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Covid-19 Prepared?

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


First Paragraph (paraphrased) the Coronavirus pandemic began in separate viral spillovers, at least two but as many as two dozen. I call bullshit, up until this point they haven't even gotten past the question is it man made or not? Let's see the study that provided that info.


1 hour ago, yenpit said:


Because it no longer "pushes" their agenda forward, the libtards are no longer reporting on it.  But I do believe that the worst part is long over.  My roommate is an RN............Covid is still around, but the NATURAL (I know you know this! 😎) progression of just about any virus, has made it considerably weaker, along with the strengthened NATURAL immunity in society.  I believe that the original strain is really is no longer a threat, but I still see people every single day wearing masks outside by themselves (and of course, indoors)..............I just shake my head, feel sorry for the level of fear that they still have.  I too, know I'm done with that crap!


However, as I mentioned in my response to you know who, I am seeing more references about a resurgence, but I FIRMLY believe it is politically motivated.  The libtards are scrambling to save their agenda, their power, so I think they WILL attempt another run at this, as the midterms approach & of course, after as we slide into the 2024 elections.  


Where The Fuck Have You Been Where Are You GIF - Where The Fuck Have You Been Where Are You Whats Going On GIFs


We're so done with co-vid. We're already on to Monkey Pox escaping from the Wuhan Institute.

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14 hours ago, MikeRL411 said:


Vaccination does not necessarily confer immunity. It does ease the symptoms.


Statement 1:  Really?  How many cases of mild polio, rubella, mumps and smallpox are you aware of in vaccinated individuals?  Or is this only applicable to Covid19, and if so why does it get a pass?


Statement 2:  This is a completely unverifiable statement scientifically unless you have with and without "vaccine" infection cases in the same individual that you can compare (oh, and without any antibodies from having the infection).  Maybe we need study on twins?


My conclusion (as many other have also said):  It is not a "vaccine" if it doesn't in a general case prevent the disease. Interested to see how the Novavax traditional vaccine performs and if people still get Covid if they have this one. 

Edited by iceman510
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14 hours ago, john510 said:

I wonder what the trend is regarding the vaccine now that we know it doesn't stop you from getting Covid.We don't see too much info on the numbers.Are the volunteers for it dwindling ? Or is it as popular as it was when it first came out ? I know i'm done with that shit.


They are disposing of unused expired doses of the vaccine regularly.


14 hours ago, yenpit said:

I FIRMLY believe it is politically motivated.  The libtards are scrambling to save their agenda, their power, so I think they WILL attempt another run at this, as the midterms approach & of course, after as we slide into the 2024 elections.  


Yes, true.  Some need the ability to encourage loose control of voting practices.  See 2000 mules if you have not.  Convincing that there were illegalities and irregularities in the absentee ballot collecting.  Not saying it was all for Democrats, but it happened.

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15 hours ago, MikeRL411 said:


Vaccination does not necessarily confer immunity. It does ease the symptoms.


1 hour ago, iceman510 said:


Statement 1:  Really?  How many cases of mild polio, rubella, mumps and smallpox are you aware of in vaccinated individuals?  Or is this only applicable to Covid19, and if so why does it get a pass?




My conclusion (as many other have also said):  It is not a "vaccine" if it doesn't in a general case prevent the disease. Interested to see how the Novavax traditional vaccine performs and if people still get Covid if they have this one. 


I regularly get the seasonal flu vaccine.  It does not always prevent the flu but it sure lessens it to the point of almost insignificance. A few days at most of very mild and unexplained body and headaches that you may even overlook if busy. Totally NOT the three weeks or more of coming, duration and going side effects of a full bore flu infection. Sometimes your bodily defense takes a while to recognize a virus and react so yes can get a much reduced reaction even if vaccinated. 


There must be millions of vaccinated co-vid patients that still came down with it.   

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:



I regularly get the seasonal flu vaccine.  It does not always prevent the flu but it sure lessens it to the point of almost insignificance. A few days at most of very mild and unexplained body and headaches that you may even overlook if busy. Totally NOT the three weeks or more of coming, duration and going side effects of a full bore flu infection. Sometimes your bodily defense takes a while to recognize a virus and react so yes can get a much reduced reaction even if vaccinated. 


There must be millions of vaccinated co-vid patients that still came down with it.   


Given the amount of lies and falsehoods surrounding Covid-19 why aren't you questioning the Flu "Vaccine" ? 


Does it actually do as its stated to do or have we been conned the whole time? "its a vaccine for a previous viral strain." If it was an actual vaccine then the base genetics our body was originally injected with should be enough to help minimize the cytokine response until we reach a vulnerable declining health and age? 


I have piles of doubt now.  

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2 hours ago, iceman510 said:


They are disposing of unused expired doses of the vaccine regularly.



