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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Always liked Clark. First FS author when I was a pre teen. My dad was a janitor at the high school and told me he had seen a SF book laying around and would bring it home. He did and I never looked back. Took me years to get a copy of Childhoods End. There was no internet only used books and the local library and they wouldn't let in upstairs to the adult books.

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Childhoods end is fantastic! I have read it several times(it is so short) The miniseries they made from it of course is not nearly as good but I do think it carries the bulk of the story. Now, Foundation by Asimov, which I am trying to watch currently is a fucking mockery of the books!

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Fond of the Dune trilogy but not the ones by Herbert's son. I bought Dune when the book came out. Got in 18 pages and threw it in a corner frustrated. Months later found it and ripped through it. Easily have read it over a dozen times and each time I discover something that fits into place. An AHA moment. David Niven is good also, a favorite is Ringworld and Time out of Mind.

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On 3/14/2022 at 3:30 PM, datzenmike said:


We've been messing with plants animals ever since we stopped being nomadic and started farming and animal husbandry. Probably just this side of the last ice age. We breed them for traits we find to our advantage. Bigger, fatter, leaner, tastier, stronger, faster, drought resistant, insect and disease resistant,the list is endless. Why not alter the genes and do what mutation can take millennia to do?


I don't see that selective breeding and GMO are the same thing.  They take place on completely different levels.  Also, mutation and genetic selection (Mendel) are not the same thing.  How does the operator determine what is the best change (mutation you call it) to introduce?  Experiment?  Use the scientific method?  How soon is it applied?  Maybe too late with some things once introduced.  See Wuhan lab leak.  See mRNA "vaccine" allowed to be used before approval (sufficient testing).


Selective breeding may not always be successful and beneficial either, but generally those decisions are made based on observation of results after the fact, applied forward.  See race horses.


I just watched part of a program last night regarding the GI tract and how so many people recently are developing food allergies (the body deciding some food is a foreign invader to be attacked).  What is/are the causes?  Pesticides?  GMO?  Other?  How much long term testing is done on such things before accepting them into the food chain?


Just my thoughts this morning.  Go eat some fermented foods.  Good for the gut.

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On 3/15/2022 at 12:20 AM, datzenmike said:

Fond of the Dune trilogy but not the ones by Herbert's son. I bought Dune when the book came out. Got in 18 pages and threw it in a corner frustrated. Months later found it and ripped through it. Easily have read it over a dozen times and each time I discover something that fits into place. An AHA moment. David Niven is good also, a favorite is Ringworld and Time out of Mind.


I agree totally on the Dune books.  4-6 (and more have apparently been published) got out of hand.


I loved Ringworld as well.  One of my favorite ever is The Mote in God's Eye.  The Gripping Hand was ok, but not as good.  I need to re-read the Foundation series.

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59 minutes ago, iceman510 said:


I don't see that selective breeding and GMO are the same thing.  They take place on completely different levels.  Also, mutation and genetic selection (Mendel) are not the same thing.  How does the operator determine what is the best change (mutation you call it) to introduce?  Experiment?  Use the scientific method?  How soon is it applied?  Maybe too late with some things once introduced.  See Wuhan lab leak.  See mRNA "vaccine" allowed to be used before approval (sufficient testing).


Selective breeding may not always be successful and beneficial either, but generally those decisions are made based on observation of results after the fact, applied forward.  See race horses.





I'm no expert but find some plant that has resistance to pests, or drought, snip that DNA out and insert it into .... corn or w/e.


Selective breeding is basically the same thing but limited to picking a trait within one species and breeding to express and fix that trait in the offspring. Slow and takes generations to develop.


Mutation is the whole point of sexual reproduction. Every now and then a novel combination comes along that might convey an advantage over the environment.  Exceedingly slow, roll of the dice.

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after you read this..


read this. 



Keep downplaying my concerns Mike.. You have no idea how much it brings me joy to know I don't need to concern myself with real data just your opinions. you know, cuz "Im no expert" tells me you know better.


my last post here on the subject cuz there's no obvious connection to covid.




Edited by jbirds510
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These two are speculative at best. There are lots of foods that some people have trouble digesting. We are all gluten intolerant to some degree for example. These suggest that eating GM will cause it to invade and take us over like invasion of the body snatchers.








Gates is worrisome. Maybe he's just gong to be more efficient at farming. Maybe he's getting rid of some of the shit already in out diets. Maybe healthier foods.



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18 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Sorry I'm out of the loop on this one. Who was saying mRNA turns into DNA? 




A new study from Lund University in Sweden on how the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine affects human liver cells under experimental conditions, has been viewed more than 800,000 times in just over a week. The results have been widely discussed across social media – but the results have in many cases been misinterpreted. Two of the authors, Associate Professor Yang de Marinis (YDM) and Professor Magnus Rasmussen (MR), share their views.

How did this study come about?

