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10 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

It goes on on both sides. I remember Hannity screaming impeach Obama until I couldn't stomache listening to that guy. I really just want some factual news but all we get is some bloviating Dingleberries on both sides screaming how the other side is lying crooks. Sadly they are correct.

I can't stand Hannity.Just a blowhard continually telling us about things nobody will do anything about.He is right on many things but it doesn't matter.And then it's him against the world.He's so outnumbered by the left wing media.

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13 hours ago, john510 said:

I won't even quote all that left wing nut copy and paste crap because whatever it's supposed to mean only seems to apply to Trump.Not Biden,Obama,Clinton,Pence etc. They all have taken records home without consequence.One of them stored it in the trunk of a car  ???? But,but,but,but Trump my ass.


You're talking to a Californian.


What's that saying about the tree of liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants? Can't stand Trump, the most un-presidential president ever. In many cases a buffoon, a clown, a huckster preaching to his converted... but gets some things done because he doesn't know that he can't or isn't supposed to do that. A welcome breath of fresh air and the savior of America from Hilary Clinton!!! even if only the lesser of two evils. He was definitely underestimated and that won't happen again!!!! 81 million votes? bull fucking shit! Republican's single most important virtue is that they oppose the Democrats but otherwise about as bad. Again the lesser of two evils. If Trump was bad just look at that mumbling corpse and laughing hyena in office today.


(the above was not cut 'n paste)

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20 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


You're talking to a Californian.


What's that saying about the tree of liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants? Can't stand Trump, the most un-presidential president ever. In many cases a buffoon, a clown, a huckster preaching to his converted... but gets some things done because he doesn't know that he can't or isn't supposed to do that. A welcome breath of fresh air and the savior of America from Hilary Clinton!!! even if only the lesser of two evils. He was definitely underestimated and that won't happen again!!!! 81 million votes? bull fucking shit! Republican's single most important virtue is that they oppose the Democrats but otherwise about as bad. Again the lesser of two evils. If Trump was bad just look at that mumbling corpse and laughing hyena in office today.


(the above was not cut 'n paste)

I'm a Californian myself and in recent years have paid the consequences, Yes Trump is harsh,rude,obnoxious etc. but he stands up for this country and it's people.He didn't cater to China or NATO and got a lot of resistance for it.But it worked.I could care less about a personality as much as I want results on policy decisions.If I felt Biden was doing a good job for THIS country instead of the rest of the world I'd support him also.The one thing I notice is how people still attack Trump that's been gone for two years+ and ignore the idiot we have now running this country.Trump has zero control over the current situation.Focus on who does.Or man up and admit Biden's been a disaster from day one.

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11 hours ago, dhp123166 said:

One side is pro-life, until you are born, then you are on your own.


One side has done nothing about sexualization purveyed by mass media and industry for decades because there is too much money involved.


One side denies human nature and is steadfast about creating an underclass that it can project everything it hates about itself into.


One side chooses as it's figurehead a person who praises dictators and despots because that is what he wants to be.


One side supports itself by wanting to control your women.


You are well conditioned!


1.  Demonstrably false.  Conservatives statistically give a higher percentage of their income to charities than liberals.  Crisis pregnancy centers assist people for years after the child is born (as an aside, "pro-choice" people attack these centers both physically and legislatively, proving they are not pro-choice nor "supportive of women" who want to choose to keep their baby).  You are completely under the spell of Democrat talking points.


2.  Really? And how effective would they have been trying to make legislation against Hollywood with virtually all liberals supporting the perpetuation of this content?  Sorry, red herring. To criticize Republicans for not stopping something which you by tacit admission apparently support is duplicitous.  


3.  Provide definition and specific cause and effect examples of this phenomenon to support your argument. This one is so vacuous I can't even refute it without more to go on. 