Yes, true.  Some need the ability to encourage loose control of voting practices.  See 2000 mules if you have not.  Convincing that there were illegalities and irregularities in the absentee ballot collecting.  Not saying it was all for Democrats, but it happened.


I did see 2000 Mules..............mind blowing, but don't put it past them!  I'm glad to see many States adopting laws banning "other voting processes" & requiring an ID.  They will still try, but we are going to make it much harder to get away with it.  Best possible scenario?  They try, they get caught red handed this time, Republicans regain power & they are prosecuted!  THAT would make my day, my year!!  OK, back to Covid!! 😂

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11 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:


Given the amount of lies and falsehoods surrounding Covid-19 why aren't you questioning the Flu "Vaccine" ? 


Does it actually do as its stated to do or have we been conned the whole time? "its a vaccine for a previous viral strain." If it was an actual vaccine then the base genetics our body was originally injected with should be enough to help minimize the cytokine response until we reach a vulnerable declining health and age? 


I have piles of doubt now.  


Yup.  I stopped getting the "flu shot" around 2007.  I "whited out" when I got that last shot, my co-worker jammed a piece of candy in my mouth & POOF I came out of it.  I likely stopped because of my fear of needles, but I was already starting to question western meds more & more (Mom studied biology in school, worked in industry for some years, hated the direction that western meds went), so my dislike of western meds started to surface (I was always blessed with good health) before I "required it" last year for high blood pressure.  First med..............a bad cough side effect!  My FIRST real western med & I have a side effect!  Whodda thunk!! 🙄😝 Nope, I'll work hard at maintaining my natural immunity, thank you very much!!

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Dr. Campbell video's have the information in them, there are so many episodes I can't remember which ones but I have the impression even though he will still state otherwise the Covid Vaccines are relatively ineffective against any of the current variations and in fact may lead to negative effectiveness.

There was one where he showed that the re infection rate was higher in vaccinated individuals and that re infection was occurring at about 3 months, so no I won't be getting a vax and no I'm not getting one every month.

 I have a friend here that told me he just got his fourth jab and I looked at him puzzled because in all our talks he hadn't heard a thing I'd said.

Connect the Dots.jpg

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3 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:


Given the amount of lies and falsehoods surrounding Covid-19 why aren't you questioning the Flu "Vaccine" ? 



Do you stop dating because of one bad encounter? Don't let co-vid bleed over into everything else in life.



3 hours ago, yenpit said:


Yup.  I stopped getting the "flu shot" around 2007....  I likely stopped because of my fear of needles......


Easy fix, do what I do. Turn your head away and don't watch. Vision allows you to replay the event over and over reinforcing the negative bias. Torture is always more effective if you see the glowing tongs coming towards your nuts. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Easy fix, do what I do. Turn your head away and don't watch. Vision allows you to replay the event over and over reinforcing the negative bias. Torture is always more effective if you see the glowing tongs coming towards your nuts. 


HA!  I've tried everything over the years!  I DID just get a local numbing shot or two & had a needle in my hand to draw blood for a few minutes..........no issue.  My new doctor is cute & very sympathetic to a pathetic MAN that doesn't like needles!! 😆


When in pre-op a few months ago, waiting for doctor, needle (catheter??) in my hand, I was fine for a few minutes, trying NOT to think about the needle & I started to white out.  Nurse was right there, it passed, nothing bad happened!  😜

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2 minutes ago, yenpit said:


When in pre-op a few months ago, waiting for doctor, needle (catheter??) in my hand, I was fine for a few minutes, trying NOT to think about the needle & I started to white out.  Nurse was right there, it passed, nothing bad happened!  😜


Trust me the catheter is much worse than a needle, they need to numb you first by sticking a swab in there before inserting it

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15 minutes ago, yenpit said:


 Nurse was right there, it passed, nothing bad happened!  😜


This is the thing. You need a history of nothing bad happening so anxiety will calm down and ride in the back. I had some plastic surgery on my thumb from a table saw injury. I did not watch any of the procedure so have no memory of it. Probably for the best.

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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:



I regularly get the seasonal flu vaccine.  It does not always prevent the flu but it sure lessens it to the point of almost insignificance. A few days at most of very mild and unexplained body and headaches that you may even overlook if busy. Totally NOT the three weeks or more of coming, duration and going side effects of a full bore flu infection. Sometimes your bodily defense takes a while to recognize a virus and react so yes can get a much reduced reaction even if vaccinated. 


There must be millions of vaccinated co-vid patients that still came down with it.   

"It does not always prevent the flu but it sure lessens it to the point of almost insignificance."




That is not what is going on.


Each year there is an attempt to "guess/predict" which influenza variants will be prevalent and they choose a selection of those to put into the shot.


