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Second, the DNC leak was almost for sure Seth Rich. The DNC staffer murdered in DC. In a wikileak email, John Podesta sought out to make an example of the potential leaker..


After this, wikileaks seeks info paying $20k for info pertaining to this murder.





In an interview, Assange came about as close as possible to saying Seth was the source.. without actually saying it.



Jesus man. Clinton lost. It's over. We are talking about the implications of foreign influence on an election. If you need to view this in a comparison to Clinton, which you shouldn't, let's ask what we would have seen had they exposed the last several years of Trump emails. They didn't. Not because it couldn't be done. Because that dirt wasn't going to achieve the objective. If you think there isnt corruption, cheating, fraud, lies, secrets in Trumps life, that's foolish. Hillary was judged by her past with truth. The problem is who was wanting that truth to be displayed. And why not truth for both sides. There are reasons strong enough to risk starting a war. If that doesn't concern you enough to put down the Hillary chip long enough to think about it on its own, I've misjudged you. i still believe Trump is not "in on it" thankfully. I hope that does not change.

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Correct. I read the report. It's not much at all. Trump would not support the report we read. He supports the report he was delivered. The one we can't read. His acceptance reads volumes for me. That in concert with the geopolitical stage that we are in with Russia.

You do realize there is a giant hole in your logic here? You make an assumption (substantial difference in reports) and then offer lack of evidence as evidence (his acceptance).This is not direct evidence of manipulation. As opposed to the video and emails showing direct manipulation of  voters by the Democrats.

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Jesus man. Clinton lost. It's over. We are talking about the implications of foreign influence on an election. If you need to view this in a comparison to Clinton, which you shouldn't, let's ask what we would have seen had they exposed the last several years of Trump emails. They didn't. Not because it couldn't be done. Because that dirt wasn't going to achieve the objective. If you think there isnt corruption, cheating, fraud, lies, secrets in Trumps life, that's foolish. Hillary was judged by her past with truth. The problem is who was wanting that truth to be displayed. And why not truth for both sides. There are reasons strong enough to risk starting a war. If that doesn't concern you enough to put down the Hillary chip long enough to think about it on its own, I've misjudged you. i still believe Trump is not "in on it" thankfully. I hope that does not change.

Once again saying "let's ask what we would have seen had they exposed the last several years of Trump emails. They didn't. Not because it couldn't be done. Because that dirt wasn't going to achieve the objective"  once again this makes unfounded assumption that 1) there was hacked/phished emails available, and 2)there was dirt in these emails for the Republicans and Trump. This is the classic "they are just as bad as us so it makes our bad deeds ok". This is bullshit. There is no evidence this exists to be leaked, and the ones doing the leaking outright said they don't have such emails.


"Jesus man. Clinton lost. It's over. "  No it is not over. Illegal shit was done and justice still needs to be carried out! The election being over or Clinton losing does NOT change this.


We have strong evidence the Democrats and Clinton were behind shenanigans designed to influence the vote and nebulous ramblings from biased sources on the "double secret detention" redacted report. Still means the stuff we know about needs to be pursued (e.g., Democrat stuff) not swept under the rug because OMG "Russians bad". And that is assuming the sources you get this information from in the first place are legit, which if it is the MSM we know are lying jackasses, as opposed to Wikileaks with its 100% verified record. Hmmm wonder who I would put more weight behind.


Edit: Decent summary of why the "report" was garbage:


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The Democrats are pissed because they can Fire or Kill the Russians for exposing their shit. I am sure plenty of their staffers are expressing a sigh of relief. 


Hillary is seriously ass hurt because the fix was in and she still lost. Someone has to be blamed and Donald Trump  must hang for winning. Now they want to get rid of the Electoral College to make things more fair for them. I am tired of hearing that more people voted for Hillary than Trump. They just don't understand that if California and New York where conservative instead of liberal they would never win a damn thing. 


She needs to face the consequences of her stupidity, and I am sure she will in time. The water is still too murky to move on her. Let the radicals calm down before you burn their God. 


The Russian have been messing with us and we have been messing with them for years. Why would they want Trump to win? Because he is a man they can make a deal with and it would stick. And they know that Trump is not happy with some of our common enemies and will favor other options over diplomatic ones. 

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On the face of it, it's just against everything that you think you know about voting. So you have to ask why was it put there....  there has to be a reason it was included 200 years ago that is would be valid through the years.

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Here is some more Russian influence... I can't believe these Russians..  I've heard Putin himself goes by the name Redacted.





Shortly thereafter [redacted] received a call from [redacted] of the INTERNAL OPERATIONS DIVISION [iOD] of the FBI who "PRESSURED" him to change the classified email to unclassified. [Redacted] indicated he had been contacted by PATRICK KENNEDY, Undersecretary of State, who had asked for his assistance in altering the emails classification in exchange for a "QUID PRO QUO." [Redacted] advised that, in exchange for marking the email unclassified, STATE would reciprocate by allowing the FBI AGENTS to place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.


What this actually is.. This is from a FBI release via FOIA requests. Report states, someone was pressuring them to un-classify a Clinton email in exchange for more agents. Verbatim.. QUID PRO QUO.


Nothing illegal about that folks. Nothing at all. 

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Seth Conrad Rich (January 3, 1989 – July 10, 2016) was fatally shot in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C. He was a 27-year-old employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).



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Kind or a repost from a page back, but note the date on the email.. note the date of the murder.


If you go back to the date of the podesta mentioning 'wetwork' and the death of Antonin Scalia... those line up as well.

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Honestly, Clinton was trying to win her election. Or rather, her campaign was desperately trying to not lose. Candidates who try too hard, playing games with voters, lose. This is kind of expected. When a foreign power intervenes, there is far more reason to be concerned.

What foreign power intervened? Russia? Really where is the proof? Clapper? Clapper dose one thing and one thing only do what the boss tells him to do. I might have believed Russia had a hand in something IF the DNC had turned over the computers to the FBI, but that was not even done.


Clinton was only trying to be anointed to a position she felt was hers and hers alone, one of the reasons most Americans voted against her. As far as her campaign LOL! happy that she was calling most Americans deplorable, and skipping all of the mid-west.

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