4. You can make the claim all you want, but nothing Trump did while in office showed any bent towards being a dictator.  Far more dictatorial executive orders and other policies have been issued from the current administration than during the previous administration.  I guess his deferential treatment of the CCP is an example of what you are thinking of (insert eye roll here).  Yes, may be he made some comments about Putin that Democrats love to dress up as support, but the reality is there was no Russian aggression during his term.  Question:  You still believing the russian collusion story pushed by your congressman Schiffhead?  If so, 'nuf said.


5.  Mischaracterization at best, total lie at worst.  I am pro-life but have no desire to exert control over any hypothetical "women". I have enough work dealing with mine. 😁  I merely posit that they should take responsibility for their actions and not kill another human being, as any civilized society should protect life and the rights of people (and don't give me any ridiculous arguments about not being life as "party of science" hypocrites are wont to do).  It is bad policy to punish the innocent for other's mistakes.

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15 hours ago, john510 said:

The last six+ years of accusations,threats,impeachment etc. have shown us something from the left.They're crooked,corrupt and will do anything they can to keep an outsider out of their little click.No I don't know exactly what's going on but past history does tell me somebody is being picked on for a reason.Trump disrupted the establishment and they don't like it.I don't like the establishment therefore I support him disrupting it.And it should matter to you.

The right has Mitch McConnell, who has openly said, multiple times, that no matter what the democrats propose, he will shoot it down or not work with them. What good comes from this kind of partisanship? He said this when Obama was elected. How's that for picking on someone for no reason. Oh, wait, maybe there was one reason...


And to directly address your point, all politicians are corrupt, not just the ones you dislike.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


You're talking to a Californian.


What's that saying about the tree of liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants? Can't stand Trump, the most un-presidential president ever. In many cases a buffoon, a clown, a huckster preaching to his converted... but gets some things done because he doesn't know that he can't or isn't supposed to do that. A welcome breath of fresh air and the savior of America from Hilary Clinton!!! even if only the lesser of two evils. He was definitely underestimated and that won't happen again!!!! 81 million votes? bull fucking shit! Republican's single most important virtue is that they oppose the Democrats but otherwise about as bad. Again the lesser of two evils. If Trump was bad just look at that mumbling corpse and laughing hyena in office today.


(the above was not cut 'n paste)

Your perspective is appreciated for one reason - you aren't a US citizen, so you presumably don't have a horse in the race.

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1 hour ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

The right has Mitch McConnell, who has openly said, multiple times, that no matter what the democrats propose, he will shoot it down or not work with them. What good comes from this kind of partisanship? He said this when Obama was elected. How's that for picking on someone for no reason. Oh, wait, maybe there was one reason...


And to directly address your point, all politicians are corrupt, not just the ones you dislike.

Interesting.Sounds like every single Democrat not working with Trump.There were reasons to pick on Obama.His Obamacare was one of them.They fed us responsible people a shit sandwich with that one.The majority of us now pay for those that never got insured.What others do or don't do is not my issue to deal with.At least it wasn't.

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Again, very one sided. Cherry picking your examples to support your own ideals is not new.


I am not defending Democratic politicking, but I am defending free thought. Accept the fact that all politicians are doing the same thing. So tell me again how the dems suck and the GOP is GOD. Just so I know you're not wavering.

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It's a painfully ironic soap opera where the Whitehouse has been converted to an assisted living facility for the sitting POTUS who's own party has no faith in his leadership, but supports his reelection. The frontrunner for the 2024 election has enough evidence against him to be indicted by a grand jury on 31 felony counts of violating the Espionage Act, 6 additional felony counts involving obstruction of justice, making false statements in a federal investigation, and conspiracy to conceal stolen government property. He's also facing indictments for misleading banks, insurers, and government agencies. Besides Florida and NY, he's facing grand jury indictments in Washington DC, and Georgia for attempts to subvert the 2020 election results. He filed 63 lawsuits in 6 states alleging wide spread election fraud, and without evidence to support these claims, all of them were thrown out. Despite self-incriminating audio recordings, his supporters believe he's a stable genius and that all the evidence, charges, and trial losses for sexual abuse and defamation are part of a vast evil left wing conspiracy to once again rig the election against the American people. The suspense mounts with the bill he signed into law, each count of willful retention of top secret records  has a 10-year max sentence, obstruction 20-years max, false-statements 5 years. It'll be riots in the streets if he's convicted and sentenced to prison time. Stay tuned for the next episode of As Merka Crashes. This program is aired 24/7 for your convenience. Coverage may vary depending on local region affiliates and your cable plan. Network personalities are void and prohibited due to low ratings or corporate defamation lawsuits. 

