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Covid-19 Prepared?

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11 hours ago, Dav said:

Well - let’s see.  Which side of this divide are you on?  I’m guessing (not really) that you have not and will not get the vaccine.  I’ll also guess (not really) that you are not a liberal - neither am I.  I listen to more than one side of the media, and assess for myself what is believable and what is not.


I believe that if you do not get vaccinated you will be more likely to get COVID and you will be more likely to not be here after that happens.


Ask Ted Nugent if he now believes COVID is real.  The media reported that he said it kicked his ass.  Something changed his mind - or is the media lying about that too?

I haven't received the vaccine yet.Still not sure if i need it or want it.I've seen quite a few get very sick from it.I'm also not paranoid about getting a flu that has a very high survival rate.Does this make me an "anti vaxer" ? What other side of the media are you talking about ? Hopefully not Alex Jones or something similar.

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The seasonal flu tends to kill the elderly and compromised. I get the flu shot because there is a chance it won't be a clean kill and that it will lessen those symptoms. (what to me must be close to death warmed over... fever, cough, lack of energy, sore throat, muscle aches) Then there's the one week coming, one week staying and one week leaving with the flu. Just remember what it was like at it's height when you pray for a home invasion that goes wrong and they put your out of your misery.


So it's not a stretch for me to accept a co-vid vaccine for something probably much worse. I'm not a reformed drinker, ex smoker or born again preaching. Make your own choice what to do, shrug, I made mine.  

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5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:



I find this amusing with the Trumpers railing against the vaccine. Trump got the vaccine a long time ago after getting Covid. 


Here's that "in secret" bull shit again. Why would / should he get a vaccine for a disease he just had? or does that tell us the Vaccine didn't work? Go ahead decide, he got it and faked getting sick or he didn't get it and got it.

 I just searched again and the only claims he had a dose were before the actual vaccy rollout?

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Jackie Chan Meme by FireFox2014 on DeviantArt


He was sick in early October and received an experimental antibody treatment, which (I could be wrong) is basically antibodies from someone who have had co-vid and recovered, as well as anti-virals. It's unknown if this will confer immunity from re-infection for a life time or just several months. I assume that these are simply 'borrowed' antibodies and his immune system would not know how to make it's own. At least not in the short term. A co-vid vaccine did not exist at the time.


Trump received the co-vid vaccine in January. This is the prudent and the safe course of action.


So he never had the vaccine prior to January, for it to fail.


Right... The 75 year old leader of the free world faked a sickness that is more deadly to the elderly because no-one would worry about who would run the country, and other countries might take advantage of the turmoil of leaderless US.

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15 hours ago, john510 said:

I haven't received the vaccine yet.Still not sure if i need it or want it.I've seen quite a few get very sick from it.I'm also not paranoid about getting a flu that has a very high survival rate.Does this make me an "anti vaxer" ? What other side of the media are you talking about ? Hopefully not Alex Jones or something similar.

Nah, doesn't make you an antivaxer, but the more people that get it the more of a chance we have of wiping it out before it mutates more / comes around every year. 

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22 hours ago, john510 said:

I haven't received the vaccine yet.Still not sure if i need it or want it.I've seen quite a few get very sick from it.I'm also not paranoid about getting a flu that has a very high survival rate.Does this make me an "anti vaxer" ? What other side of the media are you talking about ? Hopefully not Alex Jones or something similar.

Actually, yes - I’ll listen or watch any media source.  I’m not biased and not scared of hearing what I’ll not agree with.


Anti vaxer?  What is one of those?  Is it someone who has a good understanding of facts and science and has decided they do not want to take a risk with their health?  Or, is it someone who won’t listen to facts and science because they’ve pre-judged the outcome based on a biased view of the world.  I suppose it is all in the eye of the beholder...


I’m not one, I got the first dose a couple weeks ago.  Will get the second in a couple more.


How likely is it that all sides of the media are covering up mass deaths and serious shit from folks getting the vaccine?  Not likely.  Someone would love to be able to report that - if they could.  I’ve not seen it.  If you’ve seen anything remotely similar - show us all that truth (no innuendo tho).

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8 hours ago, Dav said:

Actually, yes - I’ll listen or watch any media source.  I’m not biased and not scared of hearing what I’ll not agree with.


Anti vaxer?  What is one of those?  Is it someone who has a good understanding of facts and science and has decided they do not want to take a risk with their health?  Or, is it someone who won’t listen to facts and science because they’ve pre-judged the outcome based on a biased view of the world.  I suppose it is all in the eye of the beholder...


I’m not one, I got the first dose a couple weeks ago.  Will get the second in a couple more.


How likely is it that all sides of the media are covering up mass deaths and serious shit from folks getting the vaccine?  Not likely.  Someone would love to be able to report that - if they could.  I’ve not seen it.  If you’ve seen anything remotely similar - show us all that truth (no innuendo tho).


