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Gas Prices.

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I went and got about 12 gallons of gas today.It was 55 bucks. I sure didn't vote for Biden.We are in big trouble. He has screwed us every which way but loose.When Russia gets thru,It's China's turn.Better stock up on AK-47's and ammo.Hand guns are not going to help.I live next to a army base.Maybe they will let me drive a tank.Or mount a machine gun on the back of my Nissan.

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           I bought gas for my MG Midget today - $4.199.Last week I bought gas

for my Dodge Dakota - $3.479.

         I have to buy it for the Dakota again tomorrow,& am afraid of what it might be.

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Back in the 70's,a friend of mine use to go to places at night that had delivery trucks and he took 5 gallon gas cans and a garden hoses and got his free.That was when you could go to the gas station and fill up and leave.We still have a gas station out here that they had back in the 70's.Can't pay with your card.Too cheap to get new gas pumps.India people own it and they all sleep  in one room in the business.

Edited by Thomas Perkins
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$4.89 a gallon here in Sacramento today. I suspect we can soon expect fuel surcharges on freight again. That cost gets passed on to the consumer. Good times. Just goes to show you, electing feckless spineless inept leaders is expensive. FJB, and any other politician who cant be bothered to care for the republic. If this keeps up much longer Im buying a horse.

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I love paying more for fuel , it’s the greatest thing to ever happen to the United States..  i get so tired of you guys carrying on ,, I’m giving my notice right here and now , that if you don’t stop ,,  I’m deleting my build threads and quitting Ratsun for good . 





well,,,,,  at least until till it’s convenient for me to chime in anyways . 



I mean it this time 






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Come on guys hang in there... Ratsun would crumble without you.


Folks need to pull their finger out of Trump/Biden's ass and point that stinky digit at our notoriously feckless P.O.S. politically propagandistic "News Media". By design, Americans (in general) have a very myopic egocentric view of the world oil market. If you want cheep gas though, move to a strategically located failed puppet state, or an oil producing oligarchy/monarchy/dictatorship. 


Without the public realizing it, our cheep gas has been subsidized by the US Gov for nearly a half century and hiding it via their corporate 3 Card Monty. This game has been played long before Nixon moved the dollar from the Gold Standard to the Petro$ System.


Despite being 10th in the worlds most stable currencies, periods of high inflation, and high unemployment, the U.S. $ has held its position as the world’s reserve currency. It will remain that way, so long as the West doesn't play into the hand of Russia and China fucking with oil production to manipulate the market in their financial favor, and put pressure on the post CV-19 economic recovery of Western Europe and US.


We can freeze Russian assets across the planet, threaten default on our Chinese debt, placed sanctions on their ability to trade with the West, and no longer accept the crude oil they've been shipping us to refine it into light crude so it can be sold to East Asia, and the West for ridiculous profit.


Or we can have a very short war.


Before pissing and moaning about the price of gas here.

Note: X 3.785 liters per (non-imperial) gallon of gas












Edited by paradime
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In the next several weeks I will need to buy between 5K and 7K gallons of 100LL av fuel. My butt is puckering a little bit. Our airport is almost the lowest in the area @$5.05 per gallon with a high of $6.09 per gallon in the area.


Maybe I'll just red tag the pump.

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7 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

Have you seen the price of hay lately? Get a good pair of walking shoes or a bicycle.


Last month, 29 days, I averaged 4.56 miles per day walking. (down from just over 5) This includes a half dozen trips into town about 3 miles away. I didn't insure my 710 last summer but I did top it up and was around the block a couple of times. Travel restrictions were in place for unnecessary movement. Some of the gas is from 2020. If gas is $9 a gallon I won't be going anywhere this summer either.

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3 hours ago, KELMO said:

In the next several weeks I will need to buy between 5K and 7K gallons of 100LL av fuel. My butt is puckering a little bit. Our airport is almost the lowest in the area @$5.05 per gallon with a high of $6.09 per gallon in the area.


Maybe I'll just red tag the pump.


In Central Cal even auto fuel is more than your 100LL at $5.45


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9 hours ago, KELMO said:

In the next several weeks I will need to buy between 5K and 7K gallons of 100LL av fuel. My butt is puckering a little bit. Our airport is almost the lowest in the area @$5.05 per gallon with a high of $6.09 per gallon in the area.


Maybe I'll just red tag the pump.

         And don't forget to send Joe a Thank You card.

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I did a 330 mile round trip today, I seen at least 3 caravans today on the freeway that I passed flying Trump and "Lets go Brandon" flags, I also seen several over passes with people holding/waving "Lets go Brandon" flags and the American flag and waving to all the people passing under them, I even waved to one of them and he quickly waved back as I was going 75mph+, he actually seen me wave and was looking right at me, I did not know what it was about, then I read the John510 reply in this thread and looked it up/searched it, if Washington DC still has F*** Trump graffiti around to this day, then "Lets go Brandon" which is not what the crowd was chanting in the background of that interview with that race driver Brandon Brown at the race track.


This is what I did from 9am to 4:30pm, a Datsun meet.











Edited by wayno
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Good thing this is a datsun forum and not a mopar forum... Datsuns save... they save more than datsun every imagined with that add campaign because now in 2022 they either get 30-50mpg dependent on model, or they are broken down so they are getting infinite mileage. 


You could all just move to idaho... everyone else is doing it. We all hate brandon, and everyone still gets around on horseback. Guns and ammo are our currency so prices don't matter all that much. When you do a little burnout out of the stinker station parking lot in your datsun everyone says "yee-yee" so fuel cost is just a small con....


The only issue and this is serious is middle aged and older white men in idaho when they see a datsun pickup that's a little bit lowered will yell at you "Take yrrr loowwrydrr home!" Its happened to me more than once.. 

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I can afford expensive fuel even though i don't want to.What really bothers me is there tens of millions of Americans that can't afford these fuel prices but have to so they can get to work.And while this goes on our current President doesn't seem to give a shit.He's made zero effort to change anything when he could undo his executive orders he signed on day one of his Presidency.His own party won't even suggest he make changes that could benefit those in need.How far will he let it go before doing the right thing ? 

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