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Is that left wing font?



4 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

Your perspective is appreciated for one reason - you aren't a US citizen, so you presumably don't have a horse in the race.



Correct I don't. He's not my president, neither one was, but I can opine. I never claim to use facts for the simple reason they can't be verified and I wasn't there. Obama was a fair orator. Brandon is a stumbling idiot and Harris just laughs at every question inappropriately. Talking of idiots, Dan Quail was a better Veep and that's saying some. Please please please don't die in office Brandon. How the fuck did you/we get to this impasse????? 

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2 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

Again, very one sided. Cherry picking your examples to support your own ideals is not new.


I am not defending Democratic politicking, but I am defending free thought. Accept the fact that all politicians are doing the same thing. So tell me again how the dems suck and the GOP is GOD. Just so I know you're not wavering.

What was one sided ? Honestly the only problem I saw with Obama at the time was his healthcare plan.Other than that I think he managed to do an average  job running the country.I honestly can't think of any positives,maybe getting Saddam Hussein ? But that wasn't really his accomplishment.I didn't care for Bush either.My point is all Democrats seem to jump on their own wagon no matter what (one doesn't,Manchin) while Republicans don't.What Democrats are calling out Biden ? There are a bunch of Republicans trying to get Trump.There were also many Republicans that fought Trump on his proposals.And FWIW I'm an Independent and used to vote for either side.I don't anymore.

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Last verse of the most unplayed/underappreciated Pink Floyd song from their playbook.

From the soundtrack for 'La Vallee - Obscured By Clouds'; the composition 'Childhood's End'.

Has been an ever present and reliable crutch for me over the past half century. 

Has given me cold chills every time I've ever played it, even today !!


Who are you and who am I
To say we know the reason why?
Some are born; some men die
Beneath one infinite sky
There’ll be war, there’ll be peace
But everything one day will cease

All the iron turned to rust
All the proud men turned to dust
And so all things, time will mend
So this song will end


That, I call, 'philasophical boogie'.




Iron To Rust.JPG

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21 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Is that left wing font?



Your perspective is appreciated for one reason - you aren't a US citizen, so you presumably don't have a horse in the race.



Correct I don't. He's not my president, neither one was, but I can opine. I never claim to use facts for the simple reason they can't be verified and I wasn't there. Obama was a fair orator. Brandon is a stumbling idiot and Harris just laughs at every question inappropriately. Talking of idiots, Dan Quail was a better Veep and that's saying some. Please please please don't die in office Brandon. How the fuck did you/we get to this impasse????? 

 Our democracy is based on corporate interest media propaganda and disinformation. Peel back the BS ideological wrapping on both sides and you'll find a box full of greed. 

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2 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

 So tell me again how the dems suck and the GOP is GOD. 


I don't think any of us, as conservative as we may be in general would spell it (good) that way.  As John implies above, there are those on the Republican side who don't always toe the party line.  Look at yesterday's vote on censure of Schiffhead.  Did Democrats vote out of lockstep on the Trump impeachment fabrications (again courtesy of Schiffhead)?  Any of them?  They all think exactly the same, or is someone holding something over them.


I am not a huge Trump fan.  I voted for him as keeping Hillary and the notably corrupt Clintons away from the WH was important to me.  Who knew the Bidens were even better at corruption than them?

