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Covid-19 Prepared?

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15 hours ago, Ooph! said:


It was used in some instances but there was a concerted effort to suppress its use!


 California has enacted a law that punishes doctors for even speaking about treatment outside of what is the official guide for Covid.   https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/micky-wootten/california-passes-bill-punish-doctors-who-disseminate-misinformation .  If the medical establishment had followed that mentality we would never have seen drugs like Cumodin / Warfarin which began as a rat poison or Menoxodil which was being researched as a high blood pressure medication but became noted for growing hair! or Viagra which was also being researched for cardiovascular benefits and failed its intended use but look what its done for men! or what the cause of stomach ulcers are the officially accepted reason was stress and not eating properly and some Dr. came up with the idea it was actually bacteria.


I have to ask are you fucking blind to whats been going on around you?

datzenmike I understand you may be trying to argue as the devils advocate and you aren't really conservative, you are Canadian after all. I was surprised by friends close to me a while back in the same manner when they were telling me their 12 year old got the jab and I blurted out " are you fucking crazy? haven't you listened to a word I've said?" so just like you with all the evidence available to them it went in one ear and out the other.


Correct!  And if somebody would go spend some time reading thru americasfrontlinedoctors (AND listened to you guys here), they would read how they started using IVM & HCL early on, but the Big Pharma pulled their strings, getting the SOFT ASS "administration" to do what Big Pharma wanted.................to BAN the use by law (typical illegal maneuver by the "administration", among so many others!)).  IVM & HCL were already on the market & they were CHEAP.  Big Pharma wanted to create something new, so they could rake in the profits.............and they DID just that, with the cooperation of the "administration" & f**king Fauci (I hope karma comes soon for that l'il rat bastard!).  Dr Simone Gold, from americasfrontlinedoctors, spent a YEAR in full blown prison for administering these early on & then pushing back hard against the "administrations" f**ked up agenda, when they banned their use!!  She just got out, was RESPECTED by the other women in prison (thank GOD!! 🙏) & is already back to pushing back & speaking out!!  Good on her!!! 😎


Look, those that don't believe, don't understand or flat out refuse to listen are everywhere.........they are the majority.  Conspiracy theories scare a lot of people (what we are talking about is NOT a conspiracy theory, but that is what the libtards are calling it).  My brother was ALWAYS in to natural homeopathic avenues of medication & medical needs.  He moved out here to Colorado 25+ years ago, to be more able to pursue that lifestyle (was a hippie dippie state back then, as many know!).  He stopped taking ANY vaccines years ago (as did I).  When this man made virus Covid hit, he was/is working for the NFL with the Bronco's, as a sound man (my 5-5 ft 145lb l'il bro is the guy mic'ing up the 6++ ft massive football players! 😆)..............a good gig!  The NFL, like so many other BLINDED industries, told him to get the "vax" or be fired.  He waited as long as he could, but simply had to give in to keep his job.  He looked in to the religious exemption, but felt that the repercussions were too bad (the social backlash was horrible).  To this day, he gets defensive if we bring up the subject.............he HAD to do it & doesn't want to admit that he was wrong.  A high school buddy, similar ideals, works for the Fed Gov't (hates the current libtard policies), as also FORCED to take the jab, to keep his job.  At least he steps up & says it sucked & he hopes & prays that he will not have any long term side effects (as we are already starting to see with myocarditis, deaths, autoimmune issues, shakes/tremors etc etc).  I do NOT berate them or others for making the choice OR for having been forced.  This whole situation of FORCING people to do what they demanded was WRONG.........all of it!!  FJB 😡

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I'm exploring the alternate truth. That is also true.


By the way I'm not saying I'm right just that someone has to wonder how this giant conspiracy could expect to survive over the long term. In all things eventually the truth comes out. Like Oswald acted alone, Hoffa is buried in a bridge abutment, Earhart was captured by the Japanese army and became a 'comfort woman' to the troops and the moon landing WAS filmed by Stanley Kubrick but not at Area 51.


So officially I have the AMA, CDC, Dr. Fauci... basically everyone on my side and all you have is.... what? Internet facts? conspiracy theories? the facts you have are ignored and discounted. If you are right and they are wrong then we can expect an official announcement any day now? well why not?


