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Presidential debate

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I dont watch broadcast tv, and I dont bother with politics, rep or dem it is two sides of the same worthless coin. It's bad enough the Vice pres idiots will be 3 streets over from my house this month. The only good is everything on main st gets new paint finally. But the first shit that parks in my yard better have some cash for me or the car will evaporate! ibtl

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I prefer to make an uninformed decision and ignore the debates because we all know they're full of sh*t and will say whatever they think will get them elected. The real way to know what kind of leader they will be is what the heck they've done in the past after taking an office. I come off really negative haha gotta work and brighting up my doom and gloom speach

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was at a speech this week by a well known and somewhat attractive female journalist. A political hack once told her that she was "nothing but a communist slut" .... Her reply "untrue... I'm absolutely not a communist!"


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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After watching it I was wondering why our buddy Obama didn't through in more jabs. Then I realized his aim was more to just state what he stands for and let the voters decide. Romey does piss me off. When he was talking about the money government "gives" away.... If you actually look them up they are low interest loans. Which Tesla recieved among other awesome companies. I think it's awesome we can invest in new technology. How many times did Ford go bankrupt before being successful? I'm glad he was able to take those chances. Not everything works out but it doesn't mean the opportunity shouldn't be there. Even though Tesla is part owned by Toyota now... He could have done more but I don't really blame him or think he should have took the "low road" .

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