You can start here.......... www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org 😁


You can get on this EMAIL newsletter.............. www.mikehuckabee.com 😉


I don't preach, but if I'm asked, I answer.  I try not to be imposing & I ALWAYS listen to other ideas, theories & thoughts.  I do, however, have my beliefs & they very well may not be the same as even family & friends, let alone others.


Covid is real, it is a dangerous strain, but it is not what main stream news & social media has made it out to be.  The survival rate is documented at around 97%, which is just as good as previous/current strains & viruses that are already here.  Yes there is media "cover up" & censoring.  It is a power struggle.


The amount of MONEY that the pharma's are capable of making OR losing is staggering...............that is one of the onging & growing theories.


My 2c 😐 

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12 hours ago, Dav said:

Actually, yes - I’ll listen or watch any media source.  I’m not biased and not scared of hearing what I’ll not agree with.


Anti vaxer?  What is one of those?  Is it someone who has a good understanding of facts and science and has decided they do not want to take a risk with their health?  Or, is it someone who won’t listen to facts and science because they’ve pre-judged the outcome based on a biased view of the world.  I suppose it is all in the eye of the beholder...


I’m not one, I got the first dose a couple weeks ago.  Will get the second in a couple more.


How likely is it that all sides of the media are covering up mass deaths and serious shit from folks getting the vaccine?  Not likely.  Someone would love to be able to report that - if they could.  I’ve not seen it.  If you’ve seen anything remotely similar - show us all that truth (no innuendo tho).

Claiming the media won't cover up things is laughable.I'm not necessarily talking about Covid.I wouldn't rule it out though.It's a personal choice about this vaccine.If you don't need it why get it ? If you got the vaccine you did take a risk with your health.I posted something in another thread about my mother in law and her first vaccine shot.She died about three weeks after getting it.

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We are talking about COVID - and the vaccine.  Distractions of describing generalized media cover-ups is chickenshit.  I was asking for any media that was reporting mass deaths because of the vaccine or actual significant issues with the vaccine (more than the few for blood clots).  If you got it then put it up. If not, then...


Now contrast the issues described in any media against the deaths from COVID.  Which is the greater threat?


sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.  What got her?

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Seems to me there are a lot more people dying from co-vid than those that may have died from taking a vaccine. The blood clotting scare was covered several posts back. 62? people died mysteriously so I checked and there were almost 6,800,000 Astra Zenica doses administered. This amounts to less than 1 in a million. But the media doesn't care that you are more likely to be hit by lightning in a year (800,000 to 1) or flipping 20 heads or 20 tails in a row about 1 in 1 million chance. So take it or don't take it because I won't be hearing you whine about it if you die..... either way.

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11 hours ago, Dav said:

We are talking about COVID - and the vaccine.  Distractions of describing generalized media cover-ups is chickenshit.  I was asking for any media that was reporting mass deaths because of the vaccine or actual significant issues with the vaccine (more than the few for blood clots).  If you got it then put it up. If not, then...


Now contrast the issues described in any media against the deaths from COVID.  Which is the greater threat?


sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.  What got her?

I don't recall claiming the media was covering up anything about the vaccine.If i did please point it out.

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20 hours ago, john510 said:

Claiming the media won't cover up things is laughable.I'm not necessarily talking about Covid.I wouldn't rule it out though.


Lots of innuendo and inference about the media and COVID.  You didn’t actually say it but you tried really hard to  stay in a make believe world and bring us with you.

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38 minutes ago, Dav said:

Lots of innuendo and inference about the media and COVID.  You didn’t actually say it but you tried really hard to  stay in a make believe world and bring us with you.

That's what i thought.What's your favorite news source ? 

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Instead of a direct reply - more inference - and redirection to question what media sources I follow.


To cut to the end of this chase - it seems as though there is no media source reporting mass problems with the vaccine or mass deaths due to the vaccine.


Put this information up - or don’t.  If you don’t then what you write is suspect.

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2 minutes ago, Dav said:

Instead of a direct reply - more inference - and redirection to question what media sources I follow.


To cut to the end of this chase - it seems as though there is no media source reporting mass problems with the vaccine or mass deaths due to the vaccine.


Put this information up - or don’t.  If you don’t then what you write is suspect.

Damn dude i never claimed the media is covering up anything about the vaccine.Is this direct enough again ? Saying i wouldn't be surprised is NOT saying there's a cover up.Get your vaccine and you have nothing to worry about.

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Media mantra is "If it bleeds .... it leads" so reporting the worst case to fuel fear and interest/unrest seems the norm. 


"BLM and Antifa, WOKE blamed for most of our problems! " "Co-vid 19 being conquered, slowly but surely" Says the mainstream media..... NEVER!!!



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