Dood, the CDC & f**king Fauci ARE part of the problem!!  If you proudly state that ".......they are on my side......", then I'm sorry to point out, but you are blinded.  And yes, every week there is more & more news about what they did & how they got away with it.  You just have to pay attention.  I respect that you do not watch main stream media (cuz they too are a HUGE part of this misinformation issue), but you also need to pay attention to SOMETHING!  I still see people outside by themselves walking around with a mask!!  Blind!!  They might think that they are doing the right thing by NOT paying attention, but that is exactly where they fail. The poop WILL hit the fan, which will hopefully start after the midterms here in November, if/when the conservative side regains power in the House & the Senate.  It IS an uphill battle, because the libtards have dug in so deeply already.  They  are destroying this country & will pull you Canadian guys down right with it.

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TJ I get most if not all my information here! I always carried a mask but only put it on indoors if personnel asked me to. Fuck em, it's a bother for me it can be a bother for them. My son in law is anti vax and I have no opinion on this, don't care. I'm not pro vax either and as far as I'm concerned do what you want. Yes, I daily see people driving alone with a mask on. wtf? 


So what's going to happen in the future about this situation? Will big pharma get a fine? Will Brandon be drummed out of office? Will Fauci loose his head? Will the masses rise up in righteous fury and indignation and storm the Bastille? Or will it just whimper and never go away.

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5 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

TJ I get most if not all my information here! I always carried a mask but only put it on indoors if personnel asked me to. Fuck em, it's a bother for me it can be a bother for them. My son in law is anti vax and I have no opinion on this, don't care. I'm not pro vax either and as far as I'm concerned do what you want. Yes, I daily see people driving alone with a mask on. wtf? 


So what's going to happen in the future about this situation? Will big pharma get a fine? Will Brandon be drummed out of office? Will Fauci loose his head? Will the masses rise up in righteous fury and indignation and storm the Bastille? Or will it just whimper and never go away.


The biggest issue I see is that the Big Pharma were ILLEGALLY given a free pass by the "administration"................used some kind of statute of "emergency use" for the jab, thru the CDC, thru Fauci, which by law, states that they can not be sued.  This "emergency use" stipulation was the key to their agenda & it worked.......now the wool is being slowly peeled away!  The Big Pharma are THE ones that made out like bandits, but the democrats will benefit in a HUGE way with HUGE donations to the DNC, which unfortunately often wins elections.  I see no possibility of brain dead Brandon being re-elected..............if he is successful, we are doomed.  If We The People elect another democrat, we can only hope that they are of a much more moderate viewpoint, NOT this far left libtard scum that we have "in office" now.  Doomed if that happens.  Sure, there are also some far right conservatives that could also help facilitate the demise of this country further, but I'm not seeing that forming or gaining ground on the right (thankfully).  I would vote for Trump, but DeSantis out of Florida is a MACHINE..............he is going up against ALL of this libtard crap & winning in his State!  I think he would make a great President at this point.  Pay attention to the more conservative angles involving DeSantis & I think you will see that he is a "real" person, a real man, in all of this mess (the left are desperately trying to paint him as a monster too, like they did with Trump).  Personally, I think his actions (FL) & Abbots (TX) actions of busing illegal immigrants to the left States is brilliant, as long as they are actually doing what THEY are saying..........giving clothes, food, some cash etc to each immigrant, so at least they have a chance where they are being bused!  It has made my day multiple times, watching the libtards sceam bloody murder about how it is "human trafficing", when Brandon started the whole thing a year ago, by flying immigrants to unsuspecting cities & dumping them, but always handing them democratic propaganda "..........don't forget to ILLEGALLY vote for us!"  The southern border is simply a massive flow (Kamala says it's "secure".......f**king joke) of poor immigrants, with next to nothing to their name.  That is a whole other story, of why this "administration" (swamp) needs to be drained..............

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Counterfactuals are not provable.


Facts are that through leaks and testimony covid-19 policy was largely lied about to push the use of the untested vaccines. The studies that are coming out about alternatives are just reaffirmations of things known before the outbreak, but appears the dumb public cannot tap a keyboard to find the prior studies.. 


Masks had plenty of studies showing how ineffective they were unless a specific kind and protocol used. That being the lab environment or clinical. Using them in public would never have worked because you cannot heard cats. 


