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Covid-19 Prepared?

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I posted a while back that a doctors wife told me that her husband thought that the reason that rare cancers were showing up was because he thought the vaccination was compromising the people's immune systems, now it is coming out, but it is too late for the vaccinated.


The do nothings will be the reason North America falls, as they will do all they can to make sure that it does fall to make the people dependent on them, then vaccinations will be mandatory.


I would be interested in finding out where the exotic metal(aluminum?) in the vaccine goes in people's bodies, does it attach itself to the nerves?

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3 hours ago, wayno said:

I posted a while back that a doctors wife told me that her husband thought that the reason that rare cancers were showing up was because he thought the vaccination was compromising the people's immune systems, now it is coming out, but it is too late for the vaccinated.


The do nothings will be the reason North America falls, as they will do all they can to make sure that it does fall to make the people dependent on them, then vaccinations will be mandatory.


I would be interested in finding out where the exotic metal(aluminum?) in the vaccine goes in people's bodies, does it attach itself to the nerves?

 both Al and Hg are monoethylene glycol (MEG) and triethylene glycol (TEG) soluble.




Edited by jbirds510
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16 hours ago, wayno said:

I posted a while back that a doctors wife told me that her husband thought that the reason that rare cancers were showing up was because he thought the vaccination was compromising the people's immune systems, now it is coming out, but it is too late for the vaccinated.


The do nothings will be the reason North America falls, as they will do all they can to make sure that it does fall to make the people dependent on them, then vaccinations will be mandatory.


I would be interested in finding out where the exotic metal(aluminum?) in the vaccine goes in people's bodies, does it attach itself to the nerves?


So the do nothings will try to enforce mandatory vaccinations that cause cancers in them as well? and the fall of the west will make everyone dependent on them even though there is only an empty shell left to govern over???? Where's the logic in that?

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


So the do nothings will try to enforce mandatory vaccinations that cause cancers in them as well? and the fall of the west will make everyone dependent on them even though there is only an empty shell left to govern over???? Where's the logic in that?


Well, who says the "elite", the do nothings behind all of this ARE actually getting the jab??  Biden & others created photo ops..............doesn't mean they actually took the "vax".  Does anybody know if a human can be tested for the presence of the mRNA spike protein??  Would THAT be a fun study, with all of these "elitists" ie Biden, Harris, Fauci etc etc!! 


My logic is to look & listen to ANY & ALL ideas.  It is HOW any one person responds to these ideas coming from others.  I never ran around telling friends & family NOT to get the jab..............but I did not get it.  I never ran around pointing & screaming about what this current "administration" was & is STILL doing......but I think they are all political crooks with an agenda that will ultimately change how we live.  I never openly stated that the Russian Dosier was a hoax........but it was.  Should I have?  I would have been outwardly labeled as a conspiracy theorist, by family & friends that disagreed with me.  I do hold some importance on what other people think of me...........but I do NOT let it rule my life!

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:




My logic is to look & listen to ANY & ALL ideas.  It is HOW any one person responds to these ideas coming from others.  I never ran around telling friends & family NOT to get the jab..............but I did not get it.  I never ran around pointing & screaming about what this current "administration" was & is STILL doing......but I think they are all political crooks with an agenda that will ultimately change how we live.  I never openly stated that the Russian Dosier was a hoax........but it was.  Should I have?  I would have been outwardly labeled as a conspiracy theorist, by family & friends that disagreed with me.  I do hold some importance on what other people think of me...........but I do NOT let it rule my life!


My logic is to observe, (secretly SMH sometimes at the theories) and be amused at seemingly sensible people who believe the most non sensible things printed by non experts and celebrities and dig up snippets of facts that support their personal beliefs while there are an equal number that don't. Now that's entertainment. My motto is... 'just because it's out there doesn't mean it's factual.' Do I trust my government? not as far as I can throw the island I live on. I never ran around telling friends & family NOT to get the jab or TO get the jab. (my daughter's family are rabidly anti-vax, my sons are not, I think, but I'm supportive of all by staying neutral) Quite frankly it's a personal decision I don't tell anyone what to do or believe ..............but I did get it and now I'm done with it all. Big deal, I'm amendable to change. The Russian Dossier hoax? Well by then I had stopped believing anything said on any news media platform (stopped ALL news in 2020) including the 'social media aspect' here. It's troll entertainment. I do hold less importance of what other's think of me, (probably an age related 'who gives a fuck attitude) than I used to when much younger. When you have total faith in what you believe, your belief is unassailable and anyone who says different leaves you unimpressed and indifferent. What does it say when people get irate about their beliefs being questioned by others? Well then it becomes interesting.




I Did It For teh Lulz | I Did It for the Lulz | Know Your Meme



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I found this said about sarcasm:


Sarcasm is the refuge of a shallow mind.

Sarcasm is not the rapier of wit its wielders seem to believe it to be, but merely a club: it may, by dint of brute force, occasionally raise bruises, but it never cuts or pierces.


But I suspect these authors were the butt of a sarcastic remark and were not up to the task of a retort to it... and they probably dearly deserved it and knew it. Better yet....


Sarcasm is a form of intelligence or sarcastic expression, often involving irony. the definition of sarcasm is: the use of humor.


Sarcasm and compassion are two of the qualities that make life on earth tolerable.

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I've heard that if a persons conversation are dominated by sarcasm is also of callow existence, and have yet to find solutions for their bitterness. 


(this was told to me by my history teacher for saying sarcastic shit during class)


I guess too much use of anything is never a sign of being healthy or comfortable with yourself..






Edited by Mattndew76
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Well there's no dealing with those that are sarcastic or bitter, they have to cure themselves, so it's easy to look down on them. Telling them that they are of 'shallow mind' is basically the same thing in reverse.


