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Dude needs to look up the definition of keep:


Definition of keep for English Language Learners. : to continue having or holding (something) : to not return, lose, sell, give away, or throw away (something)


Thus, the keep part of the amendment is the ownership reference he so strongly denied.

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Some Peso Traders Want Mexico to Buy Twitter and Shut It Down


There’s a strange idea circulating among Mexican currency traders. Well, more of a joke really. But there’s a certain logic to it.


It goes like this: Instead of spending its precious reserves to defend the peso, Mexico should just buy Twitter Inc. -- at a cost of about $12 billion -- and immediately shut it down. The notion made the rounds this week after the central bank revealed it had already blown through $2 billion of reserves in a largely futile effort to shield the peso from a steady stream of anti-Mexico Tweets from Donald Trump.



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On nights they aren't being streamed online or the stream is fucking up somehow,  i usually have multiple twitter feeds going so i can monitor our local high school football games.. So i kinda like twitter as otherwise i would be wondering all damn night  how much we won by.


Tumwater high school football rules!!!

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Now that 0bamacare is in the process of getting a much needed spike through the heart,...I wanted to comment on someones desire for single payer.


Right now we have a single payer system. It is called the VA. If you would please, as all my fellow vets what is the opinion of the VA.

Monster levels of paper work, if you are lucky you then might get care. THE ONLY way for sure to get health care at the VA is to have a political connection. Get a Senator's aid to make a call and you can get front of the line treatment. However most people do not have a connection. Waiting lists, then wait times, if you are not dead by then you get care.

Even now with all the news coverage over the past few years it is still going on.

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Now that 0bamacare is in the process of getting a much needed spike through the heart,...I wanted to comment on someones desire for single payer.


Right now we have a single payer system. It is called the VA. If you would please, as all my fellow vets what is the opinion of the VA.

Monster levels of paper work, if you are lucky you then might get care. THE ONLY way for sure to get health care at the VA is to have a political connection. Get a Senator's aid to make a call and you can get front of the line treatment. However most people do not have a connection. Waiting lists, then wait times, if you are not dead by then you get care.

Even now with all the news coverage over the past few years it is still going on.

My brother had to wait 8 months for a root cannal.....he's having all kinds of issues with his digestive system and been to the ER once already in early December, he requested to the VA an appointment to see what's happening 3 months ago....nothing yet....FUCK YOU OBAMA AND YOUR "WE MADE THE VA BETTER" bullshit.

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Now that 0bamacare is in the process of getting a much needed spike through the heart,...I wanted to comment on someones desire for single payer.


Right now we have a single payer system. It is called the VA. If you would please, as all my fellow vets what is the opinion of the VA.

Monster levels of paper work, if you are lucky you then might get care. THE ONLY way for sure to get health care at the VA is to have a political connection. Get a Senator's aid to make a call and you can get front of the line treatment. However most people do not have a connection. Waiting lists, then wait times, if you are not dead by then you get care.

Even now with all the news coverage over the past few years it is still going on.

From what I hear, the VA sucks. But it's not a verdict on single payer systems. Also, if you don't see how fucked privatized insurance was and is, I suggest you look. ACA made a go at preventing the private insurance companies as well as big pharma from raping us long term. Step one, get everyone insured. Step two leverage the market. We've almost achieved step one. Lowest uninsured population ever. Step two would follow. But it won't. That's now a lost cause. I don't much care though. As stated, ACA was never my choice. I do think Romney had a "decent" idea though when he drafted the ACA.

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KOHartsGPA! The VA sent out "Veterans Choice Cards" in, I believe Jan 2015, to patch over their incompetance in very slow responses. It's to authorize non VA medical care in cases where VA response [or lack therof] times are excessive. Check out http://www.va.gov/opa/choiceact/ . You eventually have to call1-866-608-8198 to ensure that treatment [outside abnormal VA channels] has been authorized.


"Illegimati non carborundum!" Pig or worse fake Latin for don't let the Bastards grind you down!

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Judge Slams EPA For Ignoring Federal Law — They ‘Must Obey It’


A federal judge is ordering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to quickly figure out how many coal mining jobs were destroyed because of federal regulations — a requirement the agency has apparently ignored for decades.


U.S. District Judge John Preston Bailey in West Virginia ruled Wednesday after EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said it would take a minimum of two years to come up with a way to count coal job losses.


McCarthy also said no administration since 1977 has interpreted federal law to require calculating coal job losses from regulations. Judge Bailey disagreed.


“This response is wholly insufficient, unacceptable, and unnecessary,” Bailey


Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/13/judge-slams-epa-for-ignoring-federal-law-they-must-obey-it/#ixzz4VhKXVsrG

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KOHartsGPA! The VA sent out "Veterans Choice Cards" in, I believe Jan 2015, to patch over their incompetance in very slow responses. It's to authorize non VA medical care in cases where VA response [or lack therof] times are excessive. Check out http://www.va.gov/opa/choiceact/ . You eventually have to call1-866-608-8198 to ensure that treatment [outside abnormal VA channels] has been authorized.


