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Polarized voters don't elect a responsible adult. Powerful corporate interests wouldn't stand for it.  


“The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”


Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Edited by paradime
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6 hours ago, paradime said:

Polarized voters don't elect a responsible adult. Powerful corporate interests wouldn't stand for it.  


“The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”


Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

If the President wields no power how the hell did Biden manage to fuck things up so badly ? He started this mess on day one with EO's and horrible appointments.I'd say he has lots of power.The bad kind.

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That Trump won in 2016 was a major blow to them, they had plans(vaccinate everyone), but he could not be bought and from what he said during the 2020 election he knew at some point what they had planned as he(Trump) said "your not going to like what they have planned", him winning in 2016 stopped them dead in their tracks, he saved a lot of our asses, when they won back Congress in 2018 the dividing of the country began, they even publicly said, "your not going to except the election results" to Trump before there was an election like they knew the results already, even though they are not good at calling elections at all, they were absolutely stunned into silence with the 2016 results, ALL OF THEM WERE STUNNED! 


The criminals running this country right now have no interest in what we the people want anymore, this is their country/planet, and we are screwing it up(we do not appear to do anything right, we do not even wash are hands right), they would have us believe that we are the ones polluting this planet, when they are the ones polluting the planet making and selling us stuff we do not really even need, now they want us gone but they are willing to do it a semi slow way so we are not hunting them down to hold them accountable, they will never admit that these rare head/neck/throat cancers, the skin issues, shingles, and other things that you apparently need a vaccine for now that will kill you were caused by their Covid 19 vaccine, it will always be that you got Covid and that is what caused it, you cannot have babies because you got Covid, it has not yet been 4 years since the vaccine was first used/vaccinations were started, in Africa it took 4 years for the birth rate to go over a cliff, Bill Gates started helping them in 1999, the birth rate went over a cliff in 2003, I mentioned this before masks were required in 2020, since then all the information I found back then has been censored, I cannot find it anymore and I have tried.


I also mentioned this before, I read here on Ratsun that the United States Supreme Court told them they had to publish a list of side effects of the Covid 19 Vaccine by a certain date, one of my customers mentioned he had seen that list on FOX and all he said was "WOW"(he was vaccinated), there were no announcements made about it that I seen/heard, from another customer I learned that the list was also on the internet, but in both cases it was only available for one day, if anyone can say that the Court Ordered requirement that the list of side effects was done in "good faith" then you are the problem and this country would be a better place without people like you, if you do not like accountable/transparent elections then leave, move to Russia or China, Eastern Oregon residents want to be part of Idaho now because they do not want to be part of the Democrat run Oregon that exists now.


We have a vegetable for a President, he is there because he can be somewhat controlled by the criminals holding the power(they can do what they want in the background as long as the public does not get wind of it), and they are criminals as it was wrote into the US Constitution that they could not do exactly what they are doing right now, but they made laws to bypass the Constitution, they jury rigged this countries judicial system so they would/could not be held accountable, it is sad that I have lived long enough to see the start of the end of the greatest country in the world.

Edited by wayno
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45 minutes ago, john510 said:

What about DeSantis ? 

As a Florida resident I can verify he is just another shitweasel. He started off good cleaning house at the South Florida water management district then there hasn't been any progress as far as water quality goes. I think what pissed me off the worst was when the residents of Key West passed a referendum to limit the size and number of cruise ship entering their city. He pulled a power grab and yanked local authority to regulate thier ports. I can't stand government overreach especially when it screws with what the locals want. You should be able to vote for and regulate what goes on in your "Hood". He does have a good looking wife though.


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1 hour ago, john510 said:

If the President wields no power how the hell did Biden manage to fuck things up so badly ? He started this mess on day one with EO's and horrible appointments.I'd say he has lots of power.The bad kind.


"His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

If the President wields no power how the hell did Biden manage to fuck things up so badly ? He started this mess on day one with EO's and horrible appointments.I'd say he has lots of power.The bad kind.


          And why (especially young people) voters so excited about him,

& brag about "every great thing he's done"? I think they'll all be in for a

rude awakening down the road.


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12 hours ago, angliagt said:


          And why (especially young people) voters so excited about him,

& brag about "every great thing he's done"? I think they'll all be in for a

rude awakening down the road.



Early indoctrination of kids is vital to their success. The Liberals figured out that you could not execute change from outside, so infiltrate and start from the inside. 


American Education: Child Indoctrination, Struggle Sessions and Debt  Slavery - FYI.com

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On 4/18/2023 at 8:23 PM, bottomwatcher said:

As a Florida resident I can verify he is just another shitweasel. He started off good cleaning house at the South Florida water management district then there hasn't been any progress as far as water quality goes. I think what pissed me off the worst was when the residents of Key West passed a referendum to limit the size and number of cruise ship entering their city. He pulled a power grab and yanked local authority to regulate thier ports. I can't stand government overreach especially when it screws with what the locals want. You should be able to vote for and regulate what goes on in your "Hood". He does have a good looking wife though.



Sounds like Key West residents need to mount a rebellion...

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On 4/18/2023 at 9:05 PM, angliagt said:


          And why (especially young people) voters so excited about him,

& brag about "every great thing he's done"? I think they'll all be in for a

rude awakening down the road.



Low information voters of all ages don't care about anything other than instant gratification and doing what the MSM, social media and their peers tell them to do and think. It's like how some people virtuated signaled so hard by running around telling everyone who'd listen that they took the China virus gene therapy shots as soon as they could.


Don't worry about the down the road blame game. In a long enough time line Trump will be judged responsible for all of society's ills, even the ones that happened before he was born and long after he dies. Imagine the public indoctrination centers having classes about the destructiveness and evils of Trump, 100 years after his death.       