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The thing about politics I will never understand are those that flat out refuse to vote for the opposite party they're registered to.The left had to know how fried Biden's brain was yet here we are.It was based on hatred,simple as that.It's kind of scary if you think about it.I have a good friend.Known him since 6th grade,about 47 years now.He lives in East Los Angeles.Complains about homeless,lack of crime fighting,illegal invasion,gas prices,taxes here in Cali etc. Always talking about the things the right supports (which he seems to support) and the left ignores.You would think he was a right wing supporter.Right before the last election we're camping at the sand dunes talking politics and he's complaining about what an ass Trump is.We're telling him Trump is on your side with all of your gripes about what's going in California.Well he's going to vote for Biden because he hates Trump.He just hates him that's it.No other reason at all but "I hate him" Then he tells us he'd like to see Adam Schifforbrains run for President.We're all standing there thinking WTF ? We thought he was kidding,he wasn't.I wish I could understand it.

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We have a pandemic of the pot calling the kettle black. You'd think that after decades of mindless ideological division we'd have learned by now that beating each other over the head with insults and pathetically cliche stereotypes accomplishes nothing for WE the people. So what's the point of rooting for one side or the other if both are on the corporate dole and serving their interests rather than ours? Dangling red haring issues followed by empty virtue signaling is the rhetorical drug of mass complicity. Instead of judging the other's F'ed up thinking, maybe it's time to consider what WE are willing to overlook just to keep their side from gaining power. 

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23 hours ago, iceman510 said:


You are well conditioned!


1.  Demonstrably false.  Conservatives statistically give a higher percentage of their income to charities than liberals.  Crisis pregnancy centers assist people for years after the child is born (as an aside, "pro-choice" people attack these centers both physically and legislatively, proving they are not pro-choice nor "supportive of women" who want to choose to keep their baby).  You are completely under the spell of Democrat talking points.


2.  Really? And how effective would they have been trying to make legislation against Hollywood with virtually all liberals supporting the perpetuation of this content?  Sorry, red herring. To criticize Republicans for not stopping something which you by tacit admission apparently support is duplicitous.  


3.  Provide definition and specific cause and effect examples of this phenomenon to support your argument. This one is so vacuous I can't even refute it without more to go on. 


4. You can make the claim all you want, but nothing Trump did while in office showed any bent towards being a dictator.  Far more dictatorial executive orders and other policies have been issued from the current administration than during the previous administration.  I guess his deferential treatment of the CCP is an example of what you are thinking of (insert eye roll here).  Yes, may be he made some comments about Putin that Democrats love to dress up as support, but the reality is there was no Russian aggression during his term.  Question:  You still believing the russian collusion story pushed by your congressman Schiffhead?  If so, 'nuf said.


5.  Mischaracterization at best, total lie at worst.  I am pro-life but have no desire to exert control over any hypothetical "women". I have enough work dealing with mine. 😁  I merely posit that they should take responsibility for their actions and not kill another human being, as any civilized society should protect life and the rights of people (and don't give me any ridiculous arguments about not being life as "party of science" hypocrites are wont to do).  It is bad policy to punish the innocent for other's mistakes.

1.  Republicans are pro- child, really?


https://www.epi.org/publication/child-labor-laws-under-attack/       follow the "industry supporters" thread and see who these people are. They are republicans.



There is a lot that the Republican Party is prepared to do to protect children from the world at large. But there are limits.


There are lines the Republican Party won’t cross.


The Republican Party will not, for example, support universal school lunch to protect children from hunger. When Minnesota Democrats pushed the measure in the most recent session of the state’s Legislature, for example, one of their Republican colleagues strenuously objected. “I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that says they don’t have access to enough food to eat,” Steve Drazkowski, a state senator, said. He, like most Republicans in the Legislature, voted against the bill.


In the United States Congress, most Republicans will not support a child allowance to keep children, and their families, out of poverty. On the question of health care, there are 10 states — Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Wyoming — where Republicans have refused the Medicaid expansion passed under the Affordable Care Act, depriving millions of Americans, including many children, of access to regular medical care.


