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Clinton was only trying to be anointed to a position she felt was hers and hers alone, one of the reasons most Americans voted against her. As far as her campaign LOL! happy that she was calling most Americans deplorable, and skipping all of the mid-west.



Agreed on 1st and 2nd point 100%.



HRC took the view that being POTUS was her "right" not an office one needed to convince the voters that she was worthy of the opportunity based on any solid basis like her past record (her past record showed she could not be a competent SECSTATE) where email scandal existed and then there's what happened with the DNC Chair and Bernie Sanders nomination chances. . . 


As for "the Deplorables" it was noted by former AUS Prime Minister John Howard that the fact she said it and it was used in the campaign was the total opposite of the point of running and campaigning for any public office let alone the Presidency of the United States; it alienates,it does not endear and it does not get you votes.


So she fucked it up royally and ispo facto she and her DNC pals can try and blame Putin but here in Australia,the majority of our politicians when they lose an election look inward not outward as to why they lost.


Not scapegoating.

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Weren't the first ten presidents British born?  


They were born in British America, the area that would later make up parts of the United States and Canada. Therefore, these men were technically British subjects at birth.



Name Birthday Birthplace

George Washington 2/22/1732 Westmoreland, Virginia

John Adams 10/30/1735 Quincy, Massachusetts

Thomas Jefferson 4/13/1743 Shadwell, Virginia

James Madison 3/16/1751 Port Conway, Virginia

James Monroe 4/28/1758 Westmoreland, Virginia

John Quincy Adams 7/11/1767 Quincy, Massachusetts

Andrew Jackson 3/15/1767 Waxhaws Area (NC/SC)

William Henry Harrison 2/9/1773 Charles City County, Virginia

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Seth Conrad Rich (January 3, 1989 – July 10, 2016) was fatally shot in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C. He was a 27-year-old employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).




So, is it hourly? Per post? Per diem?


PM me. I want in on this deal.

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They were born in British America, the area that would later make up parts of the United States and Canada. Therefore, these men were technically British subjects at birth.



Name Birthday Birthplace

George Washington 2/22/1732 Westmoreland, Virginia

John Adams 10/30/1735 Quincy, Massachusetts

Thomas Jefferson 4/13/1743 Shadwell, Virginia

James Madison 3/16/1751 Port Conway, Virginia

James Monroe 4/28/1758 Westmoreland, Virginia

John Quincy Adams 7/11/1767 Quincy, Massachusetts

Andrew Jackson 3/15/1767 Waxhaws Area (NC/SC)

William Henry Harrison 2/9/1773 Charles City County, Virginia



Exactly I wasn't quite right. 1838 was the first American born president Martin Van Buren

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I wish this was Merica where you have freedom of speech. I know there are a few exemptions of this, but for good reason, and not being censored in one way or another for your views

IF the election went the other way, freedom of speech would have seriously been under attack. Another damned good reason Trump won.

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