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RIP Robin Williams

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His standup was really good stuff. He was better in movies with a lighter comedy role or no comedy in my opinion, but his standup stood in a class of its own.

Good will hunting was great, but I'll remember him as Oh Captain, My Captain.

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Dude, that sucks.  Robin Williams always made me laugh like crazy.  Death to Smoochy was pretty fuckin' epic.  Not that many people saw it.  Rainbow Randolph.  Look it up.

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"Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says 'Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says 'But, doctor...I am Pagliacci.'"





As a long time fan of Robin Williams,first saw him on TV in the 80's as Mork then re-discovered him in "Good Morning Vietnam" and onwards from there followed most of his film work as well as his stand up comedy this saddens me a LOT.
I have sometimes listened to his stand up routines via youtube to give myself a laugh when I needed one or more.
His acting ability in serious roles as well as his comedic talent was something I admired very much.
Going out this way is so sad.... I know some may label his act a cowards one but the demons he was trying to fight and their ferocity only he could know if it was too much to continue with.
I shall never forget his work,his spirit and importantly the lesson his passing tells me to not give up and carry on. 





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suicide is often done at a time when a depressed person has just attained a bit of happiness and not when a person is especially dark. rather than embrace that brief moment of happiness and try to extend it, they choose to end their lives at a perfect moment of peace.


as far as bailing on his kids I can agree with that assessment from an outsider's point of view but the deceased may have felt that he was so unworthy of love or unloved that his death would make no difference even in the lives of those who loved them the most. Williams might not have wanted to be dead so much as he just wanted to cease existing. That's a fine point of difference but it's there. Perhaps he wasn't in love with death but maybe just wanted to put down the burden of living.


How could someone want to escape from his life of fame and fortune? Well, maybe his depression was so great that it overshadowed his triumphs. I know he never seemed to be an especially materialistic person and was kinda famous for showing up in low-budget/indie flicks where he received little to no pay. You can have all the money in the world but if money doesn't make you happy then you may feel as though you were never really successful at anything in your life.

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Depression is a horrible thing, which I unfortunately know too well.


R.I.P Robin Williams.


If anything good can come out of his passing, hopefully it will be greater awareness of the insidious disease depression is.


The world has lost a true comic genius.


Vale funny man.

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Depression is a horrid thing, ive been dealing with it since my back issues, becoming disabled at such a young age, im lucky i had my wife, my kids, and even though some of you are assholes the community there to keep my head up and from doing something stupid.  If i didnt have my wife and kids, i would of met the barrel of my 9mm a long time ago.  Im finally doing better, and life is doing better, im happier in life and think back to how sad and down i was and think god...i cant beleive i was like that.  There were times i would think my family would be better if i was just dead, my kids and wife would be happier and have a better life without me.  It screws with the way you think. 

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as far as bailing on his kids I can agree with that assessment from an outsider's point of view but the deceased may have felt that he was so unworthy of love or unloved that his death would make no difference even in the lives of those who loved them the most. 


Don't know if it matters to you, but all of his kids are grown. Not really "kids" any more. His youngest is 23. 


Still sucks to bitch out like that though...

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