And in the wake of yet another school massacre — in Nashville, where a shooter killed three adults and three children at a private Christian school — Republicans refuse to do anything that might reduce the odds of another shooting or make it less likely that a child dies of gun violence.


-New York Times- March 31, 2023


So it is better to rely on the " kindness of strangers " than protective legislation for childrens' sake?


And here is the truth about your "crisis pregnancy centers:" 


CPC is a term used to refer to certain facilities that represent themselves as legitimate reproductive health care clinics providing care for pregnant people but actually aim to dissuade people from accessing certain types of reproductive health care, including abortion care and even contraceptive options. Staff members at these unregulated and often nonmedical facilities have no legal obligation to provide pregnant people with accurate information and are not subject to HIPAA or required by law to maintain client confidentiality. Many CPCs are affiliated with national organizations that provide funding, support, and training to advance a broadscale antiabortion agenda. 


-American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists


2. I never stated anything about the "entertainment industry" but that assumption is to be expected as that is one of the evangelical rights boogeymen.


   I was referring to the consumerism advertising industry which has been sexualizing children for decades, remember a teenaged Brooke Shields telling us that "nothing comes between me and my Calvins?"  That and an endless littany of advertising porn all to separate us consumers from our dollars.


   Thanks for the straw man. The day a Republican has the stones to take on big business is the day ( to use a trite aphorism) hell freezes over. 


3. The evangelical right hates homosexuals and transvestites ( i.e. as some humans are prone to be) because they are allegedly sexualizing children and are an "affront against God".


The right is trying to create a subclass of these and other marginalized people, homeless, illegal immigrant, mentally ill much like Hitler had his Jews, Communists, Trade Unionists, Bolsheviks etc.


We all know what Hitler did to his subclass.  


The cancerous heart of MAGA is a punching down coward.


 I never hear the right take on the female child pageant industry which most assuredly sexualizes little girls. 


I never hear the right taking on F.L.D.S. or I.B.L.P. or any of the other multiple christian denominations ( Latter Day Saints, Southern Baptist) which all have child predators in them. They don't because right wing males are the leadership of these organizations.


What kind of a weak impotent God can't even keep children safe in his own houses of worship?


There are only nine states in the union that have banned underage marriage; Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont and Connecticut. All what one might consider to be "blue" or slightly "purple" states.


Now look at the list of states with the highest per capita underage marriage; Nevada, Idaho, Arkansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah, Alabama, West Virginia and Mississippi.


These seem to be mostly "red" states but please do go on about how republicans have the best interests of children in their hearts at all times.


4. "Trump did nothing in office to show any bent towards being a dictator."


This is highly laughable and illustrates your membership in the Tre45on cult;


Dictatorial tendencies include narcissism, contempt for the truth and the  willingness to run roughshod over long-standing norms.


Concrete efforts by Tre45on which are in line with the formation of a dictator;  


Systematic efforts to intimidate the media.


Building an official pro-Trump media network.


Politicizing the civil service, military, National Guard, or the domestic security agencies.


Using state power to reward corporate backers. 


Enforcing the law for only one side ("Proud Boys, stand back and stand by." All an effort by tre45on to build a homegrown Sturmabteilung.)


Really rigging the system.




Demonizing the opposition.


Doing everything possible short of fomenting widespread civil war to remain in power.


Rereading this list, it shines the light on your original assertion and all can really see that you have drank the Tre45on KoolAid.



 5. How can one be "pro life" but not wish to exert any control " over hypothetical women".


In the pro life right, the foetus takes precedence over the mother. Period. So you wish to force women to bear children " but do not wish to exert control over them." Ummm, okay.


We can now see how much cognitive dissonance is in operation in you.  


I will never agree that a clump of cells that cannot survive outside the mothers body qualifies as a human being.


What is even more f'ed up are the assertions by Tre45on and others on the right "that babies are executed as soon as they are born."  said in 2019, that is a completely insane utterance from the putrid brain of your fearless leader.


