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Covid-19 Prepared?

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1 hour ago, angliagt said:


            If he's so concerned about that,why doesn't he do something about all those

Mexican women (illegal or not) pumping out kids left & right?

With China going down the toilet US firms are going to pivot towards Mexico more and more as their source of cheap labour

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2 hours ago, angliagt said:


            If he's so concerned about that,why doesn't he do something about all those

Mexican women (illegal or not) pumping out kids left & right?


That's more a religious problem of the poor and ignorant.  The church, not happy with controlling every waking moment of your pitiful life here, even wants control of you after you die. If you use birth control you are excommunicated in life and/or, going to hell after death. The reason???? more births equals more church members equals more revenue. Like Jake Gites said: "Follow the money."


True of all or most religions....

No homosexuals. It does not produce offspring to swell the religious memberships

No sex outside marriage. Encourages marriage and families where children successfully are raised to adulthood.

No birth control. Encourages what comes naturally.... large families.

Strong family values. Best way to ensure offspring are raised to adulthood.

Strictures against taking of a life. Ensures everyone reaches adult hood marries and produces children or prevents loss of a parent which compromises the family survival. War is an exception to this law as loosing a war can be the end of a people. If both parties to a conflict are the same religion, doesn't matter as they are backing the winner anyway.


Religions want to thrive and grow and become even more powerful. It attracts the power hungry. Politics, money and religion. Interchangeable forms of power over others.  



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5 hours ago, angliagt said:


            If he's so concerned about that,why doesn't he do something about all those

Mexican women (illegal or not) pumping out kids left & right?


LOL he is! He keeps buying farmland and Im sure he has a work related plan for each and every one of them. Im more concerned for you and me brother.

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7 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

With China going down the toilet US firms are going to pivot towards Mexico more and more as their source of cheap labour


             The up side to that is there will be more of them staying in Mexico.

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On 10/5/2022 at 9:34 PM, datzenmike said:


I'll talk about it. We do need to reduce the population. There's a lot of wasted skin out there.

This is correct, most of the wasted skin belongs to poiticians....left, right, center.

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Florida continues to emphasize that health care providers review all data to evaluate risks and benefits unique to each patient when determining any health care services to provide, including the administration of COVID-19 vaccines containing Messenger RNA (mRNA) which both the Pfizer BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines utilize. The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety. This studied mortality risk following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. This analysis found there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. Individuals with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when considering vaccination and discuss with their health care provider. As such, the Florida Department of Health has issued the following guidance: Based on currently available data, patients should be informed of the possible cardiac complications that can arise after receiving a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac related death among men in this age group.

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1 hour ago, angliagt said:

        What a bunch of one-sided crap! I wish that he'd go away,& take

Obama,Hillary & Biden with him.


I wish Dav would go with them!! 🤓🙄

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Opinions and assumptions masquerading as journalism.  I especially like the statistic on the deaths in Republican-majority counties.  Touting .07% difference as significant.  Did the author actually check the voting registration of the dead to assure they were Republicans?  Shouldn't suggest this I guess, or Democrats will get them signed up as new D voters. 

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When Ratsun started there were grumblings about the 'Californian Malaise' creeping up into Oregon. By now Oregon is likely fucked as it doesn't show on the outside. They get elected and hire their like minded fucks. Seven years ago Idahoans were saying the same thing. If you move to another state you shouldn't be allowed to vote for at least 5 years or hold public servant job, can't run for political office job for 10. I know, I know you have the right to vote so you can vote in the state you came from. Don't like it go back there.

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3 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:


Breaking News.... this was already predicted here in 2020. (or probably was somewhere)

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10 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

When Ratsun started there were grumblings about the 'Californian Malaise' creeping up into Oregon. By now Oregon is likely fucked as it doesn't show on the outside. They get elected and hire their like minded fucks. Seven years ago Idahoans were saying the same thing. If you move to another state you shouldn't be allowed to vote for at least 5 years or hold public servant job, can't run for political office job for 10. I know, I know you have the right to vote so you can vote in the state you came from. Don't like it go back there.



OR and WA are already fucked. ID your on the way down.
TX has the cancer too....



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