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23 hours ago, SWFL said:



Soros's shills are keeping The Manifesto(tm) Top Secret. Don't the demonrats claim they're for transparency? What does The Manifesto(tm) contain that's so important for the demonrats want to keep it hidden?



I'm libertarian so leave me alone and to each his own, but I get why gun related trans stories trigger some folks. I read the article, so because Nashville's mayor is a democrat is makes the DA and PD lefty sills? They're dragging their feet on releasing the records, because it makes them look incompetent. The manifesto(tm) is only a small part of all the court records. Although it might shed light on yet another wackjob's reasoning for another senseless mass shooting, why publish the manifesto and give this particular shitstick a voice? Maybe it should be, but I seriously doubt "his" reasoning is an attack on Soros, Dems, gun control, or trans rights. So according to your theory, what's the left's motivation for keeping it "Top Secret"? Obviously, this particular case gained greater public attention because the pop tart shooter was trans this time, but it was the completely lame police response that raised outrage on both sides. In fact, it was the conservative former Hamilton County Sheriff James Hammond and the Tennessee Firearms Association that filed the lawsuit against Nashville PD. They're demanding greater transparency to promote public awareness and safety. Rather than jumping in with a conspiracy on leftist sills, why not give the suit your support based on the merits of their case? 



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43 minutes ago, paradime said:



I'm libertarian so leave me alone and to each his own, but I get why gun related trans stories trigger some folks. I read the article, so because Nashville's mayor is a democrat is makes the DA and PD lefty sills? They're dragging their feet on releasing the records, because it makes them look incompetent. The manifesto(tm) is only a small part of all the court records. Although it might shed light on yet another wackjob's reasoning for another senseless mass shooting, why publish the manifesto and give this particular shitstick a voice? Maybe it should be, but I seriously doubt "his" reasoning is an attack on Soros, Dems, gun control, or trans rights. So according to your theory, what's the left's motivation for keeping it "Top Secret"? Obviously, this particular case gained greater public attention because the pop tart shooter was trans this time, but it was the completely lame police response that raised outrage on both sides. In fact, it was the conservative former Hamilton County Sheriff James Hammond and the Tennessee Firearms Association that filed the lawsuit against Nashville PD. They're demanding greater transparency to promote public awareness and safety. Rather than jumping in with a conspiracy on leftist sills, why not give the suit your support based on the merits of their case? 



What was bad about the police response ? All I heard on the news was they did a great job under the circumstances and saved lives.The best part ? they shot that POS dead and there won't be a trial.Justice now !

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The NVPD was criticized for disregarding 911 calls from the shooter's mom, later from her best friend, and the length of time responding to the shots fired 911 calls. The manifesto is a red haring.


From Watch Talk:

Former Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond, who has close links to DC's Judicial Watch, subsequently requested the records himself, but he was also denied access.

Hammond, who retired last year, then joined legal action brought by the Tennessee Firearms Association calling on police to release the file.

"This is not anything against my police brothers," he said, adding he simply wanted transparency on how the situation was handled by the police department and emergency services.

"It's just that we want open transparency in regard to a way that case was handled and especially information that may be helpful to police in saying that this doesn't happen again," Hammond said.

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         I was just reading about a teacher in Richmond,VA who's on paid leave.

Seems that she told her students that they only speak English while in her

classroom.Somehow a girl,who was speaking Spanish got sent to the Principal's

office,& afterwards was so affected that she cried & cried ,even after she got home.

      Of course every Latino organization came out of the woodwork to defend her,

and her mother was outraged,& said so (through a translater) at a school board meeting.

         Where's Al Sharpton when you need him?  

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'Absolute Bottom Line' here.


The driving force for, without exception, every bitch ever expressed on this thread is 'PLANET DEPOPULATION'.


Pick a topic and run it to ground. Just cancel all your distractions for a moment and think about it !!

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Yup, The hordes are at the southern gate. Everything is in decline. Just today the city of Portland sold for $3,600. Apparently, (stupid me) everyone want's to be what they are not born as and I'm supposed to pay for it, see it and like it. Police are not your friend. Only thing that hasn't changed is politicians are still all douchebags and it flows down hill to anyone with perceived power or celebrity too. There is way too much wasted skin out there.   

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9 hours ago, difrangia said:

'Absolute Bottom Line' here.


The driving force for, without exception, every bitch ever expressed on this thread is 'PLANET DEPOPULATION'.


......and yet the bastards never consider suicide to start the trend. Funny how the elites who want everyone else to die off seem to cling the most desperately to life. 


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How the fuck can you loose in court when some woman accuses you of raping her 20 years ago? No evidence, no complaint, foggy memory. This will be thrown out on appeal for sure. At least a semen stain or something.

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This is the kind of Pyrrhic victories that the leftist seem to love; granted, they shopped an extreme judge and went through enough jurors to get their desired outcome, but the obvious wrongness of all of this will put way more tics in the Trump column where it counts.

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

How the fuck can you loose in court when some woman accuses you of raping her 20 years ago? No evidence, no complaint, foggy memory. This will be thrown out on appeal for sure. At least a semen stain or something.

First of all it's New York.What I can't understand is how you find him not guilty of rape but guilty of sexual harassment,misconduct ? I think I understand why that woman says she can't pin down a date that it happened.Trump might have been able to prove he wasn't there on that certain date.And this woman bragged about sexual harassing Rupert Murdoch.WTF ? She also does an interview with Anderson Cooper that clearly shows she has a few loose screws.

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11 minutes ago, paradime said:

Is it posable you guys are viewing this through a narrow bias perspective? 





Screen Shot 2023-05-10 at 3.44.53 PM.png

Ok tell us if you think the trial was fair with an unbiased jury and judge in a place where Trump could get a fair trial.New York hates him,that's blatantly obvious.I think anywhere but New York that case would have been tossed.If it wasn't he wouldn't have been found guilty.And yes I believe Trump's a womanizer and went after the pussy in his younger years.He's a man and that's what a lot of men do that have money.

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Trump is an obvious douche and if he didn't rape this one he probably did some other unfortunate on Jeffrey's island or w/e. The thing is, there's no proof here and lots of doubt. I doubt it, and I'm not even a fan.





What about his attorney??? What about a change of venue? Someone dropped the ball here.

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It's political puppetry through n through, and we all know how the big league R v L game is played. This media shit show is as F'n old and stinky as granny's ass. I can't believe this country has stooped so low to have to choose between these two piles of 80 year old excrement as POTUS for a second time. I vote for an alternative reality, because if I have to go through this again, I wanna be tripp'n balls on LSD this time.

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