"Illegimati non carborundum!" Pig or worse fake Latin for don't let the Bastards grind you down!

Thanks, I'll pass on that info to my brother, i don't think he ever got anything since he's still struggling jumping over hoops...

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From what I hear, the VA sucks. But it's not a verdict on single payer systems. Also, if you don't see how fucked privatized insurance was and is, I suggest you look. ACA made a go at preventing the private insurance companies as well as big pharma from raping us long term. Step one, get everyone insured. Step two leverage the market. We've almost achieved step one. Lowest uninsured population ever. Step two would follow. But it won't. That's now a lost cause. I don't much care though. As stated, ACA was never my choice. I do think Romney had a "decent" idea though when he drafted the ACA.

My income source is the medical field. Started as an orderly part time when I was 16, Collage and the Navy, Not talking about it from the outside looking in, but the inside. I could spend hours here typing about this stuff.

 First off yes it is a verdict on single payer. Think for a second that any government run anything anywhere is run better then the private side.

 Insurance companies are state regulated, you don't like what your state dose to your private insurance, then do something in your state. Federal government control is never the answer.

 Total joke in the phrase 0bamacare made a go at preventing insurance/pharma from raping us, 0bamacare was set up to fail with a built in increases in price everything. The big plan make it to costly so when the people ask for government to take over of 1/8 of the economy.

There was no almost anything,


When that turd called 0bamacare pooped its way out off 0bama's table, know what was one of the first effects? Any doctor who could afford to retire did so. The ones left over, forced into large groups to help cover the cost of all the damned paperwork. All of which brought about a shortage in the number of needed doctors.

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I'm writing this as a response to a members comment up the page about how the ACA had made progress and that single payer would be a better objective.

As a union member before ACA we had what is now called a Cadillac plan and we were not allowed to keep it.

It made me think what is the objective then? shouldn't everyone have the medical I have ?

We now have I think what is considered a silver plan, we have a 2k deductible with co pays and after the deductible is met we pay 20%. 

 Being an older person I'm now a few k ( several Datsuns worth ) in the hole for something that would have cost me nothing under my old plan.

Whom did they help by creating this?  reports are that they always wanted this to fail so people would climb aboard the single payer train.

 If socialism worked wouldn't Cuba be a real workers paradise? or how about the Soviet Union or Venezuela?

No the Socialist always says they did it wrong lets try it this new way.

You will always hear stories about how wonderful National Health care is but is it?

The British have been working on NHS since the end of WWII You would think the kinks had been worked out by now.




Quotes  from the above article;

The UK also has the worst cancer outcomes of any rich country.

Since Obama’s insurance reforms, the percentage of people who have no cover has fallen to “only” 10% – a mere 33 million people. For the rest, standards are generally high, sometimes among the best in the world.





The British Red Cross warned hospitals were facing a 'humanitarian crisis' last week after an elderly woman died after spending 35 hours waiting on a trolley.

She passed away at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, while another - also on a trolley - suffered a fatal aneurysm in the same department.





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I really don't want to defend the ACA. But single payer is necessary. Insurance companies have taken over completely, and they are why ACA failed. Record profits currently while they claim the need for increases. Good way to end it. Single payer would end it. You can find examples of shitty single payer situations, and great examples of private insurance all day long. They exist. But they are packaged and delivered by those who wish to keep the gravy flowing. Really. We ranked below 30 other countries before the ACA. Many of those ranking well above us are single payer. And they are recruiting our doctors at the same time. It makes me sick that people claim patriotism while instilling no faith in our ability to succeed. We as a country can do far better. Private middlemen who desire our continued sickness should not be allowed to continue profiting on our suffering.


The ACA: My wife has been s Doctor her whole professional life. We went through the changes that the ACA required. Really really exaggerated. Yes, the coding changed, e-filing went into effect same time (unrelated to the ACA actually), and chart transfer protocol was changed. Big fucking deal. Still, not a big fan, but insurance companies need to be put in check or we are all fucked.


By the way, I'd take a piece of silver over a Cadillac any fucking day!





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lol, darn dude. I could type out a massive rebuttal to that mess,.....but the only thing I really need to do is point out that HUGE spike being driven into the heart of 0bamacare. So long you massive turd AKA ACA, you were going to die anyway it is now just dead a few days earlier.

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                      Wouldn't it be interesting to see how the Dems reacted,

if Trump proposed an alternative to the ACA,& told the lawmakers -

"Pass it,& you can find out what's in it"?

                      It really ticks me off that there's so much stuff hidden within

it that has nothing to do with actual medical care - it's about government control.

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