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Something about the British myopic sense of superiority pisses me off. Woke culture stands on a flawed foundation by pointing out what they believe is injustice and demanding change all at once. Rather than demonstrating a logical rational for improving social acceptance and human dignity, it relies on blame, shame and guilt as it's tool of persuasion. Although I have empathy, it's not an example I want to empower. Gondi and MLK didn't throw shit at people, they held a mirror up to injustice and it fell under it's own weight.


It's easy to punch down when upholding accepted social norms of the day; be they just or unjust. Being judged on the content of one's character is a fine ideal, but it's not a reality for the uneducated and less fortunate, nor is it a given for the educated and more fortunate. For the vast majority, their rights can be changed over night by choice of the powerful. Even when social injustice is clear, there's a huge disadvantage in punching upwards to bring about change. The human desire for liberty and justice is what drive some people to take that risk. Throughout human history, people have been judged and devalued based on their economic status, gender, religion, orientation, race, etc, etc because that's human nature, and no amount of protest will change that. Real social change is painful, and it doesn't happen over night.

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Politicians are never 'normal'. Not tying to be cute about this but the best captains of industry, heads of religion, leaders of countries or organizations are sociopaths lacking in any empathy but a cever understanding of it in others and bending it for their own advancement. Those directly under them are the same but to a lesser ruthlessness and not trying hard enough.


Certain people I meet I just know that I want to be anywhere but near them. A creepyness vibe? Perhaps an evolutionary defense mechanism? If you ever get that vibe and you can, get away from that person.  

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With a previous criminal record, this loopner wouldn't receive a bottom level clearance for Department of Energy Authorizations. Unfortunately, no psych testing or "creepy feelings" can tell the future. An IQ Test may have helped though. (S)he was hired in June as deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition, aka assisting in taking out the trash. (S)he reported to an assistant secretary to the secretary of the DOE, Jennifer M. Granholm, who reports to the POTUS. One month after the assistant trash boy was hired, (s)he steals a bag from checkout in Vegas. Then Oliver Twist turns around and pulls the same bag trick in Minnesota and gets popped. Kleptomania, or felony Christmas shopping, the courts will decide. My guess is there will be more cases.


This story raises questions, if Big Oil interests didn't have an ax to grind with the DOE, and this 4th tear low level official was binary, would this story get a fiddler's fuck bit of attention? Or are these media whores raking in revenue by attracting readers with "Nonbinary Former Biden Official" click bate that makes it sound like Dopy Joe appointed the assistant trash boy... Same hyperbolic BS was thrown at Trump and every POTUS before him. Political SOP. We're distracted shaking our heads at all the shiny BS while real shit goes on right under our nose. 

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Question for the RATSUN people. 


Do you think people that want everything to be fair fit the woke agenda or not? Seems woke to me whatever that is? Shit this should have been a poll but just fitting it in here. 


This is a crazy work situation and I'm trying to wrap my head around it without getting fired. Hell maybe I shouldn't even be posting this as one of the crybabies could find this and contact ethics and hang me. 

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3 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

Question for the RATSUN people. 


Do you think people that want everything to be fair fit the woke agenda or not? Seems woke to me whatever that is? Shit this should have been a poll but just fitting it in here. 


This is a crazy work situation and I'm trying to wrap my head around it without getting fired. Hell maybe I shouldn't even be posting this as one of the crybabies could find this and contact ethics and hang me. 


Need a little more info...

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45 minutes ago, thisismatt said:

Do you think people that want everything to be fair fit the woke agenda or not?

Not sure if woke or not. I do think the woke mindset started to be born when they started giving trophies to all the kids on sports teams just for participating and it just spread from there. 

Life is tough, get a helmet. Sometimes you're gonna win, sometimes you're gonna loose. Nobody teaches that anymore.

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My daughter in law's family run a trophy and ribbon business. For everything and everyone but a lot for schools. Very few say win (although many say 'you're a winner' but I don't think this is the same as 'winner') or best and most say nice try and 2nd, 3rd... (I think it went up to 32nd)


Equal praise (atta boys) over a wide range of achievement is just as bad as too much for the highest achievers. It dilutes excellence. Can't wait for Olympic tin medals for 18th place. 

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6 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

Question for the RATSUN people. 


Do you think people that want everything to be fair fit the woke agenda or not? Seems woke to me whatever that is? Shit this should have been a poll but just fitting it in here. 


This is a crazy work situation and I'm trying to wrap my head around it without getting fired. Hell maybe I shouldn't even be posting this as one of the crybabies could find this and contact ethics and hang me. 

Ironically "Woke" is a devisive in that one of it's core values is "I'm woke and you're not".

In this way, while Woke should be synomynous with Enlightened, it is not.
Wanting the everything to be fair is a childlike naïve thought

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Just imagine.....


Going out into the world believing that everything is fair and even and that anything you do deserves praise and recognition just for trying. To climb stairs only to trip over the first step and fall because you were ill prepared to recognize how difficult some achievement is. There are two types of people in this world, winners... and then there's everyone else. Being taught the opposite in school is just wrong. Don't settle for 32nd place but if that's all there is know it as soon as possible.



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2 hours ago, angliagt said:

        So,next year at the Super Bowl,I suppose that they'll give

every team member (on both sides) a trophy that says "I Won",

so that the losing team doesn't have low self-esteem?


Already infected kid's sports, so in time some will push it higher up.  Or just change your gender so you can WIN!  

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