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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yup, Trump was musing about light and disinfectant (such as bleach) killing viruses and if how somehow it could be brought inside the body. No mention of bleach being injected at all. Now to some people, I won't say most, it's obvious he was thinking out loud but to the vast unwashed easily led masses of voters he said something he didn't say. This is why professional politicians say a lot but never say anything of substance and most people are idiots..


I still didn't hear a musing of bleach being the disinfectant... I watched the clip and he was direct conversing with the professional to his right about UV therapy. 

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Bill Bryan, the head of science and technology for Homeland Security that Trump is gesturing to on his right, had just minutes before been discussing how to kill viruses. “We tested bleach,” he said at one point. “I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes.” No, Trump absolutely does not say bleach, but disinfectant, referring to Bryan's comment about bleach.  

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It was the ramblings of a Man that had no idea of what he was talking about but wanted to act like he did. I can only wonder how the professionals in the room could keep their composure. Here is a similar situation I think the Admiral in this clip has an extreme level of fortitude and composure to not just jump up and say WTF are you talking about? 


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9 hours ago, john510 said:

Who in the hell recommends drinking bleach ? 


EDM620 still believes that Trump actually meant that..............yes, it was an obnoxious comment, made by a mean tweeter, taken completely out of context by the libtard left!  Blinders, baby!! 🙄 Midterms can't come soon enough..................drain that stinky nasty swamp!! 😝

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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

It was the ramblings of a Man that had no idea of what he was talking about but wanted to act like he did. I can only wonder how the professionals in the room could keep their composure. Here is a similar situation I think the Admiral in this clip has an extreme level of fortitude and composure to not just jump up and say WTF are you talking about? 



         Is he related to Maxine Waters?

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Bill Bryan, the head of science and technology for Homeland Security that Trump is gesturing to on his right, had just minutes before been discussing how to kill viruses. “We tested bleach,” he said at one point. “I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes.” No, Trump absolutely does not say bleach, but disinfectant, referring to Bryan's comment about bleach.  


So it wasn't Trump.....


So that sounds like assumption, projection, and conjecture all in one. We could assume he was speaking of "Bleach" but without being the person who said "disinfectant" we cannot assume as much. There is a real problem with people not clarifying after a person has spoke, and it was intentional for the media to ensnare rage responses though connecting false lines of thought, or direction of conversation. 


Lets just run with it though since we hate the guy right? 


Not saying you are low IQ and to qualify that I think very highly of you,  but that is a really low brow way to disseminate information. The MEDIA has proven that it is NOT in the business to benefit you. They have been exposed from our new fire hose of information called the internet to be the enemy of honesty. Why continue to spread their bull shit as if it factually happened like they said it did? 


The video's available show that it didn't happen, and that a cliff note conversation was being had in real time as to what they were previously discussing. 


The context of his (Trumps) comments about groupies who try to offer themselves to rich and famous too. Although crass was not abstract of truth. They will in fact let you grab them by the pussy among other things just so they can get a taste of the wealth and fame wave. 



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I never said it was Trump that said bleach. He definitely said disinfectant, but presumably was referring to a statement made off camera by Bill Bryan who did say bleach during an earlier discussion and why I put in. (such as bleach) If someone else said he said bleach, maybe this other person was there or bleach was the first thing that came to mind when you say disinfectant. Others might say Lysol or Detol or even hydrogen peroxide. The 'sunlight and bleach' was in reference to killing viruses on external surfaces.


I certainly don't hate Trump. He's a bit of a buffoon and very non presidential but far more preferable than Clinton..... and he got results.

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7 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

This is painful to watch but the fact that there are people out there that actually still listen to this Man or worse believes anything he says well I don't have words. Good luck in this world? Maybe? Really not sure why there is any kind of appeal.

Is TDS physically painful or is it just a mental thing ? And do you know what the appeal is/was ? We weren't fucked like we are now ! 

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13 hours ago, john510 said:

Is TDS physically painful or is it just a mental thing ? And do you know what the appeal is/was ? We weren't fucked like we are now ! 

