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Covid-19 Prepared?

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The BC website shows Astra Zenica at about 62% effective, the other 3 or 4 brands in the mid to high 90s%. So I asked the Dr. there why you even bother with a 2/3 effective vaccine? She said don't worry you're getting the 'good stuff'. Haha



I said ......




Or maybe this...


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Or you could use a known drug with a long history, little side effects and is very effective. No patents current. Cheap. Administer as required. 


Third world countries have better results than the global leaders and their vaccine.  


But if we use this drug how will the global elites and big pharma combine to fleece the population of as much money as they can? How will they use a pandemic to gain more control? How else will we be able to push a massive experimental vaccine with unknown long term consequences upon a huge portion of the global population? 


The cost is too high for the elites to consider, roll out the vaccine everyone. 



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11 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yup, I was a little surprised when I woke up this morning.


My daughter told me I shouldn't get it but it was up to me. Fuck my left arm is sore. About the same as the sorest from a seasonal flu shot. Usually it's much less.


Got mine Friday (Pfizer), only felt like a tetanus shot. Barely any pain next day.

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2 hours ago, Dav said:

I heard the COVID was really a voter suppression effort supported by mainstream media.


As the mainstream media (running dogs) strongly favor the Democrats this would suppose that only GOP voters would be suppressed. Like, how does this work???

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I heard the COVID was really a voter suppression effort supported by mainstream media.


If GOP voters don’t get vaccinated there would be fewer GOP voters.  The media is reporting that GOP voters are much less likely to get vaccinated for many different reasons.  A focus group of GOP voters showed they are really entrenched in their mistrust of the vaccine and the govt scientists who promote it.

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34 minutes ago, Dav said:

If GOP voters don’t get vaccinated there would be fewer GOP voters.  

Well, if you die to a disease, then there would be fewer people to vote.


The media is reporting that GOP voters are much less likely to get vaccinated for many different reasons.  A focus group of GOP voters showed they are really entrenched in their mistrust of the vaccine and the govt scientists who promote it.

Sounds like natural selection. 

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30 minutes ago, BrothersGarage said:

Well, if you die to a disease, then there would be fewer people to vote.

Sounds like natural selection. 

Yep select the naturally stupid, brainwash them with fear, force them to take a vaccine they dont need. Keep up the fear and propaganda campaign, use any and every psychological angle you can to get people scared. Then the sheep line up for you for their next dose.


It doesn't cost the sheep anyway, the government's paying for it because they care. Sheep don't think about where gov money comes from. So at $15 a shot it really does pay if you can get the other ""stupid" non believers to line up too. According to that "report" that would be like half the population wouldn't it?


Lots of zeros on the end of those dollar figures . It's not about you. It's about their bank accounts. 

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If I had to pick a vaccine this one seems like the one to pick. Standard inactivated virus based vaccine using a very well known and well tested methodology. This vaccine also offers better protection against variant and mutations as it is the whole virus not just the specific spike protein.


I suspect Pfizer and Moderna with the pull they have in the FDA currently will fight it tooth and nail.





Edited by Dguy210
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10 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:

If I had to pick a vaccine this one seems like the one to pick. Standard inactivated virus based vaccine using a very well known and well tested methodology. This vaccine also offers better protection against variant and mutations as it is the whole virus not just the specific spike protein.


I suspect Pfizer and Moderna with the pull they have in the FDA currently will fight it tooth and nail.






Are you sure the spelling isn" BORAT ?  As in the satirical movies.

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53 minutes ago, Str8jacket said:

Yep select the naturally stupid, brainwash them with fear, force them to take a vaccine they dont need. Keep up the fear and propaganda campaign, use any and every psychological angle you can to get people scared. Then the sheep line up for you for their next dose.


It doesn't cost the sheep anyway, the government's paying for it because they care. Sheep don't think about where gov money comes from. So at $15 a shot it really does pay if you can get the other ""stupid" non believers to line up too. According to that "report" that would be like half the population wouldn't it?


Lots of zeros on the end of those dollar figures . It's not about you. It's about their bank accounts. 

Yep - I’m one of the two types of sheep you describe... A few days after I got it my arm was sore, but I felt no other ill effects, other than not being able to remember the past few days, and a new euphoria - the best I can describe it is being assimilated (i.e., like being part of the Borg).  I feel better, and my previous reservations have evaporated.  I think it would be better to not die, don’t you?

