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On 4/7/2022 at 8:03 AM, datzenmike said:

Never cared for school, was glad when it was over. Damn little I learned was of use to me at work. Most if not all can be learned on the job. Had no plans or ambition and bumbled from job to job till nearly 40. Longest employment was 5 years, shortest, less than a week raising circus tents and taking them down. Work was just something that paid for the beer, there was little satisfaction and when fed up I moved on when I could. I did learn a lot and experience a large cross section of life. Then by accident I found something I liked doing and pursued it. Twenty-seven years later I had had a career. Best of all I was happy! To find your niche and be happy and know it is the greatest satisfaction there is. So glad I didn't beat my head against a wall trying to be something I really wasn't. Follow your bliss. 

I share the moral of your story, but support it by example of the path you didn't take. "Never care Liked for school, was glad when it was over. Damn little I learned was of use to me at work."

 If I was 10-15 years younger, for better or worse, my academic experience would have included, high levels of prescription medication. While that statement easily bleeds into discussing health care, mind care, the mass of prescription drugs and the effectiveness of such drugs, I am not commenting on any of the aforementioned. My parents believed that education was the ticket to upward mobility. While under their roof, we existed at the lower end of the economic spectrum. My parents wanted more for me and I adopted their counsel (which was the dominant theory, at the time) and forced my way through higher education.

Higher education no longer carries intrinsic value and in hindsight, embracing trade craft and a "blue collar" careers, at least in the sense of retirement and economic stability, might have been superior. Or not, some of my "blue collar" friends, have parlayed their trades into examples of the American dream, some have crashed and burned. I do not regret the path I chose, the complexity and unpredictability of economic policy, compounded by my lust for information, make accurate predictions of “what might have been” a fool’s hobby. I am comforted by understanding that decisions made were based on information available at the time. 

I have and had plans and ambition, but plans rarely execute in accordance with design. Like you, (w)ork (is) something that pays for (what I value), there is little satisfaction and when fed up I moved on when I could. I did learn a lot and experience a large cross section of life”.  I too appreciate a breadth of varied knowledge formed by exposure to a large cross section of life. But prudence, or more likely fear,  kept me from voluntarily moving on, from awful positions of employment.

As consequence, I have spent more years sad than happy. DatzenMike’s recent statement, “Best of all I was happy! To find your niche and be happy and know it is the greatest satisfaction there is. So glad I didn't beat my head against a wall trying to be something I really wasn't. Follow your bliss."

That is the good advice, I just can’t take. Based on my observations, such proclamations are reserved for those who embrace the theory, too be happy all you need is everything you want.

Regardless, the philosophy is sound, win for DatzenMike

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 Hey, Kamala Joe may be bad but no one wants you to take his place. At least he answers. All you do is laugh inappropriately like a fucking hyena. You just can't help yourself.  What'y say to that?


Kamala Harris Needs to Get Serious - WSJ


Mass graves and possible war crimes in Ukraine?


Laughing Kamala Harris GIF - Laughing Kamala Harris Joe Biden - Discover &  Share GIFs


Gas prices?


Koavminaj Fuemejors GIF - Koavminaj Fuemejors Koav - Discover & Share GIFs


NYC subway shootings?


Kamala Kamala Harris GIF - Kamala Kamala Harris Kamala2020 - Discover &  Share GIFs


You are a fucking tool


Kamala Harris Laugh - Imgflip

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This IS a long video, but this woman is wise well beyond her years.  This is one of the better videos I have seen in a very long time.  If you have some time, it's worth checking it out for 10-15 minutes or so.  I also recommend turning on captioning because her accent is a bit heavy, but she is very well spoken.


All IMHO, of course..



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19 hours ago, angliagt said:

      And this is the guy going face-to-face with Putin?

No i think he said "I'm the only one that can go toe to toe with Putin" When you think the guy can't possibly say anything dumber he raises the bar.Or lowers it.

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1 hour ago, pondking said:

opinions on unions??


28 minutes ago, john510 said:

Unions protect the unproductive lame employees.


