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6 hours ago, paradime said:


Sounds like? Come on now, let's tell the whole story. Fascism came into prominence in Europe during the 20s as Italy and eventually Germany's response to the post WWI economy. It was based on homogenized rightwing ideology with division along ethnic/religious lines, extreme ethno-nationalism, and nostalgia for a mythic past.


Other "liberalized" Western countries adopted ideologies that focused on the future and the novelty of an industrial economy. Greed and overoptimism being their common poison, after 1928 and the Great Depression, fascist shit festered and it ushered in WWII. 


Forced vaccinations and big government are false equivolants here, and both sides have protest groups demanding our Divided States government force their own bias opinions and preferences... Like it or not, that's the nature of our dysfunctional two party politics. I strive to have a love/hate relationship with both, but lately I'm too F'n disgusted to have sympathy for either.


The term fascism is thrown around pretty loosely.  Neither side is using the term correctly, really.  I meant more to say sounds like our current left...you know, the ones demanding forced vaccinations, demanding special treatment of special classes, demanding everyone call them by non-biological gender terms.  You know, the ones creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" with a "disinformation czar" who has pushed multiple now-debunked propaganda theories.  You said "extreme rightwing fascism"...


Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.


...and I'm saying that sounds more like our current left, if anyone, sans the ultranationalism since they are pretty much full of self-loathing.  Every. left. wing. official with the power to do so became a covid lockdown dictator.  The left constantly attempts to suppress dissenting opinion/business and has gone full-on thought police.

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1 hour ago, thisismatt said:


The term fascism is thrown around pretty loosely.  Neither side is using the term correctly, really.  I meant more to say sounds like our current left...you know, the ones demanding forced vaccinations, demanding special treatment of special classes, demanding everyone call them by non-biological gender terms.  You know, the ones creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" with a "disinformation czar" who has pushed multiple now-debunked propaganda theories.  You said "extreme rightwing fascism"...


Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.


...and I'm saying that sounds more like our current left, if anyone, sans the ultranationalism since they are pretty much full of self-loathing.  Every. left. wing. official with the power to do so became a covid lockdown dictator.  The left constantly attempts to suppress dissenting opinion/business and has gone full-on thought police.

No need to continue beating the rhetorical dead horse. You'd echo my description had you quoted more than just the splash line of the Wiki on fascism.


From the beginning, you failed to recognize I'm mocking MSNM brainwashed hyperbolic accusations regarding the evils of the "other side". I also described the phenomenon of going nosebleed to one's own bias. You asked me to convince you there is a conservative equivalence to antifa, and then conveniently condensed the full content of my answer to "You said extreme rightwing fascism"... Come Matt play by your rules. Convince me extreme rightwing "neo" fascism hasn't been on the rise around the world, including the Divided States of America....

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

No need to continue beating the rhetorical dead horse. You'd echo my description had you quoted more than just the splash line of the Wiki on fascism.


From the beginning, you failed to recognize I'm mocking MSNM brainwashed hyperbolic accusations regarding the evils of the "other side". I also described the phenomenon of going nosebleed to one's own bias. You asked me to convince you there is a conservative equivalence to antifa, and then conveniently condensed the full content of my answer to "You said extreme rightwing fascism"... Come Matt play by your rules. Convince me extreme rightwing "neo" fascism hasn't been on the rise around the world, including the Divided States of America....


I can't speak for the rest of the world, as, sadly, my own little world is daunting enough as it is. Are their some fringe right wing elements, yes, and they do have occasional outbursts, but overall I would say they are less accepted & tolerated than those on the left.  This feels really very obvious to me, being right of center.

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

Convince me extreme rightwing "neo" fascism hasn't been on the rise around the world, including the Divided States of America....


Convince me instead.  Where is your evidence of their violence, particularly in the US?  Even the guys in Michigan who were coerced by the FBI to supposedly kidnap the governor were acquitted due to lack of any evidence they were going to actually do anything.  Basically more FBI entrapment.

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6 hours ago, pondking said:

bottom watcher...

think there's a chance all parties can agree on rallying for the end of lobbying?? 


because our votes are the accumulation of voices and those shouldn't be intercepted by someone with money(donations) 

This is a big problem. Pork is the grease that runs the government. The lobbyists have carved out a comfortable existence for themselves and unfortunately this is how things roll now and it works for both parties. The money now to run a campaign is insane.

In another note I am currently traveling and the airports are insane. Got to wait in line to take a piss, long food lines and packed gates. Pub crawled Portland Maine last night. $8-9 dollar draft micro brews isn't slowing anybody down. Went to LL Bean in Freeport holy crap their stuff is expensive but they had plenty of customers. Traffic as bad as ever. Someone convince me the economy is in the tank.

