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Don't follow me around with your useless repost gestapo bullshit. I don't think they were posted in THIS thread yet.


Definite repost



Should have gotten one while they were still 60$


M44, been looking for one of those.....thats a fine exaple too

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M44, been looking for one of those.....thats a fine exaple too



My friend has the M44. He doesn't have the goodies like strap and tool kit but it is in extremely good condition and has a beautiful stock. I always stop at the pawn shops and tell them to call me if they get one!












A few more i found in the glove box of my 521.lol


Is the bottom left a Kimber?

Great handguns. I can't buy a handgun till next year but I'm looking at a very nice Browning 1911 that comes with a .22 upper.




Any opinions on the Sten?

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My friend has the M44. He doesn't have the goodies like strap and tool kit but it is in extremely good condition and has a beautiful stock. I always stop at the pawn shops and tell them to call me if they get one!





Is the bottom left a Kimber?

Great handguns. I can't buy a handgun till next year but I'm looking at a very nice Browning 1911 that comes with a .22 upper.




Any opinions on the Sten?

yes ,its just a kimber custom 2
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I'm honestly more of a rifle guy but I have picked up a few pistols over the years.


clockwise from bottom left:


1939 German P:08 "luger" in 9mm, Soviet capture mark but not dipped, blued or import stamped. it is a "42" code weapon which means it is a subcontract piece that was produced by Mauser. I bought this about twelve years ago for 1/3 of what crappier versions bring now.


1943 German P38 pistol, also in 9mm, not a Soviet capture, not import stamped. it is a "byf" code weapon which means it was also a Mauser subcontract piece. if you look at the grips you will see notice they look a bit spotted. by '43 the nazis were running low on the material (called bakelite btw) used to make these grips so they got to stirring wood shavings into the mix to make it go farther.


the last is a late 1920s Mauser broomhandle "bolo" model in .30 Mauser. most of these were built in Weimar-era Germany for sale to the Soviets to gain much needed cash following huge fines imposed upon Germany by the Allies after WW1. When the Soviets were done abusing them they shipped them off to the Chinese communists who wore them out in a million different skirmishes. this one is import stamped and pretty rough but operates and shoots real well.

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I've handled an Ultra Carry II. It weighs nothing without a mag in it. It's kind of weird to shoot because it get's significantly lighter with every shot. It's got the foregrip safety button, bottom rail with light and laser and a red dot sight. i could be mistaken but I think he has over 3k$ invested in the gun and accessories.

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What a Nazi :rofl:


The broomstick mauser is great. I've fired a full auto one with removable stock and drum mag. Kind like trying to hold a fire hose by yourself.


ya know, their stuff always looked the coolest to me in the war movies! I want a .45 gub'ment model 1911 pretty bad buuuuuuuut the Datsun and the Fairlane hold more appeal for me at the moment 'cuz I can take them anywhere and enjoy them. the guns lay around unless I wanna buy ammo, buy targets, find a range, pay a fee, deal with every dull-eyed redneck who wants to swap me a .380 kel-tec for the luger......etc.

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I don't even own any guns any more. Had to pay bills and stuff....

I was pretty gangster back in high school.






Ahhh those were the days :rofl:





But my goal book has a list of guns to buy and keep forever.


Ruger 10/22 with synthetic/ folding stock, rails, accessories, large mags And / Or .22/20ga over and under.


12ga Mossburg kit with full stock, pistol grip, home and hunting barrels.


9mm Glock


M44 Mosin And / Or Springfield 30 06


AK47 or AR15 , but probably the AK

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Stands to reason.....

Should also steer clear of any employment at the local PO..................... :lol:









The last ammo I bought was a box of 300 .22 federal for 13 freaking dollars. :sneaky:

Mosin rounds are 1$+ around here


In 2009 I bought bricks of 500 .22 Remington high velocity jacketed hollow points for 7.50$ each.

5 gallon bucket of surplus 7.62 was 75$~

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A slightly paranoid guy I worked with many years ago made the statement that when the crap hit the fan and all fell into chaos, the only real and reliable currency would be .22LR ammo since especially in hollow point form it was so universally useful. Game plus self defense, rifle and pistol / revolver. Think about it. Idiots say we have 18 days to Armageddon.

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6.8 is pretty expensive, it's one of dem odd rounds.

$16 for 20



locally though they run $1 a pop




Yeah I know what you mean.

I had a Carcano 6.5 x 52 Italian Calvary rifle

1$ a round and only one website sold them. I never fired it. I traded it to a friend for an 1862 Colt .35 blackpowder revolver. He bought a box of 6.5 and it didn't make it to his house.

I wish I still had the revolver. Traded it for a good pair of steel toes I needed for work.

Guns, tools, guitar, and cars will always be currency.





I think there are some major changes to come. I truly believe the world, as we know it, is going to end. Wouldn't you rather have the world be drastically different next year? It sounds exciting.

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Correct....the Mayan calendar.

No doubt bring out some latent gun toting psychotics before the clock strikes 12.............errr.....21.......... :lol:


That's going to be a big problem where I'm living right now.

I'd feel safer farther into the mountains. Just me, my dog, and my Datsun. Fly fishing on the Chattooga. Fighting off man eating hillbillies with my Sten Mk II. Good times.

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