The cynical find solace in sarcasm. It's perhaps their least offensive way to reject and keep others away. I'm not saying you are a cynic or bitter, but they, probably are ok with themselves.... it's just everyone else that pisses them off. Bitterness is usually one thing or a related set where cynicism is bitterness on a wider scale. Sarcasm can be a safe outlet for cynicism/bitterness. Sarcasm can be offensive when directed at you but it can also be very funny, if both done well and if you have a sense of humor. Even funnier if directed at someone else. Sarcasm usually addresses hypocrisy and there is plenty of that in society. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/9/2023 at 2:18 PM, wayno said:

I posted a while back that a doctors wife told me that her husband thought that the reason that rare cancers were showing up was because he thought the vaccination was compromising the people's immune systems, now it is coming out, but it is too late for the vaccinated.


The do nothings will be the reason North America falls, as they the politicians and rich that own them, any that have anything to do with the fake vaccine including the designing, manufacture, the politicians voting that you cannot sue for side effects, and Bill Gates who lost in the lawsuit in the United States supreme court for mandatory Vaccinations because he could not prove his/the Vaccine was safe will do all they can to make sure that it does fall to make the people dependent on them, then vaccinations will be mandatory.


I would be interested in finding out where the exotic metal(aluminum?) in the vaccine goes in people's bodies, does it attach itself to the nerves?


On 1/10/2023 at 7:14 AM, datzenmike said:


So the do nothings will try to enforce mandatory vaccinations that cause cancers in them as well? and the fall of the west will make everyone dependent on them even though there is only an empty shell left to govern over???? Where's the logic in that?


OK, as I read my post above that I quoted I suppose it might not make sense, so I modified my quote to make it clearer for you in this post.


The fact is that in this country when you are given the choice to use an experimental drug I believe you have to sign a piece of paper that says you cannot sue them for any side effects or your death caused by the use of the experimental drug, you sign away your rights as well as your families' rights to sue them, that is a decision you make in hopes of saving your own life, but they the politicians and people that own them have taken away your right to sue concerning this experimental drug and I believe when they changed the political/legal system so you cannot hold them accountable either, in my opinion the scum that did this are lower life forms than even Hitler himself(he was not hiding behind anyone or anything), these people running this show are why people are flying planes into are buildings, look at the targets they chose, they flew planes into government and rich peoples buildings, they are the swamp that needs to be drained, and I suspect they have made laws that say the swamp cannot be drained, and that this planet is full of Do Nothings is not helping.

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They were religious wacko zealots and woman beater/abusers who didn't like western ideals and influence on their brand of religion and those who supported Jews monetarily and militarily. They saw their way of life being eroded  away by the west. Religion and rational thought are mutually exclusive. No rational person can be religious. Well, not without a lot of compromise.


Funny, I didn't sign anything.

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On 1/21/2023 at 2:21 PM, datzenmike said:

They were religious wacko zealots and woman beater/abusers who didn't like western ideals and influence on their brand of religion and those who supported Jews monetarily and militarily. They saw their way of life being eroded  away by the west. Religion and rational thought are mutually exclusive. No rational person can be religious. Well, not without a lot of compromise.


Funny, I didn't sign anything.


I guess you have not been in the hospital with some deadly cancer or other life-threatening illness that would require an experimental drug to possibly save you, maybe in Canada they do not use experimental drugs to save your lives, you just die or come to the US for the experimental drugs if you have the money.


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wayno I try, (successfully so far) to stay out of hospitals. I have no idea what passes for medicine hear or there, nor care. Either they have it or they don't. Either I can afford it or I don't. Anything dangerous, you have to sign a waiver, like using a surplus Chinese army parachute.

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On 1/21/2023 at 1:28 PM, wayno said:



OK, as I read my post above that I quoted I suppose it might not make sense, so I modified my quote to make it clearer for you in this post.


The fact is that in this country when you are given the choice to use an experimental drug I believe you have to sign a piece of paper that says you cannot sue them for any side effects or your death caused by the use of the experimental drug, you sign away your rights as well as your families' rights to sue them, that is a decision you make in hopes of saving your own life, but they the politicians and people that own them have taken away your right to sue concerning this experimental drug and I believe when they changed the political/legal system so you cannot hold them accountable either, in my opinion the scum that did this are lower life forms than even Hitler himself(he was not hiding behind anyone or anything), these people running this show are why people are flying planes into are buildings, look at the targets they chose, they flew planes into government and rich peoples buildings, they are the swamp that needs to be drained, and I suspect they have made laws that say the swamp cannot be drained, and that this planet is full of Do Nothings is not helping.


Have you ever heard of punctuation?

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16 hours ago, MikeRL411 said:


Have you ever heard of punctuation?

Really? You're going to ask that question here, on the interwebs?



Meanwhile people are out abusing the words brake, break, there, they're, and their.



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P-dime's single letter from destruction so D-Mike can move my shit here. 




On 1/24/2023 at 6:51 PM, paradime said:

Anti-vaxers were quiet? Not around her.


This old gripe pulled from the recycle bin makes it sound like the vaccine killed more people than CV-19 with zero data to back up the claim of causing death and destruction of America. As of '22 there's been 6,713,093 deaths from CV-19. 


In Washington state: 




Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington state.

2 times more likely to get COVID-19 

3.5 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 


Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are

1.8 times more likely to get COVID-19

2.6 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19



Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are

2.4 times more likely to get COVID-19

3.4 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19

4.1 times more likely to die of COVID-19





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11 hours ago Matendew76 said:


Your anecdotal information comports with the statistics too. MRNa Vaccinated are a majority of the hospitalized cases now. The naturally immune unvaccinated hospitalized amounts are consistently going down month to month. 


There was a video from Dr. John posted in the Covid Pep thread about it a couple weeks back. 




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