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3 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

This is a big problem. Pork is the grease that runs the government. The lobbyists have carved out a comfortable existence for themselves and unfortunately this is how things roll now and it works for both parties. The money now to run a campaign is insane.



Money from the Ukraine has certainly paid on its investment with both sides clamoring for war with Russia over a country that a year ago was labeled by the news media as one of the most corrupt in the world

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4 hours ago, thisismatt said:


I can't speak for the rest of the world, as, sadly, my own little world is daunting enough as it is. Are their some fringe right wing elements, yes, and they do have occasional outbursts, but overall I would say they are less accepted & tolerated than those on the left.  This feels really very obvious to me, being right of center.


I hear you Matt, my Dad always said "Own your bias, but always be aware of it".


I agree that left & right extremes have a way of looping back around on each other. I think it's what happens when politics become a religion.


Viewing this through psych Attachment Theory, to feel safe and loved we all find ways to confront and or defend against our fears. I don't know, maybe their mothers had troubles breast feeding, but both extremes see the other as the aggressor and feel 100% justified in what they're doing to confront and or defend against the perceived evils of "the other". Neither realize they are looking at each other as a mirror of themselves, and it scares the live'n shit out of them. Unfortunately, our MSNM have given the mic to these extreme wing nuts in order to gain ratings $, and I think our country has become more radicalized and insecure because of it. 


From all objective indication, greed and corruption have overturned our democratically elected  2 party republic. By all appearances it's been turned into a grand illusion for controlling the masses. At minimum, it's clear that financial interests run the Washington puppet show, so the only thing that makes sense to me is political agnosticism.


I understand why it might be frustrating that I mock the futility of finger pointing and sharing one sided debates with like minded folks. Although I've explained my political skepticism many times, I'm willing to accept that because it runs contrary to the normal R with R format of Destruction of America, I'm labeled as a provocateur, or "De' bater" by Mike. LOL


Thanks for putting up with me. 🤪

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8 hours ago, iceman510 said:


Convince me instead.  Where is your evidence of their violence, particularly in the US?  Even the guys in Michigan who were coerced by the FBI to supposedly kidnap the governor were acquitted due to lack of any evidence they were going to actually do anything.  Basically more FBI entrapment.


Pull your own weight.

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20 minutes ago, paradime said:


I hear you Matt, my Dad always said "Own your bias, but always be aware of it".


I agree that left & right extremes have a way of looping back around on each other. I think it's what happens when politics become a religion.


Viewing this through psych Attachment Theory, to feel safe and loved we all find ways to confront and or defend against our fears. I don't know, maybe their mothers had troubles breast feeding, but both extremes see the other as the aggressor and feel 100% justified in what they're doing to confront and or defend against the perceived evils of "the other". Neither realize they are looking at each other as a mirror of themselves, and it scares the live'n shit out of them. Unfortunately, our MSNM have given the mic to these extreme wing nuts in order to gain ratings $, and I think our country has become more radicalized and insecure because of it. 


From all objective indication, greed and corruption have overturned our democratically elected  2 party republic. By all appearances it's been turned into a grand illusion for controlling the masses. At minimum, it's clear that financial interests run the Washington puppet show, so the only thing that makes sense to me is political agnosticism.


I understand why it might be frustrating that I mock the futility of finger pointing and sharing one sided debates with like minded folks. Although I've explained my political skepticism many times, I'm willing to accept that because it runs contrary to the normal R with R format of Destruction of America, I'm labeled as a provocateur, or "De' bater" by Mike. LOL


Thanks for putting up with me. 🤪


The buying of the American government is not new, it does change shape, and its openness has increased. When Reagan came to power he was disliked by what were called Country Club Republicans and the blue collar people that voted for him were and still are considered useful idiots by what some people call Rino's but I still see the CC Republicans in people like McConnell. The left has its own version of the same in Pelosi and Biden.

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17 hours ago, thisismatt said:


The term fascism is thrown around pretty loosely.  Neither side is using the term correctly, really.  I meant more to say sounds like our current left...you know, the ones demanding forced vaccinations, demanding special treatment of special classes, demanding everyone call them by non-biological gender terms.  You know, the ones creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" with a "disinformation czar" who has pushed multiple now-debunked propaganda theories.  You said "extreme rightwing fascism"...


Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.


...and I'm saying that sounds more like our current left, if anyone, sans the ultranationalism since they are pretty much full of self-loathing.  Every. left. wing. official with the power to do so became a covid lockdown dictator.  The left constantly attempts to suppress dissenting opinion/business and has gone full-on thought police.


