P5L0-240727 !?!?!?! You have 510 P5L0-240727!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!! that is amazing... that is the very 510 that John Morton and some Playboy Bunny conceived the second coming of Christ in!!!!
AND Wait! there's MORE!!!
Jimmy Hoffa took his last ride to the cement factory in the trunk of this car, John Lennon thought up the lyrics to "imagine" whilst fondling Yoko in the back seat of this car, Steve Jobs lost his virginity in this car, this car ran over Donald Trumps baby hands back in 1972, ensuring that they would never grow into real hands. This car was used as a stunt double on the Dukes of Hazzard, as a test simulator for the Space Shuttle program, and was the inspiration for the TV show "Friends". On a lesser note, this car was once rumoured to be dating Pamela Anderson,, and if you look closely frame by frame, you can see it lurking in the BG of the infamous Paris Hilton Sex Tape.
This 510 is the most amzing 510 ever... after the BRE 46 of course... i mean com'n... some things are sacred after all.