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HEY. Remember these posts of mine?


On 8/3/2020 at 10:26 AM, datzenmike said:



I think my son in law is a conspiracy freak. He mentioned something today about secret underground restaurants in the states selling human flesh.


On 8/3/2020 at 6:58 PM, datzenmike said:

OK something big is going to happen in about 55 days from now. (Sunday the 27th of Sept. -ish?) Lots of indictments will be handed out to both parties. Sometime soon we will be going back to the gold standard. As there isn't enough gold on the planet to back the dollar valued as it is as is it will have to go way way up. I can't see how Ghislain is going to last much longer she's on top of a huge kiddie porn, slave trading, body parts (not sure if for transplanting or eating) scandal involving thousands of previously 'untouchables' including the Clintons and Prince Andrew, probably orangeman and others from all over the world. That federal judge Ester Salas who's son was killed by a UPS driver is reported to be overseeing a lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors who claim the company made false and misleading statements about its anti-money laundering policies and failed to monitor “high-risk” customers including convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. (Hillery covering her tracks?) The Queen has already been ousted from the palace, her royal coat of arms removed from the gate at Buckingham Palace and there is supposedly a legitimate pretender to the thrown in the wings. 


I should have taken notes....   


On 8/4/2020 at 9:38 AM, datzenmike said:


I know... right?


Well if something happens at the end of summer you heard it here first.


I remember he said all money obsolete and going to digital currency and he bought some bitcoin just in case. There was also something about all debts being forgiven and paid off digitally. Wish I had listened more it was interesting but was afraid I might catch some of the craziness. So zero hour is near the end of this month.

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22 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Lefty heads are going to explode!!!


A new Justice will be confirmed before the end of the year. Regardless of how the election goes.






                I was surprised that Ginsburg's death wasn't due to Covid.

I guess Democrats don't get it.

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14 hours ago, Jesse C. said:



0 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The mark of he beast was a prophesy of some future time when a 'beast' would have everyone marked with his symbol. Like a cross symbolizes a Christian so a mark on wrist or forehead would denote someone who is anti god or anti Christian and is obedient to the beast. Now what could they imagine 2K years ago that could mark someone, yet not be faked or counterfeited???? A tattoo? That can be done by anyone. How would you mark someone? or would it really matter as anyone can wear a cross. 


Interpretations of ancient text, visions, things that go bump in the night, I'll be the first to admit that the bullshit probability is very high and have no desire to defend. I am extremely skeptical of any person employing such for decision making, but have lived long enough to concede there is much I do not know. The jump from that admission, to a giant scorekeeper in the sky, is farther than I wish to make. I only mention it as a highly improbable, but not impossible  explanation  of current events.



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8 minutes ago, AlexDeLarge said:


Evil bitch, today there is a little less "destruction" in America, but let's keep fawning and memorializing her all fuckin week.


Fawning and memorializing her, actually isn't her fault. What was her fault to be so evil??

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14 minutes ago, AlexDeLarge said:

If you have to ask, you'll never know.


 That answer.... is no answer. I was hoping to learn something. Must I conclude that you're a Democrat and she's taking away from your tv viewing of the liberal narrative news? That she's Jewish so you're a woman hating racist? That she was trying to limit your access to assault rifles and ammunition? Maybe you don't like women in the armed forces. Or maybe you just simply don't like her? I can live with that. Not liking trump myself I think he's an evil bastard.


3 minutes ago, angliagt said:

             There should be an age limit for Supreme Court judges.

And their job is to decide if cases brought to them are Constitutional

or not.

             WHY can't they do their job properly?


That's only one of their jobs, not their only job..

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2 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


 That answer.... is no answer. I was hoping to learn something. Must I conclude that you're a Democrat and she's taking away from your tv viewing of the liberal narrative news? That she's Jewish so you're a woman hating racist? That she was trying to limit your access to assault rifles and ammunition? Maybe you don't like women in the armed forces. Or maybe you just simply don't like her? I can live with that. Not liking trump myself I think he's an evil bastard.



That's only one of their jobs, not their only job..

Ok Mike, here ya go.....this is why the bitch was evil, other than the demonic look that sat constantly on her face, this is what she devoted her life to to.....supporting, perpetuating, and facillitating this shit...If it sits well with your spirit then I don't know what to tell you.




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I'm not a fan of this as a form of birth control. So why do 600,000 women a year have this. Is it because they are denied birth control????  I do believe that contraceptives should be available to everyone and ultimately women should make the final decision on their reproduction needs.. Not pregnant.... no need for abortion. You??


9 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:





True. But if the people have voted him out of office then he should be obligated to do nothing contrary to their wishes. Basically he is a caretaker.

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