Notice how you tried to conflate "human being" with "life." Nice try at the semantic drift but it is not going to work.


Neither is your "innocent" reference to what I am assuming is unborn life. That is just sentimental mush.


And if it is "bad policy to punish the innocent for others' mistakes?" why do 14 states out of 22 that currently allow abortion have no rape or incest exception?


You really want to punish a young defenseless girl whose father overpowered her or the young lady out in the park who got attacked by some scumbag , her only crime being in the wrong place at the wrong time?


" Protecting the innocent, huh?"


 I remember when republicans had an intellectual and philosophical base; George Will, William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, Wilhelm Roepke, and George Nash are just a few conservative powerhouses who were smart enough to lay a base for modern conservatism. And as a result had a cogent governing ability.


 I think the problem began when after 1980 all republicans tried to " out-Reagan", Ronald Reagan, and thus began a downward spiral of intellectual stultification.


 That and the incursion by the Evangelical Right, as differentiated by your average dutiful christian whom follows the teachings of Jesus and is more concerned with washing feet than owning a shoe factory in S.E. Asia that employs child labor.


 The Evangelical Right is more concerned with domination, an alleged moral manifest, and lust for power that is absent in the teachings of Jesus. They are the spiritual descendants of the original genocidal colonizers of North America.


  So now today the republican party of the past has been usurped by such mental luminaries as; Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Louis Gohmert etc. etc.


MAGA has no governing philosophy other than " owning the libs" and trolling the populace for attention points and a better Q rating. It's the dead end of a nihilistic, apathetic, and entitled group of people.


But once these slobs go away there are still some bright republican lights like Chris Sununu, Glenn Youngkin and Phil Scott of Vermont whom all seem to remember sanity and conciliatory deal making that both sides of the aisle used to move this country forward..




Edited by dhp123166
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5 hours ago, difrangia said:

Last verse of the most unplayed/underappreciated Pink Floyd song from their playbook.

From the soundtrack for 'La Vallee - Obscured By Clouds'; the composition 'Childhood's End'.

Has been an ever present and reliable crutch for me over the past half century. 

Has given me cold chills every time I've ever played it, even today !!


Who are you and who am I
To say we know the reason why?
Some are born; some men die
Beneath one infinite sky
There’ll be war, there’ll be peace
But everything one day will cease

All the iron turned to rust
All the proud men turned to dust
And so all things, time will mend
So this song will end


That, I call, 'philasophical boogie'.




Iron To Rust.JPG



"Obscured By Clouds" is an excellent post Syd Barrett Pink Floyd album IMO. I read recently that it is actually Pink Floyds least favorite album by them. I think it has quality songs, good production, and a nice flow to the album. Much more so than "Atom heart Mother."

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1 hour ago, dhp123166 said:



"Obscured By Clouds" is an excellent post Syd Barrett Pink Floyd album IMO. I read recently that it is actually Pink Floyds least favorite album by them. I think it has quality songs, good production, and a nice flow to the album. Much more so than "Atom heart Mother."


scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past, scroll past..................awwwww crap!  Now this numbnutz has ME cutting & pasting..................😝

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5 hours ago, difrangia said:

Last verse of the most unplayed/underappreciated Pink Floyd song from their playbook.

From the soundtrack for 'La Vallee - Obscured By Clouds'; the composition 'Childhood's End'.

Has been an ever present and reliable crutch for me over the past half century. 

Has given me cold chills every time I've ever played it, even today !!


Who are you and who am I
To say we know the reason why?
Some are born; some men die
Beneath one infinite sky
There’ll be war, there’ll be peace
But everything one day will cease

All the iron turned to rust
All the proud men turned to dust
And so all things, time will mend
So this song will end


That, I call, 'philasophical boogie'.




Iron To Rust.JPG

I've had a similar relationship with Pink Floyd's When the Tigers Broke Free

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