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Covid-19 Prepared?

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So if it happens to you it's real and happening everywhere? Now you go around looking for shit that fits your own story? Well I'm not saying that. Just mark me down for 'hey, nothing happened' and make of it what you will. I don't believe in god but I try not to bad mouth him because he might be. I'm not a right wing nut job nor it's polar opposite. We see what we want to see, it's human nature, I get it. I avoid extreme views by others.... this way lies madness.

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I find it interesting that you claim to be neutral.

And yet your choice of words infers your bias.

"right wing nut job", unnamed polar opposite....


Just saying.

Also you're from Vancouver Island so my own biases will show. 😉

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I was unsure what the polar opposite was or is called. Set me straight on this... is it left wing? I'll correct my post. I mean the polar opposite of up is down even if you don't say down it's inferred. 


Neutral? not really I think slightly to the right of center but not as far as wack job. 

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 I think this sheds some light on the vaccine subject copied from this Mayo Clinic site.


Get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines - Mayo Clinic


What are the long-term side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines?

Because COVID-19 vaccines clinical trials only started in the summer of 2020, it's not yet clear if these vaccines will have long-term side effects. However, vaccines rarely cause long-term side effects.

If you're concerned, in the U.S., safety data on COVID-19 vaccines will be reported to a national program called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This data is available to the public. The CDC has also created v-safe, a smartphone-based tool that allows users to report COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

If you have additional questions or concerns about your symptoms, talk to your doctor.


This above is what I think this is all about(long term side effects), and I am pretty sure you will not believe it either, but the Vaccinations started in the spring of 2020 according to this site, yet the clinical trials started after the public started getting vaccinations, they are experimenting on the public with an experimental vaccine, when I was a kid and was vaccinated the clinical trials had already been done and the vaccines were safe, this is not how this went down, since they had this vaccine back in 2015 as that is when they made/passed the law that no one could sue for side effects, why did they not start vaccinating everyone back then, it is my opinion that they did not because that political whore Hilary Clinton lost the 2016 election and they did not have control, if they had started forcing vaccinations in 2015 they would have lost the 2016 election for sure, they were speechless when they lost that 2016 election, since then broadcast TV has not been the same, only one side of the story is broadcast, their far left side, in 2018 when they got back in control of Congress it got really bad, since 2016 Trump never did anything good which is a lie, he did plenty of good, but brainwashed sheeple cannot see it.


And this really makes me wonder, if they have had this vaccine since 2015, why were there no clinical trials done before the summer of 2020, this whole thing is scary.




I do not like to erase anything, even if I got part of it wrong, the start date of Vaccinations was in mid April of 2021 so they were not vaccinating anyone before the trials, I know this because  was sick for almost a month after getting too close to a vaccinated person(4 days after Vaccination) in mid April 2021 when I ordered a shroud for my truss tube telescope and it took almost a month to be made, I picked it up in early May 2021.


9 or 10 months is not a long enough time to know anything about long term side effects.


Edited by wayno
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Co-vid barely got started late 2019 around Christmas. Didn't really become a mainstream concern till March 2020 so how were vaccinations started in the spring of 2020??????? I don't remember anything about vaccinations till what? 2021? WTF????

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Co-vid barely got started late 2019 around Christmas. Didn't really become a mainstream concern till March 2020 so how were vaccinations started in the spring of 2020??????? I don't remember anything about vaccinations till what? 2021? WTF????


I was still working in 2020 (spring) and thought Covid was BS. Did a bunch of research of typical flu deaths every year and what the trend was with the covid. Totally blowing it off as media hype. Changed my mind after several friends getting it with a few ending up in the hospital. Didn't plan on getting the VAX but a Republican friend convinced me to get it. As I have said before I am no dumber or smarter than before getting the jab. 

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18 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I was unsure what the polar opposite was or is called. Set me straight on this... is it left wing? I'll correct my post. I mean the polar opposite of up is down even if you don't say down it's inferred. 


Neutral? not really I think slightly to the right of center but not as far as wack job. 

I would think "left wing nut job" would convey the thought adequately. But tends to be a bit wordy to state in a sentence twice. My own biases tend to make me make assumptions.


What I've found in the last few years is that if you aren't left enough you are automatically a right wing wack job.  This makes me a touch sensitive to "right wing" slurs. Just the statement "right wing" gets my hackles up somewhat as this has been the go to "insult" from our liberal "leader"... 

If I were to describe myself I would be center right but not extreme right or even radical right. There are many levels and it seems to have been the goal of Ottawa to divide us along every possible line, while still trying to alienate anyone who is not at minimum hard core left. 


