrigation, but due to political and powerful corporations threatening to destroy them if they tell anyone we instead lost a ton of loved ones. Omicron isn’t a threat like delta but the same principle applies, google how to make a nasal irrigation solution and regardless if you have a cold or cv you can do this and avoid a co pay.. I learned most of this in my A school and I’m not even a doctor. Just a  former FMF NAVY SARC. If you don’t know what that is, google or YouTube it.

Some of my comment is opinion based on understood and established scientific fact and some of this comment is in reflection of my absolute distrust in any entitle that proclaims to want to help while simultaneously going balls deep on the citizens in other areas they are trusted to do right by us in.


disclosure: I have never nor will I ever consider suicide 😂

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35 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

   Id like to throw in here, if you have been following my posts you may recall I spoke of IgG several months ago. That is immunoglobulin response, it’s how our bodies fight viral exposure. The chemical option doesn’t offer this, in fact evidence is mounting that it in fact is suppressing it, this why they want you to get 437 boosters a year..it’s profitable to fake the bodies natural response... Our bodies are well tuned and finely balanced machines. If they weren’t, viruses would have ended our species long ago. In healthy younger folks the last 2 years have been an exercise in why you don’t give gov too much power, they fund the media and the dummies perpetuate fear. When you say this is a cold you are partially right, and partially wrong. Right in that had this thing been natural but wrong in that it has been determined it has been engineered using  corona as a base to build from. Once released into circulation there was little way to know just exactly how it would go, but fortunately for us the engineers didn’t take into account that viruses that come into contact with similar viruses share “knowledge” if you will. In essence they learn. In the case of cv19 it’s a HIGHLY adaptive and when exposed to a very old corona, in laymen’s they chatted it up and the senior CV taught Jr how to be endemic, basically the old told the new to get out of the lungs and focus on the bronchiole region and because of this Mattndew and the rest of us can now potentially catch it over and over..now enter IgG response, that’s your bodies way of managing it when exposed. Doctors and dentists have known how to keep people out of hospitals all along using irrigation, but due to political and powerful corporations threatening to destroy them if they tell anyone we instead lost a ton of loved ones. Omicron isn’t a threat like delta but the same principle applies, google how to make a nasal irrigation solution and regardless if you have a cold or cv you can do this and avoid a co pay.. I learned most of this in my A school and I’m not even a doctor. Just a  former FMF NAVY SARC. If you don’t know what that is, google or YouTube it.

Some of my comment is opinion based on understood and established scientific fact and some of this comment is in reflection of my absolute distrust in any entitle that proclaims to want to help while simultaneously going balls deep on the citizens in other areas they are trusted to do right by us in.


disclosure: I have never nor will I ever consider suicide 😂


Thank you for your input jbirds510!!  😎

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20 hours ago, Dav said:

Just getting started being cute. I’ll type slowly as I can see you are having some trouble following.

H e r e ’ s  w h e r e  I  c h a n g e  t h e  s u b j e c t  a n d  a t t a c k  t h e  m e s s e n g e r .


A r e  y o u  a  m a s o c h i s t ?  I ’ m  n o  s a d i s t ,  b u t  y o u  s e e m  t o  e n j o y  t h i s  e x c h a n g e  m o r e  t h a n  y o u  s h o u l d .


I  t h o u g h t  t h i s  C O V I D  d i s c u s s i o n  t o p i c  a n d  a  c o u p l e  o f  o t h e r s  w e r e  n o t  f o r  s e r I o u s  p o s t s,  a s  I  w a s  j u s t  f o l l o w i n g  y o u r  l e a d .


...........And you continue to PROVE that you are an idiot..............as usual.  In all seriousness Dav, as john510 states, Omicron IS contagious thru the internet, thru your keyboard, so PLEASE choose your time here with great care!!  We are all very concerned about you, cuz you are such a good person & so easy to get along with!!  Good luck 😉

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You’re slower than I thought! Was going to post 20 hours of crickets, but already did that one.


Cant figure out if you’re Tyler or Lou, but I’m betting Lou. About a buck thirty in is where I’m having trouble deciding.



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Still the news from South Africa and the UK are good. Omicron infection is exceedingly swift yet relatively benign in those vaccinated or not, compared to Co-vid 19 Delta. So again don't believe what the news or your elected officials tell you as they crank up the fear windmill. Don't buy into the fear and bullshit. It's coming, no doubt, the sooner it gets here, the sooner it's over with. 



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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Still the news from South Africa and the UK are good. Omicron infection is exceedingly swift yet relatively benign in those vaccinated or not, compared to Co-vid 19 Delta. So again don't believe what the news or your elected officials tell you as they crank up the fear windmill. Don't buy into the fear and bullshit. It's coming, no doubt, the sooner it gets here, the sooner it's over with. 



And still the media and Dr. Fraudci continue to push the scare tactics.All i'm hearing is negativity from the major news sources.

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27 minutes ago, john510 said:

And still the media and Dr. Fraudci continue to push the scare tactics.All i'm hearing is negativity from the major news sources.


I don't know, can only imagine. I stopped watching all the alphabet soup station (CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, CBS......) news over a year ago. Highly recommend you all consider doing this. It sure has reduced my frustration and irritation levels and I haven't had that recurring nightmare where the alien bursts out of my chest and has Fauci's head.





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31 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


I don't know, can only imagine. I stopped watching all the alphabet soup station (CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, CBS......) news over a year ago. Highly recommend you all consider doing this. It sure has reduced my frustration and irritation levels and I haven't had that recurring nightmare where the alien bursts out of my chest and has Fauci's head.





I don't really pay attention to the major networks.It only takes a minute or so of seeing them and it's full blown doomsday prediction.Radio is where i hear a lot of it on those little newsbreaks during the commercial time.It is very difficult (impossible for me) to sit through only 30 minutes of the news.This must be why i'm so misinformed.LOL.

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I haven't had any broadcast/network tv or even streaming sources for over twenty years. I have a computer and a solid collection of legally obtained films...🤣

My fathers side of the family recently had some very serious losses and I am staying with them to take care of estates and generally help out. They are broadcast TV viewers ONLY, and spending time with them for the past month has blown my mind as to how biased the broadcast media is! I am actually glad that it has been forced on me as I had been acclimatized to multiple source information and forming my own opinions based on myriad reports and individual research. This is no joke: MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS MANIPULATING YOU. 

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Another post from a monkey pounding on a keyboard.


Has the former president lost his mind? Only saying because he’s asked his supporters to stop booing him when he says he’s been COVID vaccinated and boosted - and that those are good things to do - and saying that they should do it too because it saves lives.


Crazy stuff. It seems more and more likely that there is some sort of mind control chip or drug in the vaccines (or just the booster?).


What to do - what to do…

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2 hours ago, Dav said:

Another post from a monkey pounding on a keyboard.


Has the former president lost his mind? Only saying because he’s asked his supporters to stop booing him when he says he’s been COVID vaccinated and boosted - and that those are good things to do - and saying that they should do it too because it saves lives.


Crazy stuff. It seems more and more likely that there is some sort of mind control chip or drug in the vaccines (or just the booster?).


What to do - what to do…


Setting aside whether it works or not imagine the troll factor of him saying to go get a booster, hahahhaha



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