Union member for 35 years. Private company unions can be good thing but my opinion is, if they have one they probably deserve it. Government employee unions should be banished, the nature of bureaucracy is to grow and protect itself adding a union just adds to the layers of regulation and stagnation.

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SEIU and teachers union have ruined Oregon.

I see that the basement dummy will be in Portland this Thursday, then off to Seattle, so watch the NOTAMS and TFRs to see how bad traffic will be screwed up for where you are in these areas.

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45 minutes ago, john510 said:

If he were a Trump supporter he'd have received life in prison.I doubt this will make much news.


Its crazy that the guy went full Jeff Dahmer. He was this big talking point in 2017. Every dull minute Hillary Clinton would drop his name. No the media wont cover this at all.

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21 hours ago, flyerdan said:

SEIU and teachers union have ruined Oregon.

I see that the basement dummy will be in Portland this Thursday, then off to Seattle, so watch the NOTAMS and TFRs to see how bad traffic will be screwed up for where you are in these areas.

I get the NOTAM (Notice to Airman), but what is a TFR?

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anti-fossil fuel crowd = lockstep commies.

they understand why Biden is doing what he has to.

the same folks who've screeched the prez doesn't control gas prices for a year and a half will now praise him for lowering gas prices.

if dems maintain a senate/congressional majority they'll spin around and tell you without missing a beat that this means the average voter supports the elimination of fossil fuels which will be Bidum's cue to strangle the supply once again.

dems are creatures of habit.

here's a free guide book to their standard plays.

You Can Trust The Communists
(to be Communists)

The statement is frequently heard: “You cannot trust the Communists!”

This is incorrect; you can trust the Communists.

They are extremely trustworthy.

You can trust a cancer cell to obey the laws of its lawless growth.

You can trust an armed bank robber to take the money and try to escape.

Similarly, you can trust the Communists to act in accordance with the laws of their being.

Wherever you find a Communist, you find an advocate of peace.

“Peace” is one of the golden words of their

They have “peace” movements of every kind; they have peace campaigns, peace prizes, peace conferences, peace processions.

Every Communist is a devotee of peace.

Most people, watching the military preparations of the Communists, noting the enormous percentage of their budget devoted to military objectives, observing their ruthless, brutal repression of any attempt by their captive nations to secure freedom, classify the Communists as blatant hypocrites.

This is far from the truth.

The Communists are not hypocrites.

They are sincerely and genuinely dedicated to peace.

If you gave a mature Communist a lie detector test and asked him if he desired peace with all his heart, he would pass with flying colors.

They live for peace; they long for peace; they would willingly die for peace.

What is this peace which they desire?

During the war against Japan, most Americans
undoubtedly wanted peace.

Peace was the thought that comforted mothers whose sons were in danger on distant battlefields; peace was the word which sustained wives, lonely and anxious without their husbands; peace was the goal that motivated servicemen who knew the boredom, the loneliness, and the danger of war.

Had they been asked to define peace, they would doubtless have described it as the termination of hostilities in the defeat of the enemy by the allies.

Not under any circumstances would victory by Japan have been termed peace.

To the American people, peace meant only one thing— American victory.

The Communists believe they are at war.

They desire “peace” with all their hearts.

But to them, peace is that golden consummation when the progressive force of Communism totally overwhelms American imperialism and climaxes in Communist world conquest.

By definition , “peace” is Communist world conquest.

Since this is true, any action that advances Communist conquest is a “peaceful” action.

When Khrushchev ordered Russian tanks into Budapest to fire into the apartment buildings, reducing them to rubble, entombing man, woman and child, in his heart he had a song of peace.

The Communists use the word “peace” in their own sense with total sincerity.

We interpret it in our sense.

We are the victims, not of their hypocrisy, but of our own ignorance.

The Communists are not hypocrites.

They suffer from paranoid delusions of an intense

They are so enmeshed in the delusions of Marxism-Leninism that they are beyond the scope of rational argument and conviction.




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On 4/13/2022 at 3:06 PM, john510 said:

No i think he said "I'm the only one that can go toe to toe with Putin" When you think the guy can't possibly say anything dumber he raises the bar.Or lowers it.

I know it's a low bar but at least he doesn't suck Putins dick in front of the whole world.


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