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On a more serious note. Talk about the destruction of America. Support the beer drinkers of America and don't boycott Coors for them to raise the wages of their employees more than they already have. When are people going to realize that raising minimum wages is not going to help anyone. As high as the minimum wage has been raised. The minimum wage earners are probably worse off now than they ever have. You're wages are going up but now the products that your selling or making are also going up in price. So nobody wins, the poor, the middle-class, or the rich.


If you want to truly make more money. Learn a skill that pays a higher salary. Stop making life harder for everyone else.




Edited by IZRL
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7 hours ago, IZRL said:

On a more serious note. Talk about the destruction of America. Support the beer drinkers of America and don't boycott Coors for them to raise the wages of their employees more than they already have. When are people going to realize that raising minimum wages is not going to help anyone. As high as the minimum wage has been raised. The minimum wage earners are probably worse off now than they ever have. You're wages are going up but now the products that your selling or making are also going up in price. So nobody wins, the poor, the middle-class, or the rich.


If you want to truly make more money. Learn a skill that pays a higher salary. Stop making life harder for everyone else.








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Unions are an effective way to unite workers and agitate for changes for fair pay and working conditions. That's it. Then they get too big for their britches and start telling employers and their own members what to do. Seen this time and time again. It's big money and politics and no one wins. Used to be a UAW member at GM and some of the things I saw would make you puke.

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California just raised fast food workers salaries to $20 per hour.  It became effective three days ago, and there are already stories of employees showing up at their workplace, only to find it closed and the owners are handing them their last paychecks.  Of course, other laborers in other industries are now unhappy. 


I go to fast food places MAYBE twice a year and only when I'm traveling.  I am always floored at how expensive it is.  I can't imagine how expensive it is going to be now..




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Wait... Waaa???? What about all other minimum wage earners outside the fast food industry? Wouldn't they still be minimum wage and the fast food workers just workers?


When I started working it was $1.60 Canadian. Gas was $0.32 or just under 8 cents a liter. just shows you how worthless your dollar has become.

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8 hours ago, Duncan said:

California just raised fast food workers salaries to $20 per hour.  It became effective three days ago, and there are already stories of employees showing up at their workplace, only to find it closed and the owners are handing them their last paychecks.  Of course, other laborers in other industries are now unhappy. 


I go to fast food places MAYBE twice a year and only when I'm traveling.  I am always floored at how expensive it is.  I can't imagine how expensive it is going to be now..




It's only for the bigger fast food companies. I believe it's 60 locations or more ? I wonder what that will do to the smaller places like family owned that aren't franchised ? Imagine leaving a small mom & pop place where they probably appreciate you for a McDonalds where you're just a body. Maybe it'll weed out the worthless employees that suck at their jobs. I did read Panera Bread is exempt because they make their own bread. And the owners are tight with Gavin Newsom that helped create the new law.

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There is a Fosters Freeze right up the road from me that closed on Monday.  I know it's for bigger chains, but there are a lot of Mom and Pop places like the aforementioned that are small like Der Wiener, Pup n Taco, etc, etc, and similar that have to comply. 


The blowback on Newsom about the Panera Bread thing was brutal, and he did an about face as soon as that was announced. It was basically the French Laundry pt 2.


I just hope people from other States see how this clown is.  I think the budget shortage is 37 billion dollars, and they're still doing more free stuff for illegals than they are for the homeless citizens and US Veterans.


Right after I posted this, I ran into this..















Edited by Duncan
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Just like California's politicians, Foster Freeze has been in decline for the past 25 years. They're just another dead cannery in the coal mine. 

Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, Duncan said:

There is a Fosters Freeze right up the road from me that closed on Monday.  I know it's for bigger chains, but there are a lot of Mom and Pop places like the aforementioned that are small like Der Wiener, Pup n Taco, etc, etc, and similar that have to comply. 


The blowback on Newsom about the Panera Bread thing was brutal, and he did an about face as soon as that was announced. It was basically the French Laundry pt 2.


I just hope people from other States see how this clown is.  I think the budget shortage is 37 billion dollars, and they're still doing more free stuff for illegals than they are for the homeless citizens and US Veterans.


Right after I posted this, I ran into this..
















Did you miss the one about the restaurant Newsom is part owner of, looking to hire a busboy for $16/hr?

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Minimum wage is if you are a teenager. Getting life skills but not trying to support a family. You need to continue to grow your skills, documention, cerifications, licensing ect or life is going to leave you behind. I have a friend running a crew from south of the border some legal some not but starting pay is $25 and hour roofers, carpenders and housing is paid by the company. They are paying local homeowners 4k a month for 2 bedroom house and there are 2 men per bedroom. Houses are routinely inspected and so far I haven't seen any shenanigans. These guys work 12 hours a day, have a couple of brews, go to bed and start at sunrise the next day. This has been on since a hurricane 19 months ago. This is the competition being imported to our shores so those that are starting out in thier working careers are going to have to work harder and smarter. The days of the white guy running a Brown crew are over. The trades in Florida are Brown from the top to the bottom. They are putting in the work and walking away with the rewards as it should be. Doing the Minimum at a minimum wage job and expecting more to be handed to you isn't going to work out very well in the end.

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11 hours ago, paradime said:

Just like California's politicians, Foster Freeze has been in decline for the past 25 years. They're just another dead cannery in the cole mine. 


Cannery Row by Steinbeck, John: Paperback (1947) First Edition. | Parigi  Books, Vintage and Rare

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The Communists say that this wage is really sticking it to big business, but they are going to kill small business, or ones barely hanging on, and all that will be left is big business! 

They started the cleanse during the Bogus Pandemic by killing off a ton of Small Businesses, and now they are looking to finish the job! Plus, they are making tons of new Democrat voters, ignorant as hell Democrat Voters, who will sing their praises and keep them in power. 



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I read this thread and there if so much seemingly random stuff thrown into it that I can't follow it all but I did read about this Newsome guy rolling out a homeless program that does nothing to address the causes of homelessness and then upping a minimum wage for fast food workers. If he was to stop property tax based on market value and taxing based on zoning instead of on what is actually there, it would stop pushing people into homelessness. And if we didn't have to pay so much in taxes we could spend more on out cars. Does he also think going to electric cars will stop climate change?

1 hour ago, paradime said:



Thanks Paradime, I haven't heard this in a long time. I remember the lamp shade hats.


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12 hours ago, Rustbin said:

I read this thread and there if so much seemingly random stuff thrown into it that I can't follow it all but I did read about this Newsome guy rolling out a homeless program that does nothing to address the causes of homelessness and then upping a minimum wage for fast food workers. If he was to stop property tax based on market value and taxing based on zoning instead of on what is actually there, it would stop pushing people into homelessness. And if we didn't have to pay so much in taxes we could spend more on out cars. Does he also think going to electric cars will stop climate change?


Thanks Paradime, I haven't heard this in a long time. I remember the lamp shade hats.


Yes Newsom thinks electric cars will stop climate change. He also believes taxation is the solution to our problems. In order to fix his mistakes he needs more of our money.

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On 3/30/2024 at 5:59 AM, datzenmike said:

Anyone want to bet that Trump has a solar eclipse rally and says that it's a sign from god? and only he can bring back the sun.



Well part right. What a fucking tool. I believe his head could blot out the sun.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:





Mike, are you ok, after seeing this?  We got yer back, my friend!! 😎👍

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