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11 minutes ago, Dav said:

Yep - I’m one of the two types of sheep you describe... A few days after I got it my arm was sore, but I felt no other ill effects, other than not being able to remember the past few days, and a new euphoria - the best I can describe it is being assimilated (i.e., like being part of the Borg).  I feel better, and my previous reservations have evaporated.  I think it would be better to not die, don’t you?


Yeah, I mean you only had a >99% chance of surviving anyways...


oh wait turns out the Pfizer vaccine (and likely Moderna as it uses the same tech and target) actually makes you more likely to get the South African variant:


"Not only could the variant “break through” protections offered by the Pfizer vaccine, but it uniquely affects those who have been vaccinated (around eight times higher) than those who have not received the vaccine — 5.4% to 0.7%."


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2 hours ago, Dav said:

I heard the COVID was really a voter suppression effort supported by mainstream media.


If GOP voters don’t get vaccinated there would be fewer GOP voters.  The media is reporting that GOP voters are much less likely to get vaccinated for many different reasons.  A focus group of GOP voters showed they are really entrenched in their mistrust of the vaccine and the govt scientists who promote it.


But, but.... didn't their commander and chief GOP rep promote getting the vaccine up and running??? Did he do that only for the Democrats?

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6 hours ago, Dav said:

I heard the COVID was really a voter suppression effort supported by mainstream media.


If GOP voters don’t get vaccinated there would be fewer GOP voters.  The media is reporting that GOP voters are much less likely to get vaccinated for many different reasons.  A focus group of GOP voters showed they are really entrenched in their mistrust of the vaccine and the govt scientists who promote it.

You believe what the media reports ? LOL.

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4 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

Yep select the naturally stupid, brainwash them with fear, force them to take a vaccine they dont need. Keep up the fear and propaganda campaign, use any and every psychological angle you can to get people scared. Then the sheep line up for you for their next dose.


It doesn't cost the sheep anyway, the government's paying for it because they care. Sheep don't think about where gov money comes from. So at $15 a shot it really does pay if you can get the other ""stupid" non believers to line up too. According to that "report" that would be like half the population wouldn't it?


Lots of zeros on the end of those dollar figures . It's not about you. It's about their bank accounts. 

A vaccine they don't need? Wat? Asymptomatic is a thing my dude. Not just for Covid, but in general there are diseases that are passed by people who don't show symptoms. 

Yes the Fed is primary paying for it, but if you have health insurance they're the ones charged.

"Sheep" don't think about where gov money comes from? What? It's our money via taxes. Who funds the government? 

No matter what side you are on, half of the population - are idiots. Look how many mouth breathers can't wear a mask correctly, or complain that they have to wear it rather than just getting though their day buying cheerios and moving on with their lives.

Lotsa zeros what? What bank accounts are you talking about? How does this relate to the topic at hand? 

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30 minutes ago, john510 said:

You believe what the media reports ? LOL.

Well - let’s see.  Which side of this divide are you on?  I’m guessing (not really) that you have not and will not get the vaccine.  I’ll also guess (not really) that you are not a liberal - neither am I.  I listen to more than one side of the media, and assess for myself what is believable and what is not.


I believe that if you do not get vaccinated you will be more likely to get COVID and you will be more likely to not be here after that happens.


Ask Ted Nugent if he now believes COVID is real.  The media reported that he said it kicked his ass.  Something changed his mind - or is the media lying about that too?

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37 minutes ago, Dav said:



Ask Ted Nugent if he now believes COVID is real.  The media reported that he said it kicked his ass.  Something changed his mind - or is the media lying about that too?


The same media you mentioned here....


10 hours ago, Dav said:

I heard the COVID was really a voter suppression effort supported by mainstream media.


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5 hours ago, Dav said:

Yep - I’m one of the two types of sheep you describe... A few days after I got it my arm was sore, but I felt no other ill effects, other than not being able to remember the past few days, and a new euphoria - the best I can describe it is being assimilated (i.e., like being part of the Borg).  I feel better, and my previous reservations have evaporated.  I think it would be better to not die, don’t you?

As said above the survival rate seems pretty good? I'm glad the assimilation is taking well. 

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My arm is normal unless I rub it. Same as a flu shot. I don't notice anything or feel different. I don't feel any relief or safer or worse off than before... same as a flu shot. I wasn't looking forward to getting the shot nor dreading it, kind of ambivalent. OK it did cut into laying in the sun. Keep in mind I haven't watched TV in 6-7 and maybe more years and no news media in 6 months. I have no idea what's going on elsewhere. Maybe it's for the best. Resistance was futile.   

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