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Cleopatra Jones

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Cleopatra Jones last won the day on September 24 2017

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About Cleopatra Jones

  • Birthday November 11

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  • Gender
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    Land of the fruits and the nuts...and the rest are flakes
  • Cars
    '81 210 (aka Stanley), ‘23 Kia (aka Hutchins)
  • Occupation
    Print Production/Graphic Design/Web

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  1. Registration is now open; $75. Pictures are still required for sign up. Location: Marina Green Park in Long Beach
  2. He knows. He thanks me for keeping him safe in the garage these days cause these people out here drive like some damn lunatics. I’ll be the one going to jail if somebody hit him…..again.
  3. That second one is definitely ‘Darkness’
  4. Actually there are lots of male and female parts in our cars. They might be connectors but they’re in there. ☺️
  5. All of my vehicles have had boys names. My dad usually stuck with the generic ‘the old boy’ whenever one of the Datsuns wasn’t acting right. Stanley has been such since the first day my dad brought him home in 1989. Stanley is generally good but he can act like a jealous bf sometimes. A little story: Some girl ran a stop sign years ago and busted his smile (she hit the bumper and pushed it to the right). She was driving straight and had a stop sign. I was about to make a left and no stop sign. I was wanted to kill her and stuff her in her trunk. Anyway, while Stanley was being fixed I had a rental. I was in college at the time. Stanley is finally ready and I go pick him up from the shop. He had all kinds of pep driving home. He was happy we were driving again until I pulled into the driveway and he saw the rental. I picked up my school books and was heading off to class and suddenly Stanley was just chugga puttin down the road mad I touched another car’s peddles. Jealous bf I tell ya. He got over it once we went back home and I returned the rental. He also knows full well I love him more than my husband. My husband is also aware of this and deals with it. I don’t care if anyone laughs that I’ve named my cars. They’re mine and they are my kids. Especially Stanley. I love that car ❤️
  6. I think I would've paid money to hear the person make the noise tho
  7. A little over half the states require a front plate. I got a ticket for not having mine on. Drove around for years without it in San Bernardino. Moved to LA and BOOM; got a ticket. It was more of a fix it ticket though so all I had to do was put the plate on and head over to the police station for them to see. Only cost $10. They didn't even bother going out to look.
  8. Thanks! My dumb ass didn't get a good photo of that car. It was a convertible 200SX. He even had a really cool little cooler with the Datsun logo on it he set on the rails on the trunk. Very nice shape. There was another good looking car, hatchback, on the other side of me (forget what it was) that I didn't get a pic of. He said he took 1st last year. He took 2nd this year. Was a nice gray color. Stanley's mini me was a hit 😃 Waiting on insurance to get back to me. They called yesterday but called the house instead of my cel 🙄
  9. Pretty good turn out this year. Stanley made first place and then was rear ended on the way home 🤬 Not seeing any damage but want to have the bumper posts and frame checked out just in case. It was nearly homicide on the 101.
  10. Seems like a lifetime ago. Having real a/c in there is absolutely amazing. I should've done it 30 years ago but I'm a dumb dumb.
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