A farmer has 2 cows.  The government siezes them and the farm.  The farmer is shot and the farm becomes collectivized and run by city beauracrats that know nothing about farming.  This is Communism.


A farmer has 2 cows.  The government tells him the state owns his farm and cows, but he must stay, raise and feed the cows and give all their milk and meat to the state.  This is Fascism.


A farmer has 2 cows,  He sells one and buys a bull.  This is Capitalism.

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I don't how anybody could consider right wing extremists a danger to society in the same way as the leftist extremists.With all of those burned,looted,destroyed,ruined cities we've had these last couple of years there's just no comparison.Crazy righties are a fly on a gnats ass compared to the likes of BLM and Antifa.

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2 hours ago, MikeRL411 said:


A farmer has 2 cows.  The government siezes them and the farm.  The farmer is shot and the farm becomes collectivized and run by city beauracrats that know nothing about farming.  This is Communism.


A farmer has 2 cows.  The government tells him the state owns his farm and cows, but he must stay, raise and feed the cows and give all their milk and meat to the state.  This is Fascism.


A farmer has 2 cows,  He sells one and buys a bull.  This is Capitalism.


A farmer has 2 cows, His neighbor Monsanto accuses him of sexual misconduct with them. His cows and farm are seized and auctioned off to his massive neighbor for pennies on the dollar. This is corporate unequal market capitalism. 

Edited by paradime
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19 hours ago, paradime said:


Pull your own weight.


Nice out (as Bing would say), but fail.  I'm stating left-based violence is more prevalent now, your saying it is not and the right-based is its equal or perhaps greater (not sure of your formula).  I think recent events support my point, which you have not refuted with evidence of complementary actions.  You're not pulling the weight. 


Besides, I am on a lifting restriction due to my hernia surgery. 😁

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On 5/5/2022 at 4:05 PM, paradime said:

Okay so it's viewer bait sensationalism. Indeed, Libs be trip'n and shit, but let's be honest. This ill-conceived kill a fly with a bazooka program is getting attention from Cons because of gender concerns, not property tax budget concerns. 


For home room, I was a nurses office attendant in high school and I used to hand out tampons like confetti. 



I posted the news links to show those that might have open mind as I was offended at your dismissing of Jays opinion merely because of the “ messenger ..  How very Clintoesch of you 



so,,, you “say” you handed out tampons to middle school boys?? As that is what we are talking about here …As many as they wanted?? ( like in your words confetti).  Really ? 


. that not only is a lie , it’s exactly  why your dismissive left wing crap you are constantly defending as “independent” thought or if called out as horse shit it is .. “Oh I was trolling ,, haha ,, got you”.

Is tired at best 






Edited by bananahamuck
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Now throw out some technical psych terms dismissing my opinion . in the I’m so smart you can’t understand how incredibly smart I am diatribe that is expected ,, no ,, hoped for at this point . 

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Communism is Socialism with a gun. Fascism is Nationalism with a gun. Liberals, Democrats, Progressives or whatever preferred adjective incorporates the pronoun hijacking, cancelling, cunts, fear people. Fascists, Alt Right, Republicans, Nazi’s fear organizations. Organizations are composed of people, it’s a fine line.

Best case, for a smooth society is to treat both socialism and nationalism like brylcreem “ little dab should do us”. Since Reagan, there has been a growing movement toward socialism, which is not surprising given the pride of the United States. A nationalistic pride, many feared a precursor to fascism.

It is in the DNA of Americans to push too far, and the fear of nationalism, coupled with America's many national embarrassments, failures, and acts of cowardice, has pushed towards socialism too far. To be  clear, it will swing back, most likely after I am dead, and when it swings back, it will go too far. If alive and able, l could find myself protesting.

The current oppressors are far greater threat than their counterpart, as they fear and focus on the individual. Fearing individuals, begets, attacking individuals, begets, destroying individuals, while the current power shields itself, as an organization. If individuals of the organization are attacked, the response is that individuals are not responsible for the actions of organizations, therefore “innocent” were attacked. Laws and actions are then championed to locate, isolate and castrate(at present this final act of force impotence is symbolic, this may change in the future) individuals who may “potentially” harm future “innocent” individuals.

I agree, that in practice the two party system of the United States is more and more one party, but on the issue of armed constituents there remains a sharp divide. I consider myself socially liberal, or did, until the last couple of years, but I will NEVER support any “leader” who would disarm the people.

Please, refrain from all that “reasonable regulation” horseshit. Before attempting that useless knee jerk tripe, obtain a copy of current firearm regulations; they come in multi volume sets, most volumes are thousands of pages in small font, and provide explanation of how new regulation is needed to address a “loophole” missed in current law.


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