Just watching someone trying to be knowledgeable about a subject they have no clue about is painful. That's why I gave the second example of the capsizing of Guam. These idiots are the ones writing the laws we are supposed to follow while I am amazed some are able to cross the road on their own. I don't remember which politician was saying it. I just remember a Woman trying to ban magazines because in her mind once they were used once they weren't any good anymore and people would run out of them. These are the people making the laws. By the way We have been fucked for quite a while it's nothing new. Weirdly enough personally things are going better than ever but I don't give any politicians or Presidents any credit for that.

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4 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Just watching someone trying to be knowledgeable about a subject they have no clue about is painful. That's why I gave the second example of the capsizing of Guam. These idiots are the ones writing the laws we are supposed to follow while I am amazed some are able to cross the road on their own. I don't remember which politician was saying it. I just remember a Woman trying to ban magazines because in her mind once they were used once they weren't any good anymore and people would run out of them. These are the people making the laws. By the way We have been fucked for quite a while it's nothing new. Weirdly enough personally things are going better than ever but I don't give any politicians or Presidents any credit for that.

Well good for you with things going better but there are millions of Americans paying the price right now and are struggling with the current situation. I'm fine myself but do have sympathy for those that aren't.

Edited by john510
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 Co-vid was the best thing to happen to me and I for one am grateful for it. I was toying with the idea of retirement in 2020 or early 2021 but I'm in good physical shape working outdoors and riding 10 miles a day biking to work. I'm well past the old standard retirement age and was going to work till I couldn't. Or if I saw that look from co-workers that I was really not contributing. Well my exit strategy was all neatly taken care of. I was terminated, given a generous severance, the gov. was giving money away for 6 months and after that I was instantly on unemployment for a year but failed to find anything. None of this would have passed if I just retired. So I spent my time gainfully practicing being retired and slid into it over the last 3 years.  

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8 hours ago, john510 said:

Well good for you with things going better but there are millions of Americans paying the price right now and are struggling with the current situation. I'm fine myself but do have sympathy for those that aren't.

Yep I was one of those that had paycuts and narrowly avoided layoffs when oil prices were low. Covid killed my Wifes buisness that she had worked so hard for but she has adapted and recovered. You are on your own in this world and I do also have sympathy for those that are struggling but at the moment there is so much work out there for those that are willing there is no need to struggle. I have done handyman work on the side when things got slow a few years ago. Today if you are handy fixing things there is no reason to work for less than $50 an hour. If you have specialized skills probably double that. 

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12 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Yep I was one of those that had paycuts and narrowly avoided layoffs when oil prices were low. Covid killed my Wifes buisness that she had worked so hard for but she has adapted and recovered. You are on your own in this world and I do also have sympathy for those that are struggling but at the moment there is so much work out there for those that are willing there is no need to struggle. I have done handyman work on the side when things got slow a few years ago. Today if you are handy fixing things there is no reason to work for less than $50 an hour. If you have specialized skills probably double that. 

I'm talking about the price we're paying to put gas in our cars,food on the table and any other necessities to live a comfortable lifestyle. I know there are jobs out there for those that want them.For now anyway.The struggle for many is inflation.

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15 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Yep I was one of those that had paycuts and narrowly avoided layoffs when oil prices were low. Covid killed my Wifes buisness that she had worked so hard for but she has adapted and recovered. You are on your own in this world and I do also have sympathy for those that are struggling but at the moment there is so much work out there for those that are willing there is no need to struggle. I have done handyman work on the side when things got slow a few years ago. Today if you are handy fixing things there is no reason to work for less than $50 an hour. If you have specialized skills probably double that. 

This isn't the case everywhere. Some states with fewer metropolises aren't winning at " build back awkwardly". Where I live the surge in jobs is menial labor specific, the trades aren't booming like you'd think.

Sure you can now make 15 minimum instead of 12 but everything cost wise is up 50+% as John510 related.


