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EDM620 last won the day on October 6 2024

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  • Location
  • Cars
    '75 620, '21 F150 Hybrid
  • Interests
    Building cars, going to motorsports events / competing. And beer
  • Occupation
    Vehicle deliveries across Canada, coast to coast and up North

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  1. Yeah like ZERO space in the regular cab 620, KC not much bigger
  2. EDM620


    Personally never liked the "West Coast" or trucker style mirror on a mini-truck, just too big IMHO plus you end up with the holes in the doors.
  3. EDM620


    Great for the interior mirror, not so much for the door...
  4. That was the common problem with carbs, chokes were primarily opened by electric heat (aka electric chokes), or manual with the old push cable (manual choke) and were often not adjusted correctly. When you first step on the throttle (engine off), the bi-metalic spring which is cold pulls the choke closed. You HAD to press the throttle down to allow the choke lever to close. As the engine warmed up, either the electrically heated choke would slowly open the choke, or you slowly pushed the choke cable in. In either case, fully opening the choke too quickly released the choke and your engine wouldn't run right - cold engine needs more fuel. Fuel injection essentially did away with all that hassle. Lollipops and Rainbows forever after.
  5. EDM620

    Love for Sunny

    Used to road race a 1200 coupe back in the day. Not terribly fast but incredibly light and nimble, able to pass everyone else through the curves only to have them all pass again on the straights. Pics on other old computer.
  6. It has been too long for me to remember the order and I'm not at that point ATM, but soon I hope. I'm waiting for my body guy to have the time to swap the door skins then I'll be ready to do the same reassembly. New aftermarket skins don't have the reinforcing bars attached so that needs doing. Kinda thinking to put the glass in first for the available space, but the damn window regulator is a challenge.
  7. EDM620


    Nice to see you didn't abandon the project, spider n all...
  8. Gotta do a photo dump soon, been working the ol' noggin on stuff and picking away at several bits. Lots figured out in details and putting to practice. Got a rough timeline again for it being on the road this summer, some will depend on timing for paint & body, not my forte to do. Biggest challenge ahead & has to wait for winter to be over, is building the box. Carpet ordered today.
  9. EDM620

    620 seat question

    The extra work in good padding is well worth IMO if you actually ever want to drive the damn thing. Those plain metal tubs I can't see as anything other than for show... or regular mud baths
  10. I was wondering how much vaccuum that hose might be limited to, good lesson!
  11. Is that the Miso Soup sign? 😄
  12. EDM620

    620 seat question

    Far from Grand Touring cars (& trucks) 🙃 Duncan, I would suggest if not already doing, upgrade the foam to make more comfortable seats. Best approach is to use layers of differing foams. You probably know this already but a moot point is better than no point!
  13. I found a chart of the various Ohms values for fuel senders - this doesn't identify by brand, but the value ranges might be useful in making sure you get better readings. 10 different sets, "Empty" to "Full" 1) 40 Ohm - 240 Ohm 2) 73 Ohm - 10 Ohm 3) 16 Ohm - 158 Ohm 4) 0 Ohm - 30 Ohm 5) 0 Ohm - 90 Ohm 6) 240 Ohm - 33 Ohm 7) 107.5 Ohm - 7 Ohm 8. 131 Ohm - 12 Ohm 9) 0 Ohm - 120 Ohm 10) 10 Ohm - 180 Ohm These are all over the place, some High to Low, some the other way and narrow to broad spectrum.
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