Fauci recently had leaks come out about his work, how the Cov-2 virus was NEVER a naturally occurring virus, but lab developed in the early years of the 2000's at the behest of Fauci himself. Will anything happen? NO because the phrase "Conspiracy Theory." does the damage its intended to do, and people with doubt seem to think the government they reside beneath is benevolent, and motives of greed/power never play a role in their country, Or have massive bouts of Gelman's Amnesia. 


I had doubts from the start, and expressed them here and all over the public. This smelled like shit from the very beginning, and when the media started to shut down any alternative to helping people sealed the opinion for me. 


Some vaccines work, but seasonal illness ones are straight out BULL SHIT and are sold to the stupid. 



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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I know D210 guy and he's a Ratsun member so what ever he says carries more weight than a stranger, and he talks the talk and walks the walk. But anyone can do that, well not anyone but anyone with eloquence and some experience  on a topic can. Anyone can post up 'evidence' and 'facts' to support their view taken off the internet. It depends on your own preconceived view of things and fitting together of 'facts' that make you comfortable. If you believe the gov. is controlled by big pharma then vaccines are bullshit and IVM is a wonder drug that was suppressed and ignored (and proves their corruption) so money could be made by drug companies. This is how conspiracy theories survive so long. Because they are incredibly hard to prove wrong so they must be true. Hell when proven wrong there are still some that refuse to believe. It just proves there is a cover up. D210 guy knows the truth and I'm glad for him but the only way for you to know for sure is to become an expert in the field and even then maybe you can't come to a definitive answer. So what's left for all the non experts? well your preconceived notions and experts and facts that support it pulled from the internet. Almost never is someone's belief changed by mere facts being presented. Though I reserve the right to change my mind at a later date, I think that we may never know the entire truth about what happened and is happening. I remain unconvinced of anything posted as 'evidence'. To the conspiracy theorists my neutral belief is further proof that the gov. had successfully covered their tracks. So... believe what you want and I'll remain disbelieving. For now.   



I'm usually try to be as exacting with my language as possible.

I actually don't know how efficacious ivermectin is, my opinion is it is likely having some positive effect based on a multitude of studies and anecdotal data. I've also read several of the "negative" or "neutral" effect studies and many were poorly designed to purposely show a negative effect (i.e., giving it very late in or manipulating dosing). I've been involved with clinical studies before, it is not hard at all to setup a study to get a null effect, Hell most of the time you are trying as hard as possible to make sure that doesn't happen by accident.


However, that was never the main thrust of the argument. My problem was that the Doctors were FORBIDDEN from trying it when it wouldn't HURT. That is a provable definitive fact, full stop no argument 25 years of data supporting that position. So say it does nothing to help, it also doesn't HURT. So why would it be BANNED (from being prescribed) unless someone had a reason (money being a likely one) to ban it? Whether it works or not is independent of how it was treated by groups who by definition were afraid it MIGHT work. I.e., if it wasn't a threat why did they go so hard against it?


You don't really need a big conspiracy to get things done. I'm not saying some kind of larger structure may not be present, I don't know, I'm just saying it isn't strictly necessary. Look up "stochastic terrorism" as an analogous example. Really if everyone thinks it is in their best interest those people will act all in the same way without the need for communication between the people. Or at best only a minor "push" in a certain way and let their own motives drive them towards similar goals.  



Note: I also strongly disagree with there being equally "valid" opposite facts. That is just plain illogical on the face of it. Reality doesn't give a tinker's curse what you "think is the truth" there is only what is true. The only things that are able to be arguable are those that are subjective, objective things are either true or not. I.e., you can argue what color the sky is on a clear summer day but is a measurable thing and what you believe doesn't change reality (eat my dick Plato).


As an aside many times things are described as models or theories (I'm using the strict scientific definition here) because the actual truth is unknown but the model might be useful for predictive value. Usually to reach this level there should be a large amount of evidence supporting the model, under ideal circumstances you'd want to design experiments that invalidate the model as not being correct so that you can devise a better model. Scientists are also people with their own fiefdoms, desire for power and money, and egos like you wouldn't believe so that is the ideal not what happens a lot of the time.

