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Specially parents. I had a difference of opinion with my opinionated mom and my dad was in the middle. I didn't ask for it and there was no yelling, I just went my own way and moved across Canada. I never saw her again. Eight years later I heard that she passed away the previous year and immediately phoned my dad. Managed to spend a half dozen holidays with him over the next ten years till he too passed away. If she had lived another ten years would we have got together? I doubt her opinion would have let her but I would have welcomed her call.



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I know lots of people put no stock in religion these days, but I'm a decently devout Christian.  I firmly believe in an afterlife and I believe we are the same people there we are here, just perhaps wiser.  It doesn't free is from the responsibility to do things best we can here, but I believe you will get the chance to see him again, make sure he knows just what impact he had on you.  


My condolences on your loss and the regret it brought you.

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On 9/27/2023 at 12:17 PM, Lockleaf said:

I know lots of people put no stock in religion these days, but I'm a decently devout Christian.  I firmly believe in an afterlife and I believe we are the same people there we are here, just perhaps wiser.  It doesn't free is from the responsibility to do things best we can here, but I believe you will get the chance to see him again, make sure he knows just what impact he had on you.  


My condolences on your loss and the regret it brought you.



If we are all connected across time and space he'll know this already so don't beat yourself up over it. Just know it and it is so. I just can't believe in an after life where the departed are disturbed by the regret of the living over something they did or didn't do and have to wait till you arrive to say sorry. The departed cannot be earthy and unchanged, but must be clothed in understanding. The worries of the living do not bother them or what's a heaven for?.


I don't believe in a classical hell where you suffer for eternity. What is the point of chronic endless suffering? what is the lesson learned here? What good is a lesson learned if you don't gain from it? and evolve towards rightness? Just endless, endless suffering for eternity. It's so pointless. Is the punishment the same for stealing an apple as operating a gas chamber if you are both thrown into the fire? 


I don't believe in the classical heaven as well. No one could be so pious, so perfect to gain entrance. The slightest wrong and you are barred entry so almost all are going the opposite direction. No one can pass this entrance exam.


I don't believe in classical religions that are the only conduit on earth into heaven. Of all the things on earth, the one thing beyond price or possession is forgiveness for a wrong, and this is what they sell. That and the promise of continuing after death for the greatest fear in life is death and extinction.


Camus said that life is what you do to keep from killing yourself. That we live in an absurd, meaningless, uncaring universe but this doesn't mean we can't enjoy it. It's up to each of us to build our own reality and find a reason to go on even though it is meaningless to do so. That an afterlife is unlikely and that living a life geared towards an afterlife is a way of denying the meaningless of life. Life IS worth living if you search for that worth that pleases you.

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I appreciate your perspective Mike.  I disagree with much of it, and some of what you say doesn't accurately reflect what I believe or what my religion teaches, but I have no desire to attempt to broadly discuss those topics here.  So I will just say a couple of simple things, and leave it at that.

The price of entry is your best, not perfection.  That is the point of Christ and his atonement.  He can and will make up the difference.

Family is still family on the other side.  They still care and still watch.  But as you say, they have greater understanding meaning they can witness our ups and downs from a different perspective than us.  Besides,  I believe they have other things to occupy them, so, much like here on Earth, they might check in, but they aren't watching our lives like a TV show.

I find the statement that "life is meaningless" sad.  I don't really care if my beliefs are wrong and there is no afterlife.  Believing that there can be more causes me to reflect on who and what I am, and who and what I can be.  It leads me to desire to improve myself and strive (and fail) for general kindness overall. It takes me away from the most basic way of living, all wrapped in up "what do I want", and causes me to consider things much greater than just my own needs. These are things I think are lacking today in society, and I will not regret choosing a belief system that combats them, even if my beliefs were proved frivolous.  I don't believe in the meaningless of it all.  I believe I am improved by my belief in something greater.

If you want to discuss further how religion has improved my life, I'm happy to do so more privately.  Feel free to PM me if you are interested.

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If you are devout, nothing I say can harm you.  As to the universe it's up to us as individuals to find that which keeps us here and happy. Thanks for the offer but I think we are pretty set in our ways.


In other news....



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Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Can't celebrate Thanksgiving last week of November up here because the trees are bare and rain, maybe sleet is the norm. Gardens are empty and the beds tucked in for the winter. Tools put away and anti freeze checked in Datsuns.


It's tomorrow but I'm having today. Still nice and mild out and the leaves look great. Stuffed the bird and it's in the oven. Have peas and snow peas, runner beans and brussel sprouts from my garden to add to the boughten stuff for dinner.  Grew a few pumpkins so I made a pumpkin pie. Never tried this before. (normally I hate bought pumpkin pie) 




Fucked up the pastry. It's like I let the tensioner pop out... noob mistake. Better next time. If I like it, I have more pumpkins, I'll try again.


So what are your traditional Thanksgiving meals like?



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My wife is crazy for cats, and me too. I wanted maple leaves but left it too late to check Amazon so I walked into town yesterday ad found a small dog cookie cutter but they have no ears, must be a spaniel? I ground away the top of the head, cut out the pastry and then trimmed my own ears. I trimmed the pie crust and pre baked it for 15 min so the filling wouldn't soak in so much and make it doughy. I guess it shrank or something, live and learn. Did the kats and put them on near the end. She was thrilled. As I write this the potatoes are about done and ready to mash while the brussel sprouts steam. Having a friend over that has no family to celebrate with and he's bringing a home made apple pie. Yum

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On 10/5/2023 at 1:46 PM, Lockleaf said:

I wonder what he does with them?  Just an avid collector of stamps, specifically the green ones? 😄 

I think it was a reference to S & H green stamps from years gone by.

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I just noticed that I have over 100,000 posts. In 16.5 years that's about 6,000 posts annually on average. Where did the time go?


At 2 minutes a post that's 4 1/2 months and does not count several hours a day reading and modding.

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