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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:

He bumbles around and that's it.

Bumbles is correct....


The withdrawal from Afghanistan

The inflation rate higher than any prez since Carter

Open borders


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As the two parties are polar opposites, if Trump tried to build a wall then Biden would champion having it open. Makes zero sense having a porous border except that these are potential Biden voters..

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15 hours ago, wayno said:

Dead people voted for Biden, I expect they thought he would represent them, night of the living dead, I expect a repeat November 5, 2024


They no longer need dead people, now they have fresh ones! 


Biden's open border is a boon for human traffickers; we must stop them |  The Hill

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18 hours ago, paradime said:



My response to this guy is "So who are you gonna vote for dood??  Dear God, I sure hope you are not stupid enough to vote for Brandon!!" Ugh 😆

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Draw your own conclusions. Title says "He's voting against him". Someone should run a dog in this campaign. Years ago Nipper the dog ran for mayor near me. He did not bad and was a good indicator of voter dissatisfaction as well as an embarrassment to the runners. Running against a dog. lol

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5 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


They no longer need dead people, now they have fresh ones! 


Biden's open border is a boon for human traffickers; we must stop them |  The Hill


"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


How things have changed these past 125 years

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


How things have changed these past 125 years


We also used to stake claims to free land, slavery was legal, women couldn't vote, natives could be rounded up and forced out, ad nauseum.  

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Ongoing 'Fundamental Transformation'.


Enjoy your old internal combustion vehicles while you can; as the sh1t deepens.




Edited by difrangia
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12 hours ago, thisismatt said:


We also used to stake claims to free land, slavery was legal, women couldn't vote, natives could be rounded up and forced out, ad nauseum.  


Yeah, but we where not the only ones, and some places still practice most of this. 

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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:


"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


How things have changed these past 125 years


The country has always had a capacity to absorb immigration, and for the long range good.  Problem is now, no limits.  Those intent on letting anyone and everyone in of course are too stupid to realize that they are overwhelming and destroying the normal capacity of the country and organizations to deal with it.  If you can help 1000 people effectively, but now add in 100,000, you can no longer help them effectively, even the first 1000.  So in the end, you are not helping any of them and hurting the existing population as well as the newcomers.  If there is no limitation to those who are legitimate "asylum" seekers, and no control on criminals etc. there is no benefit.


Worst is the states and cities saying "let 'em all in, we're sanctuary cities", then moaning "wait, we didn't mean send them here.  You keep 'em in Texas, Arizona, etc."  Hypocrisy of the highest order.

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Throughout our country's history, immigrants have been made the scapegoat for OUR problems right from the beginning. When it comes to boarder control and immigration reform, hypocrisy is the river that runs through it. This kind of ethnic/religious triangulation is the oldest political ploy in the book.


I've seen the same border tirades repeated every election year, where one side blames the other for everything, and nothing ever changes. When the rhetoric is on auto repeat, and the issue turns into a political hot potato when the election is over, at some point I have to ask myrself WTF is going on. The only thing that makes sense is this cheep labor force economic system is, and always has been, working as planned. We all know this loose boarder shit would end toot sweet if it was hurting the financial bottom line of the puppet masters. If they can blame "those filthy immigrants" for fucking everything up, it's easy to avoid taking responsibility for doing all the fucking. 

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China is looking at some bleak futures ahead because of their one child policy of the 60s. Families opted to only allow males to be raised and now there are 50 million extra male breeders that will not have mates and produce offspring instead of a 25/25 male/female mix that would have. Add to this that families see that having more than one child isn't economical and educated women also have smaller families and many are choosing to not marry. I think last year China's population changed from increasing to declining and in some areas, the numbers were fudged and it may have been 2016. The problem is China has an aging population so as time goes buy more and more people exit the work force and there are less and less young to support them. They will have to import foreign workers or else.


The illegal immigration may end up being a boon in the future.  (don't yell at me) Maybe someone is just looking ahead.

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6 hours ago, difrangia said:

Ongoing 'Fundamental Transformation'.


Enjoy your old internal combustion vehicles while you can; as the sh1t deepens.





EVs blow up, not like cars. I worry every time I'm on a ferry that some piece of shit EV is going to blow the fuck up beside a tanker truck. Don't get me started on Chinese made ones. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

China is looking at some bleak futures ahead because of their one child policy of the 60s. Families opted to only allow males to be raised and now there are 50 million extra male breeders that will not have mates and produce offspring instead of a 25/25 male/female mix that would have. Add to this that families see that having more than one child isn't economical and educated women also have smaller families and many are choosing to not marry. I think last year China's population changed from increasing to declining and in some areas, the numbers were fudged and it may have been 2016. The problem is China has an aging population so as time goes buy more and more people exit the work force and there are less and less young to support them. They will have to import foreign workers or else.


The illegal immigration may end up being a boon in the future.  (don't yell at me) Maybe someone is just looking ahead.

   Solution - just send all of those illegals to China - WIN/WIN.

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Do you guys remember that 1983 movie War Games with Mathew Broderick and Ally Sheedy? It was inspired by Robert Axelrod's computer generated tests of cooperative vs defensive strategies in game theory. Also referenced in Douglas Adams books in the 80s. The outcome of Roberts study played a significant role in softening the US-Soviet conflict, which led to ending the Cold War, and the nuclear arms race. 


If knowledge from this study helped to improve relations with our greatest enemy, can it repair the F'ed up relations between our 2 intrenched parties to get our government functioning again? 




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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


EVs blow up, not like cars. I worry every time I'm on a ferry that some piece of shit EV is going to blow the fuck up beside a tanker truck. Don't get me started on Chinese made ones. 

I don't see them being successful at ramming electric vehicles down our throats for a long time. They'll never get me to buy one ! And I'm curious if the electricity we'll need to produce to replace gasoline and diesel will be any cleaner than an internal combustion engine. I had a Toyota Corolla that I had smogged so I could sell it. It produced zero emissions on every category on the smog ticket. But I should buy an electric car ? 

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I see immigration was discussed. My take on that is, we're full, can't afford to support you, don't really need you and you should stay where you are AND FIX YOUR OWN GODDAMN COUNTRY INSTEAD OF COMING HERE TO FUCK UP MINE ! Yes I was yelling. We have an open border for one reason. Votes for the Democrats being dispersed throughout the country. Never mind Cartel crime, human and drug trafficking. Those are just necessary evils for the left to get what they want.

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My wife has a Rav4 and it shuts off at lights or any time you let of the gas while driving. On take offs if you don't hit it too hard the battery gets you going and you can drive several blocks on it before the stored energy is depleted and the engine is re started. Under ideal conditions the engine only keeps the vehicle rolling once moving or at higher speeds or under demand of more power. The battery is also charged when decelerating with the engine off. So a lot of normally wasted energy is captured and stored and used without the engine on or together with it on. It does run on gas so not tied to charge rate.


Here in BC we have lots of hydro power so basically almost zero emission electricity. I'm not too thrilled by easily damaged battery placement (under side of vehicle) and resulting catastrophic failure or equally catastrophic replacement costs. Still, a gas tank with only 10 gallons, each cup full equal to the burning energy in 14 sticks of dynamite inside the cabin....    

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