Here's a real world example, I have a friend who has a fencing company, his shop rent went up 30%, wood prices doubled on average and up to 150% at times, the state raised the wage requirement and now an good neighbor fence with no frills cost went up accordingly and as a result people are holding off on replacing the whole fence in leu of individual plank replacement. he struggles. when before he thrived.




Very happy for those who are winning! you aren't the norm, be thankful.


Edited by jbirds510
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1 hour ago, jbirds510 said:

This isn't the case everywhere. Some states with fewer metropolises aren't winning at " build back awkwardly". Where I live the surge in jobs is menial labor specific, the trades aren't booming like you'd think.

Sure you can now make 15 minimum instead of 12 but everything cost wise is up 50+% as John510 related.


Here's a real world example, I have a friend who has a fencing company, his shop rent went up 30%, wood prices doubled on average and up to 150% at times, the state raised the wage requirement and now an good neighbor fence with no frills cost went up accordingly and as a result people are holding off on replacing the whole fence in leu of individual plank replacement. he struggles. when before he thrived.




Very happy for those who are winning! you aren't the norm, be thankful.




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2 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

This isn't the case everywhere. Some states with fewer metropolises aren't winning at " build back awkwardly". Where I live the surge in jobs is menial labor specific, the trades aren't booming like you'd think.

Sure you can now make 15 minimum instead of 12 but everything cost wise is up 50+% as John510 related.


Here's a real world example, I have a friend who has a fencing company, his shop rent went up 30%, wood prices doubled on average and up to 150% at times, the state raised the wage requirement and now an good neighbor fence with no frills cost went up accordingly and as a result people are holding off on replacing the whole fence in leu of individual plank replacement. he struggles. when before he thrived.




Very happy for those who are winning! you aren't the norm, be thankful.


I doubt he's winning.He has to say that being a Biden voter.None of them would admit to a mistake like that all things considered.

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5 hours ago, john510 said:

I doubt he's winning.He has to say that being a Biden voter.None of them would admit to a mistake like that all things considered.

Funny didn't vote for the old bag of bones. Winning came from oil getting up there. Even though I no longer work directly in an oil related buisness my dayrate is still connected. This may not last I have lived on a feast or famine income for a long time and save during feasts for the next famine. Gas prices? Yep I pay the same as everyone else but sold my exxon stock at the peak a couple of months ago so this had added to the feast and I would be a hypocrite to complain. As far as work out there goes I decided to add a polebarn to the homestead. Nobody I called was interested because they are swamped.  Finally somebody quoted me 24k for a 30x16 polebarn footings and metal roofing material was not included. Maybe finish in october. I bought plans and sent the materials list to a local lumberyard. About 6k in materials which included a shingle roof. I will be going metal so looking at 8k. Luckily I can buy the wood at a local mill for about 1/2 the cost and yep I am giving this a go doing it myself. I am not a carpenter and it shows but I am stubborn and a hard worker and that's how I have gotten where I am. I am sure it's different in different areas but I know In Maine and in Florida things are booming. My folks are closing on two properties they sold this week and both got full asking price and sold within 2 weeks of listing. There is still a shit ton of money moving out there. Just for shits and grins I looked at the local motels. Booked solid and tourism is booming as ever. 

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On 7/30/2022 at 6:06 AM, bottomwatcher said:

Just watching someone trying to be knowledgeable about a subject they have no clue about is painful. That's why I gave the second example of the capsizing of Guam. These idiots are the ones writing the laws we are supposed to follow while I am amazed some are able to cross the road on their own. I don't remember which politician was saying it. I just remember a Woman trying to ban magazines because in her mind once they were used once they weren't any good anymore and people would run out of them. These are the people making the laws. By the way We have been fucked for quite a while it's nothing new. Weirdly enough personally things are going better than ever but I don't give any politicians or Presidents any credit for that.

trump stated several time I'm not a doctor he was just throwing out possible ideas to be tested 

if you jump off a cliff that will also eliminate the virus from spreading because you will be dead 


Edited by Ranman72
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