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There are methods of recycling it but all of the methods have been fought by the environmental extremists.

So we are left with the current method of temporary storage of the fuel rods at the generating site until they can be vitrified and stored in a permanent storage facility (Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository)  which the extremists also fight against.

 What prevents us from recycling it is the generation of Plutonium the fear of transferring that material to countries that would mishandle is what prevents us from recycling it. If we were to recycle the waste material it is radioactive for 3 to 500 years instead of thousands

Edited by Ooph!
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On 2/24/2022 at 10:17 AM, angliagt said:

        Tesla - making the world green,one car at a time.


On 2/24/2022 at 11:23 AM, datzenmike said:

That would depend on how your electricity is generated. Hydro, solar, wind would be ok, nuclear, coal/oil... not at all

And how the used batteries are disposed of.

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On 2/24/2022 at 1:03 PM, datsunfreak said:


Well, that's part of "managing it properly".  😁

Managing it properly.


Like all the buried containers at Hanford leaking into the water table.

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55 minutes ago, Racer X 69 said:

Managing it properly.


Like all the buried containers at Hanford leaking into the water table.


Exactly .. 


When I was young middle-late 80s . my brothers got me a pretty high paying job with no experience.. we were an outside contractor , and one of the things we did was , lined very large pipes with lead ( 3”-4” thick)        

  Then a crew was sent from Seattle to Hanford to make sure installers didn’t fuck it up .  They always made jokes we were making nuclear bombs , lol 

  The guys going over always said that place was a disaster. And that there was no way what they were doing was an acceptable way of storing that shit. 

and these were guys that wallowed in LEAD . 



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Fun fact .. out of the 10 of the long termers that worked at that place,  4 of us had identical twins and one had fraternal twins . 

well , it wasn’t 2020 yet so WE didn’t have them , but you nonbinary-unaccepting, normal pronoun using,  homophobes get the gist . 



you make me sick 




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