Edited by Dguy210
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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I know D210 guy and he's a Ratsun member so what ever he says carries more weight than a stranger, and he talks the talk and walks the walk. But anyone can do that, well not anyone but anyone with eloquence and some experience  on a topic can. Anyone can post up 'evidence' and 'facts' to support their view taken off the internet. It depends on your own preconceived view of things and fitting together of 'facts' that make you comfortable. If you believe the gov. is controlled by big pharma then vaccines are bullshit and IVM is a wonder drug that was suppressed and ignored (and proves their corruption) so money could be made by drug companies. This is how conspiracy theories survive so long. Because they are incredibly hard to prove wrong so they must be true. Hell when proven wrong there are still some that refuse to believe. It just proves there is a cover up. D210 guy knows the truth and I'm glad for him but the only way for you to know for sure is to become an expert in the field and even then maybe you can't come to a definitive answer. So what's left for all the non experts? well your preconceived notions and experts and facts that support it pulled from the internet. Almost never is someone's belief changed by mere facts being presented. Though I reserve the right to change my mind at a later date, I think that we may never know the entire truth about what happened and is happening. I remain unconvinced of anything posted as 'evidence'. To the conspiracy theorists my neutral belief is further proof that the gov. had successfully covered their tracks. So... believe what you want and I'll remain disbelieving. For now.   

well all I can say is he was working on covid drugs and tests and as a scientist everything he has recommended to me and other friends i know has helped 

everything through this whole plandemic has been an experiment and the rules have changed back and forth throughout   including the IVM DONT USE BULLSHIT 

we may never really know the whole truth but the IVM test were being done before COVID WAS  A THING  this makes it slightly suspect as to why they would strongly recommend not using it 

i have to try to decide to trust my government or a true friend Dguy who i know cares about my well being 

if you cant tell my decision was not the government 


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On 9/25/2022 at 6:34 PM, Dguy210 said:


It WAS used in multiple other countries (i.e., INDIA, etc...). It was suppressed in the USA.


But the government is here for your safety and definitely has your best interest in mind.

Don't ask, just comply. Its for the greater good. 


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I pop in here from time to time just to let you know I got the Omicron booster about a week ago.  Got a flu shot yesterday.


My heart is actually really fucked up, anyway. 


Who wants to go take a Scientology personality test??  According to them, they are really helping the world..






Edited by Duncan
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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Maybe, dare I say it, time to change the government...



who said... "You get the government you deserve"?


No  idea.


but to quote Thomas Jefferson...

god forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. the people cannot be all and always, well informed. the part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive; if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independent 11 years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? and what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.

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10 hours ago, Duncan said:

I pop in here from time to time just to let you know I got the Omicron booster about a week ago.  Got a flu shot yesterday.


My heart is actually really fucked up, anyway. 


Who wants to go take a Scientology personality test??  According to them, they are really helping the world..



My limit was two boosters and I'm out. Done my part for society. My wife was contacted about her 4th shot and she told them to fuck right off and die. Well, in her head she did. Boosters have done more to turn people into anti-vaxers than all of the internet posts combined.


As to flu shots I'm a big proponent of them. They've been around forever and are a best guess estimate of what 3 or 4 new flu strains have been simmering around in Asia all summer just waiting to break out when people spend more time indoors this winter. The Co-Vid debacle has fucked up everyone's perception of what vaccines are good for and there's a lot of mistrust. The last time I had the flu, and I mean the ones that takes 4 or 5 days to arrive, stays 4 or 5 days and then a week to fully recover must have been 20 years ago. At most I have a couple of rough days that go nowhere often if busy may not even have time to notice anything. After 20 + hits of flu vaccine maybe all those anti bodies floating around in me can notice the latest flu mutation easier? Healthy lifestyle is also an asset but not a shield against it.

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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Wouldn't an evil mastermind do that? I would.

Masterkook. This guy is on record talking about “if we do a good enough job we can reduce the population”. Everyone knows it but not many talk about it. If this guy were to tell me cheese was good for me Id NEVER eat cheese again… on GP alone. Fuck this dude. 

Edited by jbirds510
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1 hour ago, jbirds510 said:

 This guy is on record talking about “if we do a good enough job we can reduce the population”. Everyone knows it but not many talk about it.


I'll talk about it. We do need to reduce the population. There's a lot of wasted skin out there.




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14 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Masterkook. This guy is on record talking about “if we do a good enough job we can reduce the population”. Everyone knows it but not many talk about it. If this guy were to tell me cheese was good for me Id NEVER eat cheese again… on GP alone. Fuck this dude. 


            If he's so concerned about that,why doesn't he do something about all those

Mexican women (illegal or not) pumping out kids left & right?

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