YDM: A previous study from MIT has indicated that the SARS-CoV-2 virus mRNA can be converted to DNA and integrated into the human genome. Indeed, about 8 percent of human DNA comes from viruses inserted into our genomes during evolution. Does the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine get converted to DNA or not? This has been the question our study aims to answer.

What did your study conclude?

YDM: This study does not investigate whether the Pfizer vaccine alters our genome. Our publication is the first in vitro study on the conversion of mRNA vaccine into DNA, inside cells of human origin. We show that the vaccine enters liver cells as early as 6 hours after the vaccine has been administered. We saw that there was DNA converted from the vaccine's mRNA in the host cells we studied.

MR: These findings were observed in petri dishes under experimental conditions, but we do not yet know if the converted DNA is integrated into the cells' DNA in the genome - and if so, if it has any consequences."

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

It's like eating GM foods and thinking the modified DNA or is that DNA splices will get ingested into your body. It's a plant. You can't contract Dutch Elm disease.


Tim probably has a pod cast on it.


For your example, NO. For what the vaccine actually is? Well Yes. All the parts necessary to convert this RNA into DNA exist and in vitro (in a dish) it is quite possible to get a cell to uptake a DNA plasmid and incorporate it into the genomic DNA very easily, it just is not a very efficient process (this is a common biological technique).


The vax is a lipid nanoparticle coated mRNA which has been artificially stabilized. The lipid nanoparticles help it get across the cell membrane so the mRNA can be converted into a protein (S1 or Spike). So the mRNA IS inside your cells and is being acted upon. Now the general paradigm of biology for a longtime was DNA to RNA to Protein. However, retroviruses (such as HIV and many others) flipped that on their head with RNA that was able to be converted into DNA by using a special enzyme called a "reverse transcriptase". What they have found is that "LINE-1" is an existing human reverse transcriptase which is necessary for embryonic development and is switched on in many cancers (it is evidently found in mice too suggesting it has analogs in most mammals).  LINE-1 can also be activated and incorporate virus into the genome, this has been seen with Covid itself (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33330870/). As the article mentions there is quite a bit of viral DNA in our genome. I don't know if it every got published but there is very good evidence that one of the reasons you have organ failure after massive burns is the stress causes expression of latent viruses from your cells to be produced (I'm leaving off transposons too) which then cause further lytic action (bursting) of your cells. Many latent viruses are expressed during periods of stress, including those that just hang out in the cell and those that are incorporated. I don't know if they ever provided it but it is heavily suspected that aside from immune suppression in general due to stress that these re-emerging viruses and or activated transposons (part of old retroviruses) may also be part of the increased cancer risk associated with stress (when they are expressed the transposons flip around DNA causing mutations). 




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On 3/5/2022 at 8:36 AM, jbirds510 said:

Anyone else think its kinda odd that both Russia and China went the Adenovirus route with its gam-covid-vac and ad5-nCoV? (Double stranded DNA)
  We see what the swedes are saying about mRNA (single stranded RNA) these days. They arent alone in their concerns either. Have a look for yourself here. 




or a listen here 



Then ask yourself, do I really KNOW who loves its people more?


heres a teaser quote from the research paper above.


“The Pfizer EMA assessment report also showed that BNT162b2 distributes in the spleen (<1.1%), adrenal glands (<0.1%), as well as low and measurable radioactivity in the ovaries and testes”

here ya go MattnDew76..


No need for you to pay attention to this Mike..its just says you are right..no matter wtf you think.

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So the implication is that communist and failed communist regimes know what they are doing? and the plan is that the rest of the world chose their co-vid vax so it will shoot them in the foot and China and Russia will then be able to take over the world?????


Just how serious is 'having some DNA' in our liver cells?



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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:



Just how serious is 'having some DNA' in our liver cells?


 its not just the liver homie, your DNA is YOU. DNA is predominantly found at the nucleus of every cell in your body and a little outside (mtDNA).


Think of DNA as a blueprint..Not unlike a Home has a blueprint so it can be built correctly and stand against most of what a home will endure. how would you feel if someone came along and changed up your homes construction and quite possibly made it dangerous to inhabit and yet you will live in it until you get old and die or it falls on your ass….and you die.




But to answer your question. We simply don't know. Time will tell, perhaps nothing..perhaps everything..….but here is the list Pfizer asked to not be disclosed for 75 years but was denied in court, well part of it, they have until July I believe to release all the data. 



For those thinking about a 4th dose, please watch this before you decide. 


Edited by jbirds510
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Well that's what I mean. Right now it's barely academic. I'm not one for worrying about it.... I got you for that.



We don't have to wear masks any more here unless you want to. I was in the local hospital yesterday for regular blood work and had to, but I can live with that. Good news from Dr Campbell then. I have already decided a couple of weeks ago not to get a 4th dose if it's offered. (not because I have come over to the dark side though) I've simply had enough dicking around, I did my part, I'm done.

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