If they guess right and you are exposed to a variant which you are immunized against you will have NO symptoms as you will have produced "neutralizing antibodies" that PREVENT the virus from infecting your cells.


If they guess wrong, well you get the flu as always. There is no "lessens to the point of almost insignificance" unless the variant is EXTREMELY close to that of the vaccine. In practice this doesn't happen (very high mutation rates on the chosen antigens).


It IS insignificant for you because you got the flu like normal and it 1. was a mild variant and 2. you have a functioning immune system and 3. no other comorbidities (i.e., not sick and frail).


MOST of the time the flu vaccine has an absolutely SHIT effectiveness, with it being as low as 10% commonly. The predominant reason it is pushed so heavily is not health related but financially related, it is a nice consistent income source for the pharmaceutical companies.

Edited by Dguy210
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Can only go by my experience. Haven't had the flu since taking the vaccine for about 25 years. So either the Canadian vaccine works very well (good guess) or ... what, just lucky coincidence? Maybe 25 years/doses of three or more strains in a cocktail have covered a very broad spectrum of possible throw the dice flu mutations? Placebo effect? Either way Haven't suffered flue effects for decades. Used to get it at lease once every year or two. It's free so prudent to take advantage of it.

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I'll throw my 2 bits into this. I recently got Covid and I'm triple vaxxed - so did the vax PREVENT me from getting Covid? Of course not. BUT I was only "ill" for a total of 3 days and my symptoms weren't as brutal as I know others have been hit. I know more & more people who are getting it and it seems each person reacts a bit differently.


In the long term, we'll be dealing with Covid for the foreseeable future, just like influenza, and get the annual booster which YES will be the best guess as to the prevalent mutation. Won't necessarily be on target, but will be more effective than drinking the bleach... Just saying.

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4 hours ago, EDM620 said:

I'll throw my 2 bits into this. I recently got Covid and I'm triple vaxxed - so did the vax PREVENT me from getting Covid? Of course not. BUT I was only "ill" for a total of 3 days and my symptoms weren't as brutal as I know others have been hit. I know more & more people who are getting it and it seems each person reacts a bit differently.


In the long term, we'll be dealing with Covid for the foreseeable future, just like influenza, and get the annual booster which YES will be the best guess as to the prevalent mutation. Won't necessarily be on target, but will be more effective than drinking the bleach... Just saying.


No, you will be worse off long run. Focusing on only a single target (Spike protein, and I'm leaving out all the really nasty side effects of this vax) will make you LESS effective to fight new variants long term.


Short answer is your body will always use the shitty first round production antibodies preferentially instead of producing better ones against new variants.



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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Do what ya gotta do.... everybody.

Get it if you own a Mustang. No worries for Camaro owners. Diesel truck guys are very susceptible because rolling coal. Patrol, GTO, 2N Ford, bicycle and misc Datsuns you got no worries. If you put your right leg in your pants first up life insurance. Hair length matters so be careful. I can't get thru to Faucet pretty sure he has an update for me.


Edited by ratpatrol66
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9 hours ago, EDM620 said:

I'll throw my 2 bits into this. I recently got Covid and I'm triple vaxxed - so did the vax PREVENT me from getting Covid? Of course not. BUT I was only "ill" for a total of 3 days and my symptoms weren't as brutal as I know others have been hit. I know more & more people who are getting it and it seems each person reacts a bit differently.


In the long term, we'll be dealing with Covid for the foreseeable future, just like influenza, and get the annual booster which YES will be the best guess as to the prevalent mutation. Won't necessarily be on target, but will be more effective than drinking the bleach... Just saying.

Who in the hell recommends drinking bleach ? 

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Yup, Trump was musing about light and disinfectant (such as bleach) killing viruses and if how somehow it could be brought inside the body. No mention of bleach being injected at all. Now to some people, I won't say most, it's obvious he was thinking out loud but to the vast unwashed easily led masses of voters he said something he didn't say. This is why professional politicians say a lot but never say anything of substance and most people are idiots..

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39 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

This is painful to watch but the fact that there are people out there that actually still listen to this Man or worse believes anything he says well I don't have words. Good luck in this world? Maybe? Really not sure why there is any kind of appeal.

TDS. What's painful to me is people can watch and listen to a man speak and can't distinguish a question from a statement. Im indifferent about trump but completely bias about interpretive manipulation and slander for political posturing.


I saw this press statement live and this particular clip has been strategically extracted with intent, it would seem as thought they had some level of success because you saw it how they intended you to but for me........



Edited by jbirds510
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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

This is painful to watch but the fact that there are people out there that actually still listen to this Man or worse believes anything he says well I don't have words. Good luck in this world? Maybe? Really not sure why there is any kind of appeal.


Very first word of the clip " SUPPOSING " 

Every liberal's interpretation =


bleach injection.jpg

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