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            And Biden wants (DEMANDS) increase of the debt ceiling by 1.5 TRILLION.

Where's the outrage from the left?Don't a lot of them realize that they will lose a

lot of "free" stuff if we keep going down this path?

Edited by angliagt
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3 hours ago, angliagt said:

            And Biden wants (DEMANDS) increase of the debt ceiling by 1.5 TRILLION.

Where's the outrage from the left?Don't a lot of them realize that they will lose a

lot of "free" stuff if we keep going down this path?


When the communists take full control, the leftists won't care as long as they get their "free" bread ( drugs and food ) and circus ( Movies, Sportsball, Social Media & TV ). Here's a documentary showing what our future might look like:



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On 4/18/2023 at 5:23 PM, bottomwatcher said:

As a Florida resident I can verify he is just another shitweasel. He started off good cleaning house at the South Florida water management district then there hasn't been any progress as far as water quality goes. I think what pissed me off the worst was when the residents of Key West passed a referendum to limit the size and number of cruise ship entering their city. He pulled a power grab and yanked local authority to regulate thier ports. I can't stand government overreach especially when it screws with what the locals want. You should be able to vote for and regulate what goes on in your "Hood". He does have a good looking wife though.


I wouldn't consider that government overreach.That sounds like a bunch NIMBY's wanting their own private community where others aren't welcome.You should be able to vote for what goes on in your neighborhood as long as it doesn't impact others in a negative way.I'm assuming Key West has or had cruise ship business already ? 

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I don't think Key residents are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in. Hell I'm as welcoming as the next guy, but I still wouldn't want a bunch of pasty fat fucks lathered in sunscreen tromping through my back yard and asking to use the toilet. 


The argument that DeSantis was protecting vital shipping ports from local jurisdiction is weak sauce. This sounds like one of those bills  written by industry lobbyists to enhance its own interests. In politics, money talks and the people are shit on. The Keys are a very small landmass of 800 islands spread over 180 miles with only 14,283 residents. A single cruise ship can have over 6,000 passengers and you'd be shocked by how much trash and waste those folks can generate. Not to mention bringing any number of communicable diseases on shore with them. The Keys sewage treatment infrastructure, and fresh water supply from the Biscayne Aquifer is vulnerable and stretched past capacity already. 

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16 hours ago, paradime said:

I don't think Key residents are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in.


I don't think Idaho residents are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in.


I don't think Americans are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in.


I should leave it there but John510 makes a valid point.

21 hours ago, john510 said:

I'm assuming Key West has or had cruise ship business already ? 

If the business was already present, then the Key West residents moved into the cruise ships area and quit yer bitching. If the business moved (or "recently" expanded) into Key West then get your ships out the neighborhood.


The destruction of America comes from a lack of reasonableness. Compromise is exploited on every front everyday. America the land of the free, you can have anything you want as long as you don't take it from me. 

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17 hours ago, paradime said:

I don't think Key residents are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in. Hell I'm as welcoming as the next guy, but I still wouldn't want a bunch of pasty fat fucks lathered in sunscreen tromping through my back yard and asking to use the toilet. 


The argument that DeSantis was protecting vital shipping ports from local jurisdiction is weak sauce. This sounds like one of those bills  written by industry lobbyists to enhance its own interests. In politics, money talks and the people are shit on. The Keys are a very small landmass of 800 islands spread over 180 miles with only 14,283 residents. A single cruise ship can have over 6,000 passengers and you'd be shocked by how much trash and waste those folks can generate. Not to mention bringing any number of communicable diseases on shore with them. The Keys sewage treatment infrastructure, and fresh water supply from the Biscayne Aquifer is vulnerable and stretched past capacity already. 

Key West has had cruise ship business since the 60's.It's not new.Trash and communicable diseases ? Really ? 

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30 minutes ago, frankendat said:


I don't think Idaho residents are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in.


I don't think Americans are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in.


I should leave it there but John510 makes a valid point.

If the business was already present, then the Key West residents moved into the cruise ships area and quit yer bitching. If the business moved (or "recently" expanded) into Key West then get your ships out the neighborhood.


The destruction of America comes from a lack of reasonableness. Compromise is exploited on every front everyday. America the land of the free, you can have anything you want as long as you don't take it from me. 

I do feel for the residents of Idaho.Skyrocketing property values don't necessarily help everybody unless everybody wants to sell.And then you have the influence of the people (politics) that could end up there.One side of politics sure seems to screw things up that were fine before.Here in San Diego the left has finally established a stronghold and it shows.This city is headed downhill as far as I'm concerned.

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:


I don't think Idaho residents are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in.


I don't think Americans are unwelcoming, but they do have a clear interest in protecting their home from short sighted profiteers who couldn't give a fuck about them, or the fragile environment they live in.


I should leave it there but John510 makes a valid point.

If the business was already present, then the Key West residents moved into the cruise ships area and quit yer bitching. If the business moved (or "recently" expanded) into Key West then get your ships out the neighborhood.


The destruction of America comes from a lack of reasonableness. Compromise is exploited on every front everyday. America the land of the free, you can have anything you want as long as you don't take it from me. 


Your blowing things way out of proportion. Boise is not a string of tiny island in hurricane alley with a population of 14K. It's understood that cruise ships aren't displacing Key West residents like the Cali exodus that's heating up your economy and the value of you home.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Key West has had cruise ship business since the 60's.It's not new.Trash and communicable diseases ? Really ? 


To clarify, Key West is not trying to ban cruise ships all together, they're trying to limit them to a sustainable number of visitors. Is that unreasonable?

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