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So i got arrested and my datsun impounded.

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You just have to figure out when you have had enough, that is different for every individual, some can take a lot of crap, while some can not take any stress at all, there are a few that will never get to the line(had enough), as they have just had hard lives and "this" is normal, and until one has lived it, they have not a clue.

Everyone here needs to keep in mind while dishing out advise, it is easy to give it, as you don't have to live with the results.

​I started my own business 20 years ago now, until the proper circumstances occurred, there was no way I could have pulled it off, I was lucky that everything came together, but if I had not taken the first steps, I would not be where I am today.

Good luck with the choices you make, i hope they turn out as good for you as mine did for me.

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True words Wayno.


What is true for all people, in all walks of life: you try until you find what works. And if you don't try stuff, it may never work. Some are born into lives so privileged, whatever they want to do is possible. So they find some other form of dissatisfaction to work through. Some are born into very challenging circumstances. They may spend years figuring out what doesn't work while trying. This dude 209, hats off. This guy sounds like he's not slacking off. He's trying shit. And those cops are going to swing their dicks in your way as long as you are mad at them. They really lose their power as soon as you regard them as your ally and respect the sacrifices they make to keep you safe. (Don't worry, they are almost all messed up assholes. But that's not how I approach them). But since I don't see many of those cop cars, I'm thinking it may be an uphill battle being friendly with one.


Keep doing what works. Stop getting Datsun's impounded.


Nice thread by the way. A bit of everything.

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To me...it really seems as if it would be much more difficult starting out today. I'm really not THAT old, but when I was young, you could get a job darn near anywhere and even if it was a total shit job, you could squeak by. I drove something that got probably 8 or 10 mpg, I don't know what it got, because I never cared enough to check, filling it up was not a huge deal. I had a little apartment that was not a dump and was never going hungry. I left home at 16 years old and believe me, it's not because I was so driven and smart, it was because it was easier. I got a job as a mechanics helper working on heavy equipment at a construction company. I did not even fill out an application, I just showed up, asked for it and was working within the hour. That's probably not going to happen today, I see the same jobs I used to just wander in and get, now requiring several years of experience. Which is a bit of a catch 22, because these are the types of jobs you use to get experience. 


I grew up in a small logging community. The starting jobs working for a logging outfit these days (in this same area) are darn near the same pay as they were in the 80s. In the late 60s and early 70s, my Mother and Father both had jobs, both were just high school grads, with very little education, both were making pretty close to minimum wage at the time. But...with that, they owned a home (well, paying for it) and had a brand new, off the lot 1971 Ford 3/4 ton 4x4 pickup sitting in the driveway. We were never hungry and never did without important things. Try that one today on two minimum wage jobs while raising a kid. 


I think a person can make it today, but the rules have really changed on what needs to be done to make it and they are not easier.

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Absolutely, I have a close friend that I would consider to be pretty 'well off'. The dude has like an 8th grade education (well, when he quit school anyway). Thing is, he is just one of those guys that people really like and trust, he is a great guy. He always meets the right folks and they always just take to him right off the bat, next thing you know, they are handing him tons of work. Just being his friend, I have gotten the shrapnel from it. Enough so that I have been doing alright for a few years. Who you know and who you are friends with can be extremely important.

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Absolutely, I have a close friend that I would consider to be pretty 'well off'. The dude has like an 8th grade education (well, when he quit school anyway). Thing is, he is just one of those guys that people really like and trust, he is a great guy. He always meets the right folks and they always just take to him right off the bat, next thing you know, they are handing him tons of work. Just being his friend, I have gotten the shrapnel from it. Enough so that I have been doing alright for a few years. Who you know and who you are friends with can be extremely important.



True words. The saying goes  "It's not what you know, It's who you know." to some level. Networking and a good personality go a very long way. 

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I think 1 of those riot vans is pretty much the tipping point for hitting the road man,,  4 ?  Now that's just ridiculous.


You young guys are so caught up in your tiny worlds,, dude,, there is a huge fucking world outside of that terror zone..


The least you will get is an adventure ,, at best a way more fullfilling life.

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when you get back from your trip read this book,


It will teach you how to be a totally rich, conniving, selfish little prick.

I'll give you some highlights:



"friends are deadlier than enemy's"

"avoid the unhappy and unlucky"

"crush your enemy totally"

"get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit"


grain of salt of course,

good luck 209!

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hey bud if you move in with the " keeper " you will be able to work and learn a trade and some day you'll be able to work for yourself . Only thing your doing now is wasting time put all your shit in your truck and haul-ass cuz times a wasting. I've been in your shuuz and worst but it depends on how bad you want it, that nickle and dime selling parts gets old quick.

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You know, I have relatives in Modesto, where they live is pretty nice, next to orchards, but my aunt did mention it's getting worse.  I suppose it's like everywhere, good parts and bad parts.  I'm wondering when the government is going to start going hit squad on gangs in general like they cleaned up the gangsters back in the day.  Wouldn't hurt my feelings any.

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You know, I have relatives in Modesto, where they live is pretty nice, next to orchards, but my aunt did mention it's getting worse. I suppose it's like everywhere, good parts and bad parts. I'm wondering when the government is going to start going hit squad on gangs in general like they cleaned up the gangsters back in the day. Wouldn't hurt my feelings any.

It also has good areas, but lately the bay area has been sending the valley their worst, some small towns where there was never crime are getting worse, im out in all these areas working daily, and i get to see all these changes 1st hand, and by what i see, i can point the finger at cities like hayward and others around there that keeps sending their lame citizens out here, lame as in, troublemaking/ unemployed/ too comfortable to work/ obama will take care of me
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Im 24 tryna get on my feet again.

Don't act like you weren't careless at the age of 16-20.


You're not 16-20 years old, it's time to man up dude.  And my dad rides a bicycle 25 miles each way to work everyday, rain or shine.  Beats rush hour traffic too (1hr 15min on bike vs 1hr 30-45min in car).


This thread has entertained me enough to draw me out of lurking.  I miss this place.

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It also has good areas, but lately the bay area has been sending the valley their worst, some small towns where there was never crime are getting worse, im out in all these areas working daily, and i get to see all these changes 1st hand, and by what i see, i can point the finger at cities like hayward and others around there that keeps sending their lame citizens out here, lame as in, troublemaking/ unemployed/ too comfortable to work/ obama will take care of me

Interesting, I believe you

All the computer dorks have ruined S.F as far as I'm concerned. Drove the rent up, pushed generational families out. Now they are coming to Oakland. Dickheads like this


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