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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Do I have regrets? none that I know of. My brother called me once to tell me that dad had passed away. Could have called when mom was ill but didn't. Not like no-one knew my number. After dad passed about 12 years ago, I kept in touch with my brother for a few years but it was always one way. Oh, he sent me an e mail about a common friend and neighbor that passed. I replied with stories of good times and the last thing said was " we should talk more often"..... no reply. That was 6-8 years ago. So I've tried and I've done my part but not optimistic and it simply is what it is. Families are weird.

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On 4/14/2021 at 2:30 PM, john510 said:

My mother in law passed away last week.Three weeks after getting her first vaccine shot.Within days of getting it she started having breathing problems.We all thought it was normal.She ended up in the hospital,doctors said there's not a lot they could do except help her with the breathing but expect her to pass within a week.We took her home to be with family.She made it two weeks before moving on.Now i don't know if the vaccine did it or not but the doctors were sure silent about that possibility.Mother wasn't in the best of shape either,she had health issues but nothing like what happened to cause her death.This situation has me wondering how safe this vaccine is for those that are already at high risk health wise.

I missed that it was your mother in law. You must have loved her if you posted about it. Either way sorry for the lose.

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On 4/14/2021 at 3:46 PM, datzenmike said:

TJ..... 'I Am Legend'... and if I had known it was a remake of the classic Charlton Heston 'The Omega Man' I probably wouldn't have seen it. Crappy SFX but a great story premise.


John.... Hard to say now what the cause was... reaction to the vaccine or catching co-vid just after taking the vaccine but before an immunity was mounted. Eventually she would have caught co-vid without a vaccination. That's inevitable now as apparently even those vaccinated can carry it? The outlook isn't good then either. I can say who to blame for all this though.






It is from a 1954 book titled "I Am Legend", while the "The Omega Man" was a better movie neither is very faithful to the original novel although the Will Smith version is probably a bit closer. 


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Did not know.


I went to a drive in to see the Omega Man when it came out and enjoyed it, though a bit dated now. The Will Smith one was .... ok but the special effects were terrible.


4 days till I get vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Did not know.


I went to a drive in to see the Omega Man when it came out and enjoyed it, though a bit dated now. The Will Smith one was .... ok but the special effects were terrible.


4 days till I get vaccinated.


I've read the novel and seen the Omega Man movie (on TV probably sometime in the late 80s), I've never actually seen the entire Will Smith movie though just parts of it (enough to get the plot but I found it boring).

Edited by Dguy210
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I have not had any unexplained illnesses in the past year and even longer. Don't remember the last time is was sick. I'm not working, rarely go into town (never without a mask), no plane flights, no bus, never socialize (bars, parties, restaurants) no visitors. I would say low risk as opposed to living in a plague infested seniors home or on a petri dish cruise ship.  


I checked and 6.8 million doses have been administered so less than one in a million deaths. That's insignificant and may be from birth control pills, smoking and obesity. Who knows. 1 in 1,000,000 isn't really news worthy.


Flipping a coin and getting 20 heads or tails in a row is about one in a million.

The chance of being struck by lightning, per year is 1 in 700,000.

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19 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

I missed that it was your mother in law. You must have loved her if you posted about it. Either way sorry for the lose.

Yea,loved her more than my own mother.We all know of the "mother in law" horror stories.This woman was an in law that you never feared or wanted to stay away from.I was lucky to have a good one.And thanks guys.

Edited by john510
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11 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I have not had any unexplained illnesses in the past year and even longer. Don't remember the last time is was sick. I'm not working, rarely go into town (never without a mask), no plane flights, no bus, never socialize (bars, parties, restaurants) no visitors. I would say low risk as opposed to living in a plague infested seniors home or on a petri dish cruise ship.  


I checked and 6.8 million doses have been administered so less than one in a million deaths. That's insignificant and may be from birth control pills, smoking and obesity. Who knows. 1 in 1,000,000 isn't really news worthy.


Flipping a coin and getting 20 heads or tails in a row is about one in a million.

The chance of being struck by lightning, per year is 1 in 700,000.


Just remember: a million-to-one chance succeeds nine times out of ten.

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20 hours ago, thisismatt said:

It's the high probability of low probability events.


Probability of occurance times cost of event = expected value.  Low probability of bad effect of innoculation times consequences of dying is an expected value some peoplr are not yet willing to commit to.   One times ten to the sixth power times infinity is still a large number.

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I was a cop a long time ago.  I was on a homicide scene where a local reporter was briefed by the Patrol Captain on EXACTLY what had happened.  I was less than ten feet from them on the perimeter of the scene.


Watched the news when I got home.  The very same reporter gave a COMPLETELY fabricated the circumstances of the homicide for the news. Nothing was true except the victim’s name. 

Couple nights later, I run into this same reporter at a shooting scene.  I asked them, “wtf”.  The reporter told me that the circumstances of that homicide were “too damaging to the community” to release. In the 90’s, a local news station reported on crimes like this and people moved. So many that the media market for the area dropped down a market. Everyone in the station got a pay cut.  The reporter feared losing the almighty $$$ and thus, covered the details of a homicide.


Ive ignored them since. I’ve seen lies broadcast on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and CNN.  Where I was present for the conversation with the authorities telling reporters what had occurred on camera.  

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You made it a good 15 years longer than me.


This whole COVID vaccine shit is nuts. I was driving the other day passed the COVID vaccine station and there were three tour busses filled with migrant farm workers from Mexico there all getting shots.  All under order of WA State Gov J Inslee. Washington citizens who want the vaccine can’t get it, and non-citizen workers must get it before they can work... outside...


what a time to be alive gents.

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Yup, I was a little surprised when I woke up this morning.


My daughter told me I shouldn't get it but it was up to me. Fuck my left arm is sore. About the same as the sorest from a seasonal flu shot. Usually it's much less.

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Pussy! You'll be fine tomorrow. I don't know which vaccine you got but in a couple of weeks you will feel better knowing that at least any kind of severe reaction to covid is pretty much non existant. I got mine (Pfizer) three weeks ago and am back at work on a 150ft boat jammed with 9 other people. We will be taking on 13 more in the next 2 days. I dream of the luxurious amount of space the average prisoner had compared to the conditions we live in. No social distancing here. One Dingleberry brings on a cold and within 48hrs everyone has it. 

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Usually get a sore spot like a bruise with flu shot. You can feel it when lifting left arm. Often hardly noticeable, sometimes more pronounced. This is not unlike a bad flu shot is what I meant. Same as you... Pfizer.

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