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I would expect the a left wing nut job is every bit as wack as a right wing nut job and that a neutral position would be in the middle, but if there are more left than right then the middle is farther to the right? Yet the middle is the middle. My head it trying

to burst. I'm definitely not anti vax and I definitely don't trust my government and as to vaccinations I trust it even less.

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51 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I definitely don't trust my government and as to vaccinations I trust it even less.


In this, we agree completely. I have never seen a government lie so obviously and still have people think they are doing a good job. Is the average person this dumb or are they willfully ignorant? I used to love this country, now I don't even recognize it. We were different than the USA and that was a good thing. Now I feel all western civilization is on a precipice and the fall will be devastating. 

This discussion probably should be in another thread, but I think it all ties together 

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

I would expect the a left wing nut job is every bit as wack as a right wing nut job and that a neutral position would be in the middle, but if there are more left than right then the middle is farther to the right? Yet the middle is the middle. My head it trying

to burst. I'm definitely not anti vax and I definitely don't trust my government and as to vaccinations I trust it even less.

Left wing wack is far more extreme than right wing wack.The agendas of the far left far outweigh anything right wing wack.Not to mention how outnumbered the right is and then the support the mainstream media gives to the far left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like usual, most people just want to get on with their own problems and lives. I'll tell you this, I won't buy anything made by Pfizer, Moderna or any of those other fuckers making money off of this. If they ever drag that fuck Fauci to The Hague for crimes against humanity I'll crowd fund the cost of the one way plane ticket there. 

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I’ve actually been dealing with a vaccine issue for years. Dose 6 of the Anthrax series in the US Air Force fucked me up baaaaaad.  Ever since then I’ve not taken anything but a tetanus shot.


As a former gov employee, don’t trust them.  We’re the idiots that couldn’t make it in the private sector.

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5 hours ago, Soundline said:

I’ve actually been dealing with a vaccine issue for years. Dose 6 of the Anthrax series in the US Air Force fucked me up baaaaaad.  Ever since then I’ve not taken anything but a tetanus shot.


As a former gov employee, don’t trust them.  We’re the idiots that couldn’t make it in the private sector.

So you're saying I should get into government? 🤔

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On 2/14/2023 at 7:31 PM, thisismatt said:

You guys have kids with a pediatrician who follows the CDC vaccine schedule to a T?





 I just had this discussion with my wife. 


I will not sacrifice my kid for the public school system. We are now looking at private schools and Charter schools. Biden admin did this to protect the big pharma companies from legal action. They cannot be liable now that they're on the required childhood immunizations.  Its no longer a recommended shot. It was placed on the required list. 

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50 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:


 I just had this discussion with my wife. 


I will not sacrifice my kid for the public school system. We are now looking at private schools and Charter schools. Biden admin did this to protect the big pharma companies from legal action. They cannot be liable now that they're on the required childhood immunizations.  Its no longer a recommended shot. It was placed on the required list. 


Right. We already homeschool, but in a new area looking for a pediatrician. We opted initially for a highly recommended one, but turns out she is a vaccine nazi (who would have thought in the Midwest where COVID pretty much stopped existing a year before the coasts 😅). At our newborn's first appointment we asked about the vaccine schedule, to which she said she follows the CDC guidelines. When we indicated that we weren't anti-vax, but our previous pediatrician (in California!) let us stretch out the schedule, she pretty much started suggesting we find a different practice - zero flexibility. F that.

Edited by thisismatt
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Not anti-vaccine (true vaccines...) here either, but some of these on the list in these days are not needed for infants and small children. They also do cram too many into a short period of time.  I would never follow that CDC list slavishly, and if that pediatrician allows  you no say-so, you are making the right choice.


Home-schooled four kids, all out of college now.  Graduated with honors and one has a master's and my last is intending to go for her doctorate.  Hard road but it can be done and is a valid choice today.  Stay 💪.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/15/2023 at 5:25 AM, thisismatt said:

So you're saying I should get into government? 🤔

It worked for me.  

I’ll sell you my master plan on how to be a lazy government worker for $99.95.


But wait there’s more!  I’ll throw in a Sham-Wow for free (just pay the $27.95 processing fee).

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On 2/26/2023 at 10:22 AM, Soundline said:

But wait there’s more!  I’ll throw in a Sham-Wow for free (just pay the $27.95 processing fee).

THIS is what makes it worth it!

I would almost come out of retirement for this.



*The above is complete sarcasm font.

Edited by KELMO
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