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Covid-19 Prepared?

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7 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So it's official. Can't go into any public indoor or retail spaces without face covering.


Was in town yesterday and I was the only one without a mask. Reminds me of.....







It's ok,it's not essential that you go to indoor retail places.Just deal with it.Or wear a mask.

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

It's ok,it's not essential that you go to indoor retail places.Just deal with it.Or wear a mask.


Go to town, maybe once a week. Weird seeing everyone walking around with aliens on their faces. My wife told me about it because she knows I don't follow the news. Last time was for a new wall thermostat two weeks ago a rake handle.

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6 hours ago, Jesse C. said:

So now we have a Curfew! Great Dick Tater Newscum has imposed a curfew on the Purple Gang! 


This Motherfuckingpieceofshit! is really out of control! 



I'm having trouble understanding a curfew.Does Covid come out in bigger numbers after 10 pm ? Isn't that the time of day where pretty much everybody is at home watching TV or sleeping ? I realize there might be a very few still at bars and stuff but really ? This is just another dumb idea to make it look as if he's trying to do something about Covid.Try all they want this shit isn't going away anytime soon or until we all get vaccinated.

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3 hours ago, Ooph! said:

I encountered this in Costco a couple days ago,( yes I find some things there are very worthwhile) he did state the requirement was not possible to achieve but the fact they were walking around with a bullhorn badgering people to social distance bothered me.

Social distancing at a Costco ? laughable.I don't think anybody cares much anymore.

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8 hours ago, Draker said:

We've been instructed to not have more than 6 people IN OUR HOME or we will go to jail.


I.......just.......our numbers are spiking here but the governor is resisting a mask mandate and denying any additional lockdowns although he has made bars and restaurants start closing at 11pm. no home restrictions.


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The young and irresponsible come out after 10. The get drunk and do stoopid things like get close to strangers and non strangers alike, getting and spreading things and not remember. They are also the least or nearly the least likely to die from it, not that that matters, as they consider themselves bullet proof anyway.  So fuck bars and restaurants, drink and eat at home for the next 6 months.

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Ha!   Hawai’i’s the only state not a hot spot.  And I’d wager we have the highest mask usage per resident capita.  But tourist are now back so that will surely end...   the new rule is test before flying in, and test when arriving.  It’ll help, but not stop it.   

asian culture here is dominant.  So mask wearing was an easy transition socially.  We normally saw people in masks at the store and on the street growing up.  Not “normal”, but not odd either.  The world is disgusted with the US, and frankly so am I.  We are more concerned with our economy than our kids and seniors.   We eat at restaurants because it’s slightly more convenient.  We were once leaders.  Now we can’t even follow.   

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I am in Florida where the average age seems to be about 80. My wife and I are staying away from bars and restaurants but driving through the entertainment district the other night the places are booming like nothing is wrong. The old folks are tired of this and don't seem to care anymore. This is the reason STDs rip through the retirement communities. Mask wearing is hit or miss, if I run into a store and a non mask wearer approaches I look at them and back off like they have leprosy. It pisses them off but that is what my public entertainment has become, I try not to laugh out loud. So I have a question for the Californians. How are the homeless following these rules?

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7 hours ago, tr8er said:

Ha!   Hawai’i’s the only state not a hot spot.  And I’d wager we have the highest mask usage per resident capita.  But tourist are now back so that will surely end...   the new rule is test before flying in, and test when arriving.  It’ll help, but not stop it.   

asian culture here is dominant.  So mask wearing was an easy transition socially.  We normally saw people in masks at the store and on the street growing up.  Not “normal”, but not odd either.  The world is disgusted with the US, and frankly so am I.  We are more concerned with our economy than our kids and seniors.   We eat at restaurants because it’s slightly more convenient.  We were once leaders.  Now we can’t even follow.   

Congratulations Hawaii,who would of thunk an isolated group of islands in the middle of an ocean could control a virus spread ? 

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

I am in Florida where the average age seems to be about 80. My wife and I are staying away from bars and restaurants but driving through the entertainment district the other night the places are booming like nothing is wrong. The old folks are tired of this and don't seem to care anymore. This is the reason STDs rip through the retirement communities. Mask wearing is hit or miss, if I run into a store and a non mask wearer approaches I look at them and back off like they have leprosy. It pisses them off but that is what my public entertainment has become, I try not to laugh out loud. So I have a question for the Californians. How are the homeless following these rules?

I'm thinking those you think get pissed off when you back away are really laughing.You sure you're not the public entertainment ? The homeless aren't following any rules,they're homeless and laws don't apply to them for the most part.They're also not getting sick.It's surprising considering how dirty they are.Maybe they have tougher immune systems from their lifestyle ? 

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They're not getting sick because they don't hang around in bars and eat in restaurants or they never get tested and are off the grid. Who keeps track of homeless sickness and deaths anyway? Do they test dead bodies??? I noticed reading many mention restaurants. Do all Americans eat their meals in a restaurant now? For those who do maybe time to re-think this and try eating at home more. As for Thanksgiving if you can't drive there think about skipping it this year and do something else like going to a local restaurant.

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16 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

They're not getting sick because they don't hang around in bars and eat in restaurants or they never get tested and are off the grid. Who keeps track of homeless sickness and deaths anyway? Do they test dead bodies??? I noticed reading many mention restaurants. Do all Americans eat their meals in a restaurant now? For those who do maybe time to re-think this and try eating at home more. As for Thanksgiving if you can't drive there think about skipping it this year and do something else like going to a local restaurant.

They probably are getting sick and it's not a big deal to them.If i get some slight symptoms of a cold and it' doesn't feel any different than what i've caught before i'm NOT going to go out and get tested.What will it prove ?  It won't cure me.I'm not convinced going to a restaurant for a meal is a big spreader.And no hardly anybody eats in restaurants compared to before this started.Places that were packed are now pretty empty.We have to sign in with a contact number to eat,i haven't been contacted with any news of an employee or customer getting sick.I'm heading out right now to eat in a restaurant.

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wife and i are pretty sure we had covid in late November of last year. symptoms matched what they say covids are. we contracted it during a two month span where it was too hot to drink whiskey here. a co-worker accused  me of being hungover and I told him I hadn't touched a drop in months. that made the light bulb come on over my head. went home that night and tied one on. all symptoms went away.

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41 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

wife and i are pretty sure we had covid in late November of last year. symptoms matched what they say covids are. we contracted it during a two month span where it was too hot to drink whiskey here. a co-worker accused  me of being hungover and I told him I hadn't touched a drop in months. that made the light bulb come on over my head. went home that night and tied one on. all symptoms went away.

alcohol kills germs 😁

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