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5 hours ago, paradime said:


I get it, I didn't drink the MAGA Kool-Aid, so obviously I suffer from TDS. And maybe if he's reelected I'll be locked up for being the raving lunatic who's been critical of Great Leader for 40 years. Keep up the good fight and send your money, so Trump can fix everything and make America his again. 




You know I never tried the Koolaid and would never donate MY money to any political cause.Not one penny ever.I just remember the better times we were living under and want it back.I don't care who gets it back but I know it won't be Biden.He's not capable.

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7 minutes ago, john510 said:

You know I never tried the Koolaid and would never donate MY money to any political cause.Not one penny ever.I just remember the better times we were living under and want it back.I don't care who gets it back but I know it won't be Biden.He's not capable.


Fair enough.

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     I would hope the Democrats would push for fair & open voting,

with everything on the level,& double checked.

     On the other hand,they want to stay in power at any cost,& will

do whatever it takes to achieve that.

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Aren't there people without proper ID? Assuming everyone in the country is eligible to vote wouldn't finding some way to preventing voting more than once be better? Like a finger print? or a 666 on their forehead?



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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Aren't there people without proper ID? Assuming everyone in the country is eligible to vote wouldn't finding some way to preventing voting more than once be better? Like a finger print? or a 666 on their forehead?




This outta cover it; one way some not-so-techy folks do it.

Guarantee ya, some of the socialist scum recently trashing our elections would cut that finger off to get to vote again.


Voter Verification.gif

Edited by difrangia
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21 hours ago, angliagt said:

     I would hope the Democrats would push for fair & open voting,

with everything on the level,& double checked.

     On the other hand,they want to stay in power at any cost,& will

do whatever it takes to achieve that.

They're claiming to be pushing fair voting for all.I've never understood what's not fair about voting.You're either eligible to vote legally or you're not.What they want is some of those NOT eligible to vote to cast a ballot.You don't even have to prove you're a citizen of this country to vote.The Dems know exactly what they're doing.

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You guys need your own forum, this 500+ page long bucket of bile isnt what ratsun is supposed to be about. Theres only like 12 of you, start a fuckin group text or something lol.


i cant tell you how many people ive talked to recently who wont come here because this site is no longer a place online to get away from this bs.

Edited by jbirds510
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Just now, jbirds510 said:

You guys need your own forum, this 500+ page long bucket of bile isnt what ratsun is supposed to be about. Theres only like 12 of you, start a fuckin group text or something lol.

12 of us ? so half of Ratsun members play here.Who forced you to look ? 

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9 minutes ago, john510 said:

12 of us ? so half of Ratsun members play here.Who forced you to look ? 

Its sarcasm hairsplitter. Its all down the right side of the main forum page..hard NOT to see it. Also, only took you 2 minutes to reply.. whats that say man.


You do have a valid point about being forced to come here, to contribute and talk DATSUN

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Conservative group finds ‘absolutely no evidence of widespread fraud’ in 2020 election BY ZACH SCHONFELD - 07/14/22 3:46 PM ET



The eight conservatives in the group repeatedly condemned the election fraud claims, but said they have not switched their allegiance to the Democratic Party and have no “ill will” toward Trump nor his supporters.


“We urge our fellow conservatives to cease obsessing over the results of the 2020 election, and to focus instead on presenting candidates and ideas that offer a positive vision for overcoming our current difficulties and bringing greater peace, prosperity and liberty to our nation,” the group wrote. 


Lately, my fear is that after the Roe v Wade decision, the center will move towards woke-a-mania in 2024 and Biden would have nothing standing in his way. IMO, the right needs to give up legislating religious moral standards for everyone, and get back to the traditional conservative platform of demonstrating accountability and moral integrity in the face of amoral chaos. I remember when this was a shining beacon of stability during troubled times, and it left the liberal's stinky hippy cheese hanging in the wind. These are very different times indeed. Now, being honorable is seen as a weakness. 

Edited by paradime
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45 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

You guys need your own forum, this 500+ page long bucket of bile isnt what ratsun is supposed to be about. Theres only like 12 of you, start a fuckin group text or something lol.


i cant tell you how many people ive talked to recently who wont come here because this site is no longer a place online to get away from this bs.


To me, it is ONE thread among many other threads directly Datsun related.  If somebody doesn't like it, don't get on the thread.  I see this forum as a like minded Datsun community & this thread is a place for some of us to come & see/hear both sides of what is going on in the world.  Example........I can't talk to my brothers, cuz they are dems.  I couldn't talk to one of our mechanics at my last job, cuz he was a libtard & set on liberal ideologies, period.  Plus the boss (independent) kindly asked all of us to NOT talk politics, as it simply divides people these days!  Luckily for me, the others AND most of our customers were middle of the road or right leaning.  I don't generally talk politics socially in groups of friends, cuz it often leads to division.  I lost two great car buddies since 2016, cuz they could NOT deal with leaving politics out of our shared car interests.  They were antagonists.  This is a good clean place to come & talk with others, usually in a civil way.  Are there antagonists on this thread?  Yup.  But they don't last long, cuz they are antagonists!  Just my 2c..................

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56 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

You guys need your own forum, this 500+ page long bucket of bile isnt what ratsun is supposed to be about. Theres only like 12 of you, start a fuckin group text or something lol.


i cant tell you how many people ive talked to recently who wont come here because this site is no longer a place online to get away from this bs.


I like the forum, because it shows me that regardless of what is pumped 24/7 by every major "news" source, my values and beliefs are not that much different than others. I am not saying we are all of like mind, but the differences are the differences that have been differences for as long as I can remember. So, while I may strongly disagree, most of the time, I can understand their position.


I do not understand what the world has become. Statements such as, "they" hate or "they" wish to destroy America must be reductive, but the actions of the Democratic party appear to have no other purpose. 


Open boarders?!?!! Even a child understands if you value something, you protect it. Many of the arguments against the Democratic party can be pushed aside like he said, she said or as what was termed "what about ism". But there is no explanation, no justification, no rationalization, for opening the borders, except destabilization--destruction of America. 


Sitting on the fence, burying your head in the sand, believing what is preached to the masses is no longer an option. Finding and preserving enclaves, where there is still some freedom is essential. Those who volunteer to read a politically based thread (one of very few among thousands) and then claim  "offended" or "uncomfortable" or whatever, are weak and unworthy of consideration.

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29 minutes ago, paradime said:

Lately, my fear is that after the Roe v Wade decision, the center will move towards woke-a-mania in 2024 and Biden would have nothing standing in his way. IMO, the right needs to give up legislating religious moral standards for everyone, and get back to the traditional conservative platform of demonstrating accountability and moral integrity in the face of amoral chaos. I remember when this was a shining beacon of stability during troubled times, and it left the liberal's stinky hippy cheese hanging in the wind. These are very different times indeed. Now, being honorable is seen as a weakness. 

The election, the government, the country is there for the Republicans to lose.

"...(T)he right needs to give up legislating religious moral standards for everyone, and get back to the traditional conservative platform of demonstrating accountability and moral integrity in the face of amoral chaos." Exactly. If the Republicans would just back off one or two of their religious "high grounds" winning the Presidency would be guaranteed.

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2 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

You guys need your own forum, this 500+ page long bucket of bile isnt what ratsun is supposed to be about. Theres only like 12 of you, start a fuckin group text or something lol.


i cant tell you how many people ive talked to recently who wont come here because this site is no longer a place online to get away from this bs.


What does it say when someone refuses to visit a Datsun forum because one of the many many subjects is contrary to their political beliefs? Have they no control over themselves that they can't just skip over Destruction? Pretty sure I could walk through fire to get my Datsun fix. Bet they read all the skin and porn mags in the convenience store, then complain to the management about them. Christ, you have a choice, you can simply not read it.  


I find it mostly funny and entertaining and politics and politicians are not deserving of much if any respect anyway. So when they are pilloried in print, well how else is the public going to vent their spleen? Write to their elected representatives?.... Right 


You'll find Destruction of America under



Talk About Anything


Yes the fine print does say: Talk About Anything. (within reason we do have some standards) 534 pages and well above 13,000 posts (and only three years old?) I've come to the conclusion that there's something to say and it's not all is political.







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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


What does it say when someone refuses to visit a Datsun forum because one of the many many subjects is contrary to their political beliefs? Have they no control over themselves that they can't just skip over Destruction? Pretty sure I could walk through fire to get my Datsun fix. Bet they read all the skin and porn mags in the convenience store, then complain to the management about them. Christ, you have a choice, you can simply not read it.  


I find it mostly funny and entertaining and politics and politicians are not deserving of much if any respect anyway. So when they are pilloried in print, well how else is the public going to vent their spleen? Write to their elected representatives?.... Right 


You'll find Destruction of America under



Talk About Anything


Yes the fine print does say: Talk About Anything. (within reason we do have some standards) 534 pages and well above 13,000 posts (and only three years old?) I've come to the conclusion that there's something to say and it's not all is political